7 Crystalline Structures Flashcards
Which crystal system(s) listed below has (have) the following relationship for the unit cell edge lengths?
a = b ≠ c
Hexagonal and Tetragonal
Which crystal system(s) listed below has (have) the following interaxial angle relationship?
α = β = γ = 90°
Cubic, Tetragonal and Orthorhombic
Which crystal system(s) listed below has (have) the following relationship for the unit cell edge lengths?
a ≠ b ≠ c
Triclinic, monoclinic and orthorhombic
Which crystal system(s) listed below has (have) the following interaxial angle relationship?
γ = 120°
Which crystal system(s) listed below has (have) the following interaxial angle relationship?
α = γ = 90° ≠ β
Which crystal system(s) listed below has (have) the following interaxial angle relationship?
α = γ = β ≠ 90°