7-8 Flashcards
Wear your seatbelt to “stay s____” in the car.
stay safe
What are the good and bad things about where you live?
Are there lots of places to go where you live?
something that is cheaper for a limited time
The store has a “s____ offer” on shoes right now.
special offer
costing 50% less
The bookstore had a sale, and I picked up a “h____-price” novel.
a half-price novel
My class finished late so I “m_____ the 7.30 bus”.
miss the bus
I missed the 7.30 bus.
Mum bought our tickets online f____ the museum exhibition.
Mum bought our tickets online for the museum exhibition.
The e_____ displayed cool sculptures.
check the museum website f___ tickets
check the museum website for tickets
I hope you____ better now. (feel)
I hope you’re feeling better now.
Our history homework is ____ write about a famous building that you like
to write - writing
Our history homework is to write about a famous building that you like
Try to catch up on the lessons if you have to “m____ class”.
miss class
I enjoy cooking and singing in the kitchen “at the s____ time”.
at the same time
Any students interested in the trip must “g____ their names to” Mr Smith before Friday
give your name to sb
give their names to Mr Smith
Hurry, there are only five seats l___ on the bus
Hurry, there are only five seats left on the bus
If you want to “go ____ the trip”, tell Mr Smith soon.
go on the trip
The museum ____ not open on Friday
The museum is not open on Friday
All my friends were in the village and I didn’t want to l____ them
All my friends were in the village and I didn’t want to leave them
We “got ____ a plane” to a new life in a new country.
get on a plane
I hated it “___ first”, but then I found it quite interesting.
at first
My new school was “much bigger than” my old one.
much bigger than
I didn’t speak m____ English
I didn’t speak much English
It was difficult to “m____ new friends”.
make new friends
But slowly I b____ to feel happier.
But slowly I began to feel happier.
My parents gave me a camera ____ my birthday.
My parents gave me a camera for my birthday.
take part in
I j_____ the school photography club.
I joined the school photography club.
join, take part in, get involved with
There was a competition and I decided to e____ it.
Her parents “found n___ jobs”.
find new jobs
Her parents found new jobs.
On my last holiday, I stayed at “a five-s___ hotel”.
a five-star hotel
The T-shirt c____ me $25
The T-shirt cost me $25
We celebrated together “____ New Year’s Eve”.
on New Year’s Eve
It was “j___ after” midnight
just after
It was just after midnight
The _______ were beautiful. (firework)
The fireworks were beautiful
Did you go on holiday last year?
Where were you at 8 last night?
Were you at school yesterday?
a building where Christians go to attend services, pray, etc.
People pray in the c____.
a building where Muslims go for prayer
nhà thờ Hồi giáo
Tell me about a mice place you visited recently.
What did you see?
Did you enjoy it?
It’s “full ____” interesting people
full of
there is
“It h___” a great sports stadium.
It has
It’s “c____ to” the sea.
close to
surf the Internet
She “went o____”.
go online
She went online.
The boy left a message ___ his friend.
leave st for sb
The boy left a message for his friend.
a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place
meet me at “the main e______”
the main entrance
Don’t ____ late!
Don’t be late!
turn left __ the traffic lights
turn left at the traffic lights
a place where you can safely cross a road
go over the c______
go over the crossing
a place where two or more roads meet, forming a circle that all traffic must go around in the same direction
turn right at “the r_____”
the roundabout
c____ the bridge
cross the bridge
the square is ___ the right
the square is on the right
ask for directions
excuse me, w____ is the …
excuse me, where is the …
turn left out ____ the station.
turn left out of the station.
go s______ over the roundabout
go straight over the roundabout
It’s ____ Barnley Street.
