7/8 - Why Democracy? Flashcards
What is democracy?
- Rule by the many
- Collective self-rule
- Government of, for, and by the people (Lincoln)
- A historically unpopular view
Is the directness of decisions more democratic?
Direct = everyone votes on each issue
Indirect = voters choose representatives who then make decisions
Direct is more democratic but less efficient
Accountability of representatives
Extreme accountability = immediate recall
Extreme lack of accountability =representatives elected for life
Our system = ‘retrospective recall’ = can we use elections to get rid of the current government?
Equality of opportunity for influence under a democracy?
- Aims for equal capacity of citizens to process information relevant to decision-making
- Economic inequality impacts citizens’ opportunity to participate in politics
Two ways to limit the scope of democracy
1) By appealing to the democratic ideal
2) By assigning the issue to the private sphere
Why was Plato against democracy?
- Democracy is rule by the many
- The many are ignorant, selfish, and unpredictable
- The many are unqualified to rule
Features of Athenian democracy
- Direct
- Exclusionary
- Intolerant
- Culturally homogeneous
What is the craft analogy?
- Consider jobs that require lots of skill (pilots, architects, doctors)
- Health of the body and the state
- “Ship of state” NOT “drunken pleasure cruise”
Why should philosophers rule?
- Philosophy = love of wisdom
- Political decision-makers should have judgment, skill, and knowledge
- Therefore, ruling is a skill attainable only by the few
- Philosophical training: acquiring knowledge of the human good
- Philosophers don’t want power but they realize that the alternative is unacceptable
How does a ruler know what is in the people’s interest?
Ask the people what they want
How does Plato protect against corruption?
- Educate rulers to be concerned for the common good
- Ruler should possess no private property
- Rulers should be denied family ties
Key features of a modern representative democracy
- Universal rights to vote and stand for office
- Elected representatives make decisions
- Elections are free, frequent, and fair
- Freedom of speech; independent media
- Freedom of association
- Independent judges
Two reasons for valuing democracy
1) Intrinsic reasons - desirable in itself
a) Freedom as autonomy - giving laws to oneself
b) Self realization - what makes us human is our capacity to reflect, discuss, and create laws under which we live
c) Equality - we are all treated as moral equals
2) Instrumental reasons - serves other goals
a) Democracy produces better decisions
b) Better citizens - active citizen engagement (only with the forum model), develop citizens’ judgement making skills
c) Perceived legitimacy - democratic decisions tend to be perceived as legitimate by the people
What does Rousseau say about self-rule?
Freedom is not the capacity to do what we want. Freedom is obedience to the laws that we give ourselves. Freedom is self-government.
Can we be coerced and free?
Coercion = we are forced to comply with laws
Freedom = in a democracy, laws are self-imposed
So, coercion is compatible with freedom - we can be “forced to be free” (Rousseau)
How does Rousseau distinguish government from legislation?
- Rousseau opposes democratic government because he thinks executive power should be held by the few
- Rousseau supports democratic legislation because he thinks people should make their own laws
Democracy as a form of freedom
Objection: Democracy is not a form of freedom
- Those on the losing side are subject to laws they do not give themselves
- Majority rule means the minority are not self-ruling
- Therefore, those in the minority are not free
Reply to objection:
- Democracy provides more autonomy than any other decision procedure
- Democracy gives every citizen the opportunity to participate on equal terms in law-making
What is the democratic peace hypothesis?
Democratic governments will attempt to work things out diplomatically instead of going to war
How does a democracy keep leaders accountable?
- Outside of a democracy, dictators need not take the people’s interests into account
- Accountability to citizens constrains democratic leaders
Problem: Necessary but unpopular policies won’t be adopted
Two models of democratic input
Market model = giving people what they want
Forum model = deliberation, discussion, cooperative debate
Explain the market model
- Parties offer a menu of options
- Citizens choose what they prefer - they vote for decision makers
- Equal influence = equal voting power
- Elections are competitions in which parties market themselves to citizens
- Result: impoverished debate and citizen incompetence
- Schumpeter says: citizens elect experts
Explain the forum model
- Emphasizes deliberation
- Equal influence = equal opportunity to participate in discussion
- Voting reflects wants after they have been changed by reasoning
Is our democracy a forum?
- Our democracy is not a forum
- Powerful private interests dominate our discussions
- Political market in which money generates unequal influence
- Formal political equality combines with large economic inequalities
What about a benevolent dictatorship?
- Absolute power corrupts absolutely
- Problem of trust