7/8- Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Damage to C1-5
UMN damage to all 4 limbs
Damage to C6-T2
Legs- UMN damage
Arms- LMN damage
Damage to T3-L3
Legs- UMN damage
Arms- Fine
Damage to L4-S2
Legs- LMN damage
Arms- fine
Damage to Olfactory Nerve
Anosmia- can’t smell
Conductive- problem with axon
Sensorineural- damage to pathway
Inner Hair Cells
Principle source of sound info
Outer Hair Cells
Controls sensitivity
Pupillary Light Reflex/ Oculomotor Dx
Abnormal pupillary light response
Lack of constriction of pupil
Function of VI
ABduction of eye
Innervates lateral rectus (ipsilateral)
Function of XI
Shrugging shoulder
Turning head to contralateral side
Supranuclear Damage to Hypoglossal Nerve
Weakness of contralateral muscles
Tongue moves away from side of damage
Nucelar or Nerve Damage to Hypoglossal Nerve
Weakness of ipsilateral muscles
Tongues moves towards side of damage
Sensory Territory of V
Skin of face
Mucous membrane
Dura mater
Intracranial muscles
Mesencephalic nuclei
Only CNS nucleus to contain unipolar sensory neurons
V Has Motor Innervartion to
Mastication muscle
Tensor timpani (inner ear)
Tensor palati (soft palate)
Mylohyoid and digastric muscle (under jaw)