7. Company Administration Flashcards
What are the formation regulations for: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) None
B) Formal or informal agreement
C) Register with Registrar of Companies
D) Register with Registrar of Companies
What is the legal status of: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) No separate legal personality
B) No separate legal personality (partners own all property and are liable)
C) Artificial legal person with full capacity, perpetual succession, capacity to contract, own property, sue and be sued
D) Artificial legal person with full capacity, perpetual succession, capacity to contract, own property, sue and be sued
What are the transferral of ownership protocol for: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) None
B) Can transfer share of firm but cannot transfer right to participate in management
C) Can transfer share of firm but cannot transfer right to participate in management
D) Freely transferable
What is the minimum number of members for: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) Must be one
B) 2
C) 2
D) 1
Who is the management for: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) The sole trader
B) All partners
C) All partners
D) A member has no right to participate in management unless also a director
Who are the agents for: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) The sole trader
B) All partners
C) All partners
D) Members are not agents, unless also directors
What are the liability conditions for: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) Unlimited liability to sole trader
B) Unlimited liability to partners
C) Limited liability to capital member agrees to contribute
D) Liability limited to share capital member agrees to contribute
Powers of the organisation: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) Carry on any business
B) Carry on any business
C) Carry on any business
D) May be restricted to powers set out in objects clause of Memorandum
When does termination take place for: A) Sole Traders B) Partnerships C) Limited Liability Partnerships D) Companies
A) When the sole trader chooses
B) Whenever any partner gives notice
C) Perpetual succession and formal winding up
D) Perpetual succession and formal winding up
What is the naming protocol for:
A) Private Companies
B) Public Companies
A) Ends in Limited or Ltd
B) Ends in Plc or Public Limited Company
What are the capital requirements for:
A) Private Companies
B) Public Companies
A) No minimum capital, but cannot offer shares to the public
B) Minimum £50,000 (25% paid up) and can offer shares to the public
What are the listing requirements for:
A) Private Companies
B) Public Companies
A) Cannot list on the stock exchange
B) Can obtain listing on the stock exchange
What is the minimum number of members for:
A) Private Companies
B) Public Companies
A) 1
B) 1
What is the minimum number of directors for:
A) Private Companies
B) Public Companies
A) 1
B) 2
What is the protocol for commencement of business for:
A) Private Companies
B) Public Companies
A) Can trade as soon as incorporated
B) Needs a s.761 trading certificate which requires minimum capital of £50,000 (25% paid up) and the details of preliminary expenses and amounts paid to promoters