7 Canonical - Circumlocution Flashcards
Deck 7
authorized or accepted
Pluto is no longer a canonical planet; due to its small mass, it was reclassified as a “dwarf planet” in 2006.
ill-tempered and unwilling to cooperate
The cantankerous old man took the little boy’s sucker and refused to give it back.
apt to change suddenly
Cane’s capricious personality made him a fun friend but a terrible boss; social spontaneity was exciting but
workplace unpredictability was frustrating.
a person who makes maps
Amerigo Vespucci was one of the first cartographers to create a map of North America.
to criticize or punish severely
Cassie was castigated by her parents and the school principal for her role in the cheating scam.
a violent upheaval
The political uprising against the dictator is a cataclysm that will hopefully result in a more democratic regime.
inducing a release of tense emotions
Painting was a cathartic exercise for Cathy; through her paintings she was able to release anger and fear.
universal; liberal
Cathy had very catholic tastes, enjoying a wide array of food and drink.
burning or stinging
Cosette’s caustic remark stung Kent; he could handle criticism about his job, but her bitter words were personal.
a man who is chivalrous and gallant
The young cavalier was rewarded for his gallant behavior when he was chosen to escort the princess to the ball.
strong disapproval
High school teachers voiced their censure of the new novel due to mature themes and profanity.
a person who falsely claims to possess skills or knowledge; an imposter
The charlatan tricked the unsuspecting customers out of money by pretending to be able to predict the future.
cautious; timid; choosy
Charlie was chary of sitting on the wobbly chair; he was afraid it would break under his weight.
the use of tricks to deceive someone
The con artist relied on chicanery to get his victims to reveal their Social Security numbers; he promised them a tropical vacation for simply listing their personal information.
rude and vulgar
Cheryl did not think the man’s churlish jokes were appropriate, and asked that he apologize for his vulgarity.
an indirect way of expressing something
Sergio hoped that his circumlocution would stall the reporters long enough to think of a better answer to their