7 Concepts Flashcards
Is change a process?
Yes, change is a process.
It is one of the 7 concepts.
It is not a single event but a transitional process with multiple and varied events.
It supports the objective of moving an organization from the current to future state.
Should you expect a dip in performance with change?
Yes, as part of the change process.
A dip in performance is due to an individual’s reaction to change.
Does change management increase change adoption and benefits realization?
Yes, without change management there is no guarantee of successful change adoption and benefits realization.
How does change management increase change adoption and benefits?
It reduces the effects inherent to change and increases the likelihood to achieve the future state.
Organizational readiness, flexibility and adaptability are increased by what?
Change management increases organizational readiness, flexibility and adaptability.
Stakeholder engagement, morale, and preparedness for the new way of working is increased by what?
Change management increases stakeholder engagement, morale, and preparedness for the new way of working.
Can change management minimize the depth of any performance productivity decline during a change?
Yes, it can minimize the depth of any performance productivity decline during a change.
What accelerates and maximizes performance during and after a change?
Change management accelerates and maximizes performance during and after a change.
How do you increase stakeholder utilization of, and proficiency for, a new way of working?
Conducting change management increases stakeholder utilization of and proficiency for a new way of working.
What minimizes the learning curve and increases speed to adoption?
Conducting change management minimizes the learning curve and increases speed to adoption.
Does change management increase the likelihood of benefits realization?
Yes, conducting change management increases the likelihood of benefits realization.
What optimizes long-term sustainability once the future state is achieved?
Conducting change management to ensure long term sustainment of the change.
Why is Relationship to Strategic Planning one of the 7 concepts?
Strategic planning establishes a vision, and its component activities determine organizational changes needed to sustain the future state.
Change Management is how we transition people from the current to future state.
By driving individual and collective adoption of change, what does change management ensure?
Ensures achievement of expected benefits and ROI.
What does the change Vision describe?
The vision for the change is aspirational and future-focused.
It describes why the change is needed and the the future state will be like.
Sometimes includes the risks to the organization if the change is not successful.
What provides clarity of direction and focus for the organization and stakeholders?
The Vision
Concept: Relationship to Strategic Planning
What identifies high-level results and expected benefits to achieve?
The Vision
Concept: Relationship to Strategic Planning
What sets the stage for leaders to align stakeholders to a common plan?
The Vision
Concept: Relationship to Strategic Planning
What acts as a guide for decision making, communications, and engagement?
The Vision
Concept: Relationship to Strategic Planning
How must the Vision be conveyed?
Leaders need to articulate a consistent, achievable, inspiring, and easily understood vision that guides the organization to measurable achievement of the expected benefits.
What are the 7 Concepts
- Change is a Process
- Relationship to Strategic Planning
- Types of Organizational Change
- Relationship to Project Management
- Organizational Change and Individual Change
- Change Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Organizational Alignment and Change Management
Is change management one size fits all/
No, change management can be scaled to fit any organizational change.
Is it adequate to define a change by a project name, new systems initiative, process redesign, acquisition, policy or procedure?
No, this would be considered an incomplete.
To define a change, what variables should be considered?
- Technological complexity
- Number and type of impacted stakeholder groups
- Degree of the process change
- Amount of structural adjustment
- Physical relocations
- Benefit or compensation impacts
- Workforce adjustments
- Speed of implementation
- Degree of job role change
- Geographic dispersion
Does change affect people and organizations the same way?
No, individuals and organizations are uniquely affected by change.
What are some unique ways change affects people and organizations?
Ways individuals and organizations are uniquely affected by change:
* Value systems
* Cultural norms
* Histories
* Experiences with past changes
* Leadership systems
* Levels of competency managing change
What two things form the basis of a change definition and risk assessment in order to scale a change appropriately?
Analysis or change variables providing insight on its size and complexity
Assessment of the organization, delivering insight regarding culture and readiness
What are the two components all changes within an organization can be assessed?
Large disruptive project changes with approved funding, dedicated resources, and project charters driven by strategic planning.
Small changes with minimal impacts that do no flow through normal project governance processes and everything in between.
What is the importance of the Relationship to Project Management?
Project management and change management are complementary yet distinct disciplines.
They overlap during change delivery and are often interdependent when delivering value to the organization.
Do factors such as organizational structure, type of change, methodologies utilized, competency and capability maturity affect the degree of overlap and interdependency between project and change management?
What are some project and change management integration opportunities?
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Methodology & Plan
- Tools & Resources
- Objectives & Outcomes
- Risks
What do project managers focus on with delivery?
The application of skills, tools and techniques to activities required to deliver planned change in a structured way within the required parameters of:
* scope
* time
* cost
* quality
What do change managers focus on with delivery?
The application of skills, tools and techniques to activities required to implement and sustain the delivered change
* influencing individual behavior and organizational culture
* Facilitating new ways of working
* Tracking and enabling benefits realization
* Providing input for future change initiatives
Project management methodology emphasizes what?
Emphasize the organization and management of resources and activities required to complete projects (deliver the change) within the defined:
* scope
* budget
* timeline
* quality standards.
Change management methodology emphasizes what?
Emphasizes the people side of change and the activities required to:
* prepare the organization for the delivered change
* facilitate the transition from the old way of working to the future state
* embed the change as the new norm
What is an overall / integrated plan?
It integrates the technical (delivery) and the people (implementation) side of change.
An overall plan is important because project milestones and change management activities trigger one another.
Does change management end when the project ends?
No, change management extends and continues beyond project end.
