7. Easements and Profits Flashcards
What are the four essential characteristics of an easement?
- There must be a dominant and servient tenement
- Easement must benefit the dominant land, not just the owner/occupier personally
- Dominant and servient land must be in separate ownership
- Right must be capable of being an easement and described sufficiently to identify it
What is the question to ask when considering whether something is capable of being an easement?
Does it make the dominant tenement a more attractive or convenient landholding
What are the two requirements for a legal easement or legal profit?
Must be:
1. For equivalent of an absolute interest
2. Created by deed
What does it means that a legal easement or legal profit must be for equivalent of an absolute interest?
It must last either for a fixed period, or forever, but not “for life”
What two conditions must be met for equity to recognise a legal easement or profit not created by deed?
- In writing incorporating all terms expressly agreed
- Signed by both parties
Same as exception to non-short lease not by deed.
What type of easement will the law recognise by long use (prescription)?
Legal easement
What are the four ways an easement can be created?
- Express grant or reservation
- Implied grant or reservation
- Prescription
- Statute
Under section 62 of the Law of Property Act 1925, what type of easements and profits will pass under statute even if not specifically mentioned in the transfer document (and why), and does this apply to grant and reservation (and why)?
Easements and profits appurtenant because they run with the land and cannot be transferred on their own.
Just grant, because if the seller wanted to reserve them when selling a parcel of land, they easily could have (same reason why implied easement generally can’t help seller other than two exceptions).
What are the requirements for section 62 to apply and allow easements and profits appurtenant to run with the land?
Only applies where the right being claimed would have been a grant to the claimant
There must have been prior diversity of occupation of D/S land
Informal permission/licence must have been granted to the occupier of D tenement to use S land in some way
There must have been a conveyance (transfer by deed/lega; lease) of the D tenement
When does implied grant or reservation arise?
When the parties have not expressly created necessary easements as part of the conveyance
What are the four types of easements which can arise impliedly?
- Easements by necessity
- Common Intention
- Wheeldon v Burrows
- LPA s62
When will an easement be implied by necessity?
Where a parcel of land is landlocked, a right of way over servient land will be implied in order to access the dominant parcel
From what will an ancillary easement arise?
From the realities of the circumstances, e.g. grant of right to take water from a spring implies an ancillary right of way to that spring
What are the three requirements for an easement by existing use to be implied on sale/transfer? (Wheeldon v Burrows)
Easement must:
- Be continuous and apparent
- Be necessary to the reasonable enjoyment of the land acquired
- Have been used by the seller for the benefit of the land at the time of conveyance
Will an easement generally be implied in favour of the party granting the rights, and why?
No, because if they wanted to reserve something in their favour, they had all the knowledge to do this
What are the two exceptions to the rule that easements generally will not be implied in the favour of the party granting the rights?
- Easement by necessity
- Intended easement
What are the two requirements for an easement to arise by prescription?
Party has used the benefit:
- Unchallenged for 20 years, and
- As of right, i.e. without permission or making payment
What are the three avenues under which a right can be acquired by prescription?
Not overly relevant but the terms could be used in an answer choice.
- Common law (20 years considered time immemorial)
- Lost modern grant (after 20 years, court pretends you had a grant and lost it)
- Prescription Act 1832
What is the status of an easement arising by common law prescription?
It is a legal interest
If title is registered, where will (1) the benefit and (2) the burden of easement appear?
Benefit: Notice on property register of dominant land
Burden: Notice on charges register of servient land
When will easements and profits in the registered system bind a buyer?
When they are registered
What is the consequence of not registering a right which arises by express grant or reservation?
It will not take effect as a legal interest, and will not override an equitable interest
What is required for a legal easement or profit to bind a buyer in the unregistered system, and why?
Nothing, because legal interests over unregistered property are automatically binding on the world
What is required for an equitable easement to bind a buyer in the unregistered system?
Registration as a D(iii) equitable easement land charge