It’s on Barnley Street.
turn right i____ Green Street
turn right into Green Street
It’s ____ the left
It’s on the left
t____ the first turning on the left
take the first turning on the left
T______ buy souvenirs.
quảng trường
We “t____ turns” playing games.
take turns
He didn’t want to get lost, so he “asked f____ directions”.
ask for directions
Make a U-t____ at the corner,
Make a U-turn at the corner
“Walk three minutes down ____ street”, and you’ll reach the bus stop.
Walk three minutes down the street
Follow the signs to the train station, and “it’s just a_____ the corner.”
it’s just around the corner
Keep going until you “reach the e___ of the road”, then turn right
reach the end of the road
“T____ the elevator to the third floor”, and the office is on your left.
take the elevator to the third floor
Cross the bridge and then “t_____ the first right”.
take the first right
Can you mention three things you like about your school?
“The reason I like it is t___” I often meet my friends there.
the reason I like it is that
I’m not really interested ____ sport.
I’m not really interested in sport.
How much time do you spend on the Internet?
send invitations ____ post
send invitations by post
a famous person
She became a c____ after acting in a big movie.
Your friends like one of your “social m____ posts”
social media posts
around, approximately
We’ll be there around 3 PM, “m___ or less”.
more or less
How often do you upload photos to social media?
What is the most important thing to take with you on a long journey?
What do you do when you want to learn how to do something difficult?
ask sb to teach you?
look in a book?
watch a video online?
How far a____ is it?
How far away is it?
Have you got wi-fi?
Have you got any computer games?
They met each other “for the first t_____”.
for the first time
Grab your favorite gadgets “___ discount prices”.
at discount prices
a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service
Online a_______ pop up on websites.
Online advertisements pop up on websites.
Teenagers check their social media messages “up ___ 100 times” per day.
Teenagers check their social media messages up to 100 times per day.
Most teanagers “download music and films ____ the internet”.
download st from the Internet
to communicate with somebody, for example by phone, letter or email
When I want to c____ someone, I send them a message.
be popular on the Internet
Do you know any videos that “went v___”?
go viral
on the Internet
My baby sister was a v____ video star!
Music ______ (play) and Meg ______ (walk) around.
two actions happening at the same time
Music was playing and Meg was walking around.
Meg _____ (stop), ____ (drop) her biscuit, and ____ (dance).
one action happening after another
Meg stopped, dropped her biscuit, and danced.
Do you watch videos online?
Who is your favourite video maker?
Do you ever make your own videos?
Cooking dinner is a part of my “daily l____” routine.
daily life
She earns money ____ her videos
She earns money from her videos
I’ve got _____ of followers. (thousand)
I’ve got thousands of followers.
I usually upload a video “e_____ three days”.
I usually upload a video every three days.
I’m busy. “I wish I c____” do it more often!
wish for st that is not real
I wish I could do st
I “m___ a video” of myself playing one of them.
make a video
In fact, games companies “pay me ____ make the videos”.
pay sb to do st
In fact, games companies pay me to make the videos.
Do you listen to a lot of music?
What music do you like?
How often do you listen to music?
How do you listen to music?
I s_______ my video channel twelve months ago.
start st
I started my video channel twelve months ago.
I wanted to “show ___ world” the animals on our farm.
show the world st
I collected videos and “p____ them together” into one long video.
put st together
Do you think our lives are easier than our parents’ lives because of technology?
With the MP3 player, you can “c____ thousands of songs with you”.
carry st with you
With the MP3 player, you can carry thousands of songs with you.
What were you doing at 7 this morning?
At 8 last night, I _____ a book (read)
continuous - a part of the activity
At 8 last night, I was reading a book
Go d____ this road
Go down this road
go o____ the bridge
go over the bridge
We _____ (lie) in the garden when it _____ (start) to rain.
long action (a part) - short action (whole)
We were lying in the garden when it started to rain.
What ___ you ____ (do) when I _____ (phone) you yesterday?
long action (a part) - short action (whole)
What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday?
What do you use it f___?
What do you use it for?
turn it off
I s____ it off
I switch it off”
not public
People can’t see my p____ information