7. Interlocutory Applications and Ending proceedings early Flashcards
When is a matter ‘interlocutory’?
Where the order sought will not determine the ultimate question in the proceedings, then interlocutory.
- Judgments on preliminary questions can be final if they finally decide that issue (e.g. where liability and damages hearings are split): McSweeney
- Examples: granting or refusing extension of time; striking out pleadings (Kowalski); summary and default judgments (esp. where crt has power to recall the order under the rules) (Kowalksi); order dismissing a proceeding on the ground that it is frivolous, vexatious or there is no reasonable COA (Alexander).
- But To be an interlocutory order, it must at least decide the issue that was the subject of the application: Aon Risk
What is the process for IA in QLD?
- Must be in approved form, signed and served at least 3 days before hearing: r31 UCPR
- Evidence by affidavit: r390; or per rr443-444 (correspondence where e.g., further and better particulars sought)
- Hearsay evidence on ‘information and belief’ permitted in civil proceedings, provided basis for belief and source of information is identified r430 UCPR
- Rules 443-444 process applies to applications:
* for further and better particulars under rr 161, 163 UCPR;
* under Chapter 10, Part 1 (Directions), or Part 2 (Failure to comply with rules);
* relating to a failure to comply with an order or directions of the crt.
What is the process for IA in FCT?
**1. Party who wants to apply for an order in a proceedings already started must file an IA, in approved form, if appropriate, supported by affidavit, and served at least 3 days before hearing, but can make an oral application at a hearing: r17.01 FCR
- Hearsay evidence on ‘information and belief’ permitted in all proceedings, provided basis for belief and source of information identified: s75 CEA.
- Provided the procedures in r17.02 are followed, an IA does not need to be accompanied by an affidavit if pty wants to rely on correspondence or other documents (that are not in dispute): r17.02FCR
- Certain applications may be determined without oral hearing: s20(4) FCA: including
* leave/special leave to start proceedings;
* extension of time to institute proceedings;
* leave to amend grounds of an application or appeal;
What are the UCPR rules regarding evidence on interim/IA applications?
- No affidavit: for better particulars (r161 UCPR), directions (rr366/367), order re failure to comply (r371 UCPR) and other app re failure to comply with an order, process of exchange of corro is followed: r443-447 UCPR; if outside r443 UCPR:
- Affidavit required: IA with supporting affidavit: r390 UCPR
What are the FCR rules regarding evidence on interim/IA applications?
- r17.01 FCR: must file IA with affidavit (affidavit can contain st’ments based on info & belief, if sources of belief/info included; but
- r17.02 FCR: no need for affidavit, if relying on corro/docs that are not disputed;
- s20(4)FCA: app re leave to institute/extend time to institute proceeding, amending grounds of app or staying decision of tribunal - can determine IA without oral hearing
Ex parte applications in IA
- An IA may be heard and determined in the absence of a party, if service not required on them, or party does not appear: r17.04 FCR
- Duty of candour: affidavit and submissions in support of application must make full and frank disclosure all matters which could be relevant, including matters which would be raised by the opposing party if they had been present. Facts must not be withheld, nor the court in any way mislead, either by what is said or left unsaid: Thomas Edison. BUT need not disclose remote facts which may, only in unlikely events, become relevant. Failure to comply may result in orders being dissolved, even if inadvertent: Westwind Air Charter
- Failure to bring material facts to the Courts attention: may result in orders being dissolved, even if the material fact would not have ultimately changed the judge’s mind: Myrtle. If orders discharged, fresh application may be made on the merits (but court may decline if previous non-discourse was serious).
What does the SC PD for Mareva Injunctions?
Supreme Court Practice Direction No 1 of 2007 (Freezing Orders): sets out general guidance, draft orders including can apply to a 3rd party, duration of the orders, value of the assets (not exceed claim), and that affidavit in support needed and can be on info and belief.
Expanded: alslo re, draft undertaking as to damages, including that:
1. respondent to application for freezing order (FO) may be person alleged to be liable, or third party who has possession, custody, or control, or even ownership of assets, *minimum requirement for FO against 3rd pty found in r260D UCPR;
2. *duration of FO made without notice should be limited to hearing date of application;
3. value of assets covered by FO should not exceed likely max amount, including interest and costs;
4. FO should exclude legitimate dealings by R, e.g., living expenses etc;
5. Crt can make ancillary orders, e.g., disclosure of assets;
6. Crt can mke FO before COA accrued and can make free-standing FO in aid of foreign proceedings;
7. Affidavit in support should include matters e.g., basis for claim of relief and amount of claim, if notice ex parte – known possible defence.
What is the test for a Mareva/Freezing order?
