7 Flashcards
number, quantity, amount
can you tell me the number of spanish people living in england.
me puedes decir la cantidad de espanoles que viven en inglaterra?
carro, carrito
trolley (carro also car in sudamerica)
an airport trolley is usually bigger than a supermarket trolley
un carro de aeropuerto usualmente es may grande que un carrito de supermercardo
lead, advantage
I gave him a ten second lead, I thought it was enough of an advantage
le di una ventaja de diez segundos, crei que era una ventaja suficiente
el puente
the bridge
they crossed the bridge each day before reaching the city
cruzian el puente cada dia antes de llegar a la ciudad
de golpe, de repente
suddenly, at once, all of a sudden
all of a sudden, everyone stopped eating
de golpe, todo el mundo dejaron de comer.
suddenly, he heard a noise from the lift.
de repente, oyo un ruido desde el ascensor
fiable, confiable
i heard it from a reliable source
lo oi de una fuente fiable
avecinarse (como acercarse)
to approach