#7 Internal Control: Transaction Cycles 2- Expenditures, Payroll, Misc Flashcards
What is the difference between an accounts payable system and a vouchers payable system?
An accounts payable system aggregates payable to identify the total owed to any individual vendor. A vouchers payable system keeps track of individual transactions for which payment is owed without summarizing the totals by vendors.
List 2 access controls applicable to the expenditures/disbursements transaction cycle.
- Cash disbursement employees should be bonded;
2. Access to cash disbursements or related documents should be limited to authorize personnel.
Identify the objectives of internal control related to the expenditures/disbursements transaction cycle.
- Disbursements are for authorized expenditures as approved by management
- Disbursements are recorded at the proper amounts and classifications.
- The supporting accounting records are agreed to the general ledger accounts.
- Any adjusting journal entries are authorized by management.
- Access to cash and disbursement records is limited to authorized personnel.
Describe management’s role in the execution of transactions controls over cash disbursements in the expenditures/disbursements transaction cycle.
- All adjusting journal entries approved by management;
- Only authorized personnel should be able to place on order for goods and services on the entity’s behalf;
- The department requesting the purchase should approve the goods or services received before payment is made.
List some procedures used to ensure segregation of duties in the Expenditure business cycle.
- Separate purchasing department
- Purchasing personnel independent from receiving and recording
- Bank reconciliations are prepared by someone not having other involvement handling cash receipts, disbursements, record-keeping.
What comparison techniques can be used by the auditor to ensure appropriateness of transactions in the Expenditure business cycle?
- Compare suppliers’ monthly statements with recorded payables
- Compare purchase order to receiving document to vendor’s invoice.
Identify 3 access controls applicable to the payroll transaction cycle.
- Access to personnel files should be limited to authorized personnel.
- Access to payroll checks should be limited to authorized personnel.
- Personnel with access to payroll checks should be bonded.
Describe managements role in the execution of transactions controls in the payroll transaction cycle.
- Payroll should be reviewed and approved by a reasonable official.
- Computations should be verified by and independent person.
- Overtime payments should be approved by management.
- Payroll for management should be appropriately reviewed and approved.
What comparisons should be made within the entity to ensure the appropriateness of payroll transactions?
- Payroll information should be periodically matched to information in personnel files;
- Payroll checks should be compared to entries on the payroll register;
- Amounts on the payroll register should agree to the applicable general ledger accounts.
Identify the objectives of internal control in the investing/financing transaction cycle.
- Transactions are recorded accurately in accordance with management’s authorization.
- Investment assets should be reasonably secure from loss.
- Supporting detailed records should be maintained and compared to general ledger.
- Management should approve any adjusting journal entries.
How should employee responsibilities be allocated to facilitate a proper segregation of duties in the production/manufacturing inventory transaction cycle?
- Separate authorization, bookkeeping (recording), and custody of inventory
- Sales returns should be counted by receiving clerk, who prepares and appropriate receiving document.
Describe management’s role in the execution of transactions controls in the production/manufacturing inventory transaction cycle.
- Acquisition and distribution of inventory should be in accordance with management’s authorization;
- Should establish general approval of transactions with specified limits and require specific approval for amounts over those limits;
- Management should approve any adjusting journal entries.
Identify the objectives of internal control in the fixed assets transaction cycle.
- transactions are recorded accurately in accordance with management’s authorization.
- Estimates used to record depreciation, etc. are reasonable and consistent over time.
- Assets are safeguarded with appropriate property insurance is in force.
- Supporting details records are properly maintained.
- Management should approve any adjusting journal entries.
Identify the objectives of internal control related to the production/manufacturing inventory transaction cycle.
- Resources obtained and used are accurately recorded timely
- Transfers of finished goods are accurately recorded
- Related expenditures are appropriately classified
- Access to inventory is restricted to authorized personnel
- Comparisons are made of actual inventory to recorded amounts.