- Discretionary remedy described by HCT as a ‘dramatic remedy’ which should not be granted lightly: Cardile v LED Builders
Test per Vaughan v Bongiorno: in addition to taking into account all relevant considerations:
* P has a prima facie case against the D; and
* there is a real danger that, by reason of the D’s absconding, moving the assets out of the jurisdiction, dealing with the assets in the jurisdiction or otherwise dealing with the assets, the P, if they succeed, will not be able to have their judgment satisfied. - per Vaughan, the test for a ‘prima facie’ case is the same as that in Beecham concerning interlocutory injunctions generally: prima facie case means ‘that if the evidence remains as it is there is a probability that at trial the P will be held entitled to the relief’.
- ‘Probability’ does not require a better than 50% chance of success, and need to also consider whether evidence put forward would be admissible at trial in its current form: Vaughan
Restrictions on Mareva/Freezing orders under SP PD No1 of 2007?
SC PD No1 of 2007 - Orders should be expressed no wider than absolutely necessary and should preferably specify the particular assets to which they apply. They should allow Rs to pay regular personal and business expenses, reasonable legal costs etc. The value of the assets frozen should not exceed the claim, including interests and costs
What is the Practice Direction for Anton Pillar orders?
Supreme Court Practice Direction No.2 of 2007 (SC PD No.2 of 2007): sets out general guidance, draft orders, including in relation to attendance by an independant solicitor and other people, the scope of the search order re locations and categories of property, and dealing with privilege claims.
Can also deal with draft undertaking as to damages and requirements for supporting affidavit*, including that:
1. the search party must include an independent solicitor;
2. number people permitted in search party should be as small as possible;
3. affidavit in support of SO should include description of things or categories, to which order sought (incl why real possibility things will be destroyed); location; reason for order; prejudice loss or damage likely if order not made; details of independent solicitor and id of any persons likely to be at the premises who could be considered vulnerable;
4. responsibilities of the independent solicitor (incl. serve order, explain terms, list items being removed, take custody of things, submit report to the crt and attend hearing and bring things to the crt;
5. SO may require undertaking as to damages;
6. SO is subject to crt determination as to any claim of privilege against self-incrimination.
What is the test for an Anton Piller/search order?
- An ‘extraordinary remedy’ which must not be misused: Simsek. Designed to preserve vital evidence: Authors Workshop.
- Test per r261B UCPR/r7.43 FCR (reflecting principles laid out in Anton Pillar KG v Manufacturing Processes Ltd):
1. Applicant has a strong prima facie case on an accrued COA;
2. the potential for actual loss or damage to the applicant will be serious if the SO is not made; and
3. there is sufficient evidence to show that the R possesses the important evidentiary material, and there is a real possibility that the R might destroy the material or cause it to be unavailable for use in evidence in a proceeding or anticipated proceeding.
What orders can be made for Anotn Piller/search order applications?
- Rules provide for general matters to be included in terms of SO, plus power of the Court to include any other provisions considered appropriate: r261D UCPR; r7,45 FCR
- If the court makes a SO, it must appoint at least one independent solicitor to supervise the enforcement of the order: r261E UCPR; r7.46 FCR
- The R need not be a party: r261 UCPR; r7.41 FCR
What is the UCPR rule for the inspection, detention and preservation of property?
r250 UCPR
- Court may make an order for the inspection, detention, custody, or preservation of property, if: r250(1) UCPR
a. the property is the subject of a proceeding or about which a question might arise; or
b. inspection of the property is necessary for deciding an issue in the proceedings. - **Applies whether or not the property is in the possession, custody or power of a party and order may authorise entry to **access property; to take sample; take photos; conduct experiment; observe process; observe/read images or info; photo or otherwise copy the property: r250(2)(3) UCPR
- The order can impose any conditions court considers appropriate, e.g., costs/giving security, and the court can vary or set aside the order: r250(4)(5)
What is the test for an order under r250 UCPR?
- There needs to be a connection between the property and the issues in the proceeding.
- An order for inspection will not be made unless there are sufficient grounds for making the order. This requires some evidence that the plaintiff’s rights are being infringed and that an inspection will facilitate proof of the claim: Evans Deakin
- The two subrules under r250 are alternatives and provide for two situations in which the crt has power to make an order:
a. relating to property that is itself central to the proceedings; and
b. having an application to a potentially broader class of property that is neither the subject of a proceeding nor the subject of a question in the proceedings. It extends to property that may be of evidential value only. - Where the direct connection to the proceeding is absent, a higher threshold of necessity is imposed. That is, inspection of the property may only be ordered if it is necessary for deciding the issue in a proceeding. Wilson Ceramics
r250 UCPR - consideration when making orders?
- Even where it might be accepted as reasonable for an order to be made under r250, limitations on the width of any such orders may still be appropriate.
- With the purpose of r250 being to preserve the subject matter of the action pending the judicial determination of the action.
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