When PM and CM share a tool what needs to happen?
Have clear definition on purpose and use.
Stakeholder Analysis is common to CM and PM but usually is conducted differently. When shared, needs to have clear purpose and use.
What is the common objective of project management and change management?
To add value to the organization.
Each discipline uniquely contirbutes to beneftis realization.
What does project management deliver?
Project management delivers the planned change.
What does change management deliver?
Change management ensures that the delivered change is implemented and adopted to enable the realization of the expected benefits.
Do both project management and change management recognize the impact of risks?
Yes, both disciplines recognize that risks can impact the organization’s ability to deliver on change.
In regards to risks, what does change management focus on?
Change management focuses on risks to:
* the adoption of change
* threats to the realization of expected benefits
* threats to the change
Also project-related risks:
* timeline
* scope
* budget
* benefits realization
Is Organizational Change and Individual Change one of the 7 concepts?
- Change is a Process
- Relationship to Strategic Planning
- Types of Organizational Change
- Relationship to Project Management
- Organizational Change and Individual Change
- Change Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Organizational Alignment and Change Management
Why is individual behavior important to change management?
Individual behavior is essential to achieve the change and return on investment.
At what level do you measure accountability?
Organization and individual levels
When measuring accountability at the organizational level, what do you look for?
Assess and understand an organization’s:
* Current cultural attributes, which may provide a solid basis for, or be an impediment to, the change.
* Prioritization of change initiatives in an effort to monitor change fatigue and saturation, as well as build change agility.
* Shared vision and strategic intent for the change.
* New or modified business processes, systems, policies, behaviors, rewards, performance indicators, and procedures needed to support and reinforce the change effort.
* Structure and individual roles needed to support and reinforce the change effort.
When measuring accountability at the individual level, what do you look for?
Address and manage an individual’s:
* Unique perspectives, biases, motivations, behaviors, mindset, resistance, and reactions to increase acceptance and commitment in a more productive and resilient way.
* Willingness, ability, knowledge, skills, and time capacity necessary to transition to the future state.
* Sponsorship and active leadership needs to ensure successful change and coach an individual through personal transition.
Is Change Management Roles and Responsibilities one of the 7 concepts?
- Change is a Process
- Relationship to Strategic Planning
- Types of Organizational Change
- Relationship to Project Management
- Organizational Change and Individual Change
- Change Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Organizational Alignment and Change Management
Why would the change team engage may engage additional individuals or groups (outside the change team) ?
* help assess change effects
* prioritize change management tasks
* provide feedback on change management strategy, plan and tactics
* execute and support the change process at the stakeholder level
What are the dedicated change profissional roles?
- Change Management Practitioner
- Change Management Team
- Change Management Lead
What is the change practitioner responsible for?
Change Management Practitioner
- Individual responsible for coordinating, applying, and tracking change management tools or activities.
- Not responsible or accountable for the change strategy.
What is the change management team responsible for?
Change Management Team
- Group of individuals wo work together facilitating change management activities to design, analyze, develop, and enable the organization to own and effectively drive adoption, usage, and proficiency.
- Team members ensure activities are completed, feedback is gathered, training is conducted and communications are delivered in various formats.
What is the change lead responsible for?
Change Management Lead
- Individual accountable and responsible for the change strategy who assesses the change, outlines a change plan, and implements change management.
- This individual has direct day-to-day control over the change management team, the change project schedule, associated budgets, and resources.
- Serves as the primary liaison to the change sponsor, project manager, leadership, overall project team and stakeholders.
What is the sponsor responsible for?
* Individual or group in the organization accountable for the realization of the benefits of a change.
* Sponsor defines and champions the overall change goals, scope and definition of success.
* Influences peers and other senior leaders to gain support and provide leadership to achieve the stated vision. This role has ultimate decision-making and funding authority and provides constant visibility to the change effort.
What are change agents responsible for?
Change Agents:
* Functional or social leaders, middle management and SMEs from different areas in the organization who are trusted by colleagues, stakeholders, and executives for their insight into and understanding of the organization.
* These individuals may be selected for their (informal, non-hierarchical) network and influence (without authority) their areas, provide feedback on change activities, and actively engage with others around change activities.
Is Organizational Alignment and Change Management one of the 7 concepts?
- Change is a Process
- Relationship to Strategic Planning
- Types of Organizational Change
- Relationship to Project Management
- Organizational Change and Individual Change
- Change Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Organizational Alignment and Change Management
With alignment essential to successful change, what do leaders need to do?
Leaders must have clarity of purpose and focus to align people, processes, systems, and structures in times of change.
Contingency plans are needed for what part of the change initative?
For issues that may occur before, during, or after change occurs.
While change capacity and capability can vary from organization to organization, what does vision provide?
The likelihood of the successful implementation and adoption of change is increased when the organizations structure, processes and people are continually aligned to a common vision
With organizational culture important to alignment and able to influence change strategy success, what do leaders need to create for followers?
Leaders need to create an environment where followers have the necessary time and space to engage in, and become comfortable with, the new ways of working.
Concept #1: Chane is a….
Chnage is a Process
Concept #2: Relationship to Strategic…
Relationship to Strategic Planning
Concept #3: Types of Organizational….
Types of Organizational Change
Concept #4: Relationship to Project…
Relationship to Project Management
Concept #5: Organizational Change &…
Organizational Change & Individual Change
Concept #6: Change Management Roles…
Change Management Roles & Responsibilities
Concept #7: Organizational Alignment…
Organizational Alignment & Change Management