7. Freehold Covenants Flashcards
Tulk v Moxhay
- Covenant must be negative
- Covenant must accommodate dominant tenement
i. Original covenantee must have retained interest in land at date of covenant + successor(s) at time of enforcement
ii. Covenant must touch and concern land
iii. Servient and dominant lands must be sufficiently proximate - Original parties must have intended burden to run
- The covenantor must take with notice of the covenant
Haywood v Brunswick
Test for whether covenant is negative - performance involves expenditure of money?
Shepherd Homes v Sandham
Where possible negative element can be severed and allowed to pass first hurdle
Powell v Hemsley
Negative undertaking may be found to be a condition of a positive covenant overall, or vice versa
LCC v Allen
Original covenantee must have interest at time of covenant + successor at time of enforcement
LRA 2002, s 32
For registered land, burden must be entered as notice in the charges section of the register of the servient property
Land Charges Act 1972
Covenant imposed after 1925 must be registered as a Class D(ii) land charge
Land Charges Act 1972, s 4(6)
If not registered, it is void against purchaser for money or money’s worth of a legal estate
Wilkes v Spooner
If burden is extinguished through lack of notice, subsequent purchaser will also take free of the burden, even if has notice
LRA 2002, s 29(1)
If it has not been entered, purchaser for valuable consideration will take free of it (though volunteer will still be bound)
Rogers v Hosegood
Express annexation - language of covenant makes it sufficiently clear parties intend benefit to become part of the land of covenantee rather than personal advantage
LPA 1925, s 78(1)
Provides that benefit of covenant shall pass to successors in title, where this is not done expressly
Roake v Chadha
S 78(1) can be expressly excluded
LPA 1925, s 136
Benefit of covenant may be expressly assigned by original covenanter as chose in action - requirements
- Assignment must be in writing
- Express notice in writing of assignment must be given yo covenantor
P and A Swift Investments v Combined English Stores
- Covenant must touch and concern the land
- Original parties must intend benefit to run with land retained by covenantee
- At time covenant was made, covenantee must have held legal estate in land
- Successors in title must hold legal estate in land
Austerberry v Corporation of Oldham
At common law burden of covenant can never pass to successors in title of original covenantor
LPA 1925, s 79(1)
Intention that original covenantor remains liable is implied
Halsall v Brizell
Where deed grants benefit but also imposes connected burden, servient owner cannot take benefit and ignore burden
Rhone v Stephens
If successor has no choice but to take benefit, rule doesn’t apply – successor takes benefit without burden