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Systems: Cardio. WK
> 7. Embryology of the CVS 1 > Flashcards
7. Embryology of the CVS 1 Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
Systems: Cardio. WK
(42 decks)
1. Overview of Function of the Cardiovascular System
2. Electrical Activity of the Heart
3. A First Look At The ECG
4. Anatomy of the CVS 1
5. Anatomy of the CVS 2
6. Cardiac Cycle
7. Embryology of the CVS 1
8. Embryology of the CVS 2
9. Regulation of Stroke Volume
10. Exchange and the Lymphatic System
11. Regulation of Arterial Resistance
12. Pressure and Flow in Arteries and Veins
13. Short Term Control of BP
14. Long Term Control of BP
15. Anatomy (Wet Lab) 1
16. Anatomy (Dry Lab) 2
17. Hypertension; Pathophysiology, Presentation and Investigation
18. Hypertension Therapy
19. Pathophysiology of Atheroma
20. Nutritional Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases
21. Stable Angina: diagnosis, investigation and management (stable ischaemic heart disease)
22. Pathophysiology of Thrombosis and Embolism
23. Valvular Heart Disease
24. ACS & AMI (acute coronary syndrome + acute myocardial infarction)
25. Valvular and Ischaemic Heart Disease: Surgeon's Approach
26. ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome) Therapy
27. SIDH (stable ischaemic heart disease) and Angina therapy
28. Aneurysms + Carotid Artery Surgery
29. Arterial Diseases of Limbs
30. Stroke: Presentation and Investigation
31. Cardiomyopathy, Myocarditis and Pericarditis
32. Pathophysiology of Congestion and Oedema
33. Heart Failure
34. Genetics and Cardiovascular Disease
35.DVDT and Pulmonary Embolism (venous thromboembolism)
36. Infective Endocarditis and Rheumatic Heart Disease
37. Aortic Disease
38. `Heart Failure Treatment (Pharmacology)
39. Arrhythmias
40. Imaging of Circulatory Disturbances
41. Venous and Lymphatic Disease
42. Arrhythmia Therapy