7: Approach to interpreting blood results Flashcards
What are reactive changes?
Increased in white cell count (e.g neutrophils, platelets) in response to inflammation or infection
Which disease are megaovalocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils a feature of?
Megaloblastic anaemia
caused by Vit B12 / folate deficiency
What is an autoimmune cause of megaloblastic anaemia?
Pernicious anaemia
Coeliac disease
Causing poor absorption of Vit B12 and folate
What happens if you give someone folate BEFORE B12 in B12/folate deficiency?
Acute demyelination
In megaloblastic anaemia, is the bone marrow hypocellular or hypercellular?
In B12/folate deficiency, cells can’t divide
Large EPO drive to increase bone marrow activity - ineffective erythropoiesis
Lots of crap cells produced by the bone marrow
Steroids can cause which blood abnormality?
Increased neutrophil release into the circulation
What is Coombs test used for?
Differentiating between AUTOIMMUNE (+ve) and OTHER causes of haemolytic anaemia (e.g spherocytosis, sickle cell, thalassaemia, acquired causes…)
What investigations would you do for suspected hereditary spherocytosis?
FBC (most importantly retic. count)
Blood film (for spherocytes)
How is hereditary spherocytosis treated?
If young and failing to thrive: splenectomy
If older and asymptomatic: supportive management, folic acid (to buffer in case of crisis requiring reticulocytosis)
Why are children with hereditary spherocytosis short statured?
Increased bone marrow hyperplasia
Chronically due to constant haemolysis
More energy dedicated to that and less to growth