7. Fixed asset or depreciation Flashcards
What are the two types of expenditure in question?
Capital expenditure and revenue expenditure
What is capital expenditure on assets, expenditure incurred in?
- the acquisition of assets for continuing use in the business (Fixed assets as per Companies Act 2006 or property, plant and equipment in FRS 102 section 17).
- alteration/improvement of assets for purpose of increasing their revenue earning capacity
Intended that expenditure will benefit the entity for more than one period and thus, cap ex not immediately expensed or charged to P&L account.
What is revenue expenditure on assets, where is the expenditure incurred in?
This is expenditure which is expensed or charge to the P&L account when such expenditure is incurred.
Expenditure incurred in:
1. purchase of assets required for conversion into cash e.g. goods
2. the manufacturing, selling and distribution of goods and day to day administration of the business
3. maintenance of fixed assets, which just maintains their revenue earning capacity rather than increasing it
What can fixed assets be classified into?
Tangible and intangible
What are tangible fixed assets?
assets which can physically be seen and touched e.g buildings. They have physical substance and are held for use in production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes on a continuing basis in the reporting entity’s activities
What are intangible fixed assets?
assets which cannot physically be seen or touched e.g. goodwill. these are non-monetary assets but are identifiable as they are capable of being sold separately by the entity or are controlled through custody or legal rights
How is the purchase of a fixed asset recorded?
Dr Asset cost account
Cr Bank account/creditor
Define depreciation
Per FRS 102: the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life
What is the aim of depreciation?
To spread the cost of the fixed asset over the period over which the entity expects to benefit from the use of the asset (its useful life)
What are the 3 factors we need to consider to determine the amount of the depreciation expense?
- The carrying amount of the asset
- the length of the asset’s expected useful life to the entity
- the estimated residual value of the asset at the end of its useful life to the entity
What is the carrying amount of the asset?
The asset is valued to the business as:
1. historic cost (original purchase price)
2. asset’s revalued amount. businesses may revalue their fixed value to FAIR VALUE e.g. freehold and leasehold property. these revalued amounts can be incorporated in their financial statements instead of historic costs.
What is fair value?
the amount an asset can be sold for at an arm length’s transaction between willing parties (basically MV)
What is an asset’s useful life?
the period of time over which the present owners derive economic benefit.
What are five ways to describe useful life?
- PREDETERMINED; as in the case or leade or property
- DEPLETION - extraction of resources from the asset itself e.g. oil fields
- PHYSICAL DETERIORATION - erosion through use or passing of time primarily through process of rust, rot, general decay
- TIME - flow of benefits directly related to time e.g. patents and copyrights
- ECONOMIC OBSOLENCE - useful life may be reduced by economic or technological obsolescence
what is estimated residual value?
estimated amount the entity could currently obtain for the asset at the end of its useful life, taking into account the age and expected condition of the asset at the end of its useful life