6nUpPartWord-Phrase Flashcards
30 6-part or 5-part
phrase “God the Father”.
G 1:1 Paul, an apostle-sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead
E 5:20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
E 6:23 Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Phs 2:11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
C 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
NOTE* God the Father is not a title in C 1:3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,
20 7-part answer. From Ephesians
2-word phrase “Jesus Christ”.
E 1:2, 3, 5, 17
E 5:20
E 6:23, 24
30 7-part
two-word phrase “faith in”?
G 2:16 Jesus Christ / Christ Jesus / Christ G 2:20 the Son of God E 1:15 the Lord Jesus E 3:12 him C 1:12 the working of God
30 10-part
chapters in which Jesus is referred to with the 3-word phrase “Lord Jesus Christ”.
G 1, 6 E 1, 5, 6 Phs 1, 3, 4 C 1 Phn 1
30 13-part
chapters refer to God’s Son with the two-word phrase “Jesus Christ”?
G 1:3, 2:16, 3:1, 6:14 E 1:2, 5:20, 6:23 Phs 1:2, 2:11, 3:20, 4:23 C 1:3 Phn 1:3
6-part answer
what is above
G 4:26 the Jerusalem that is above is free
E 1:20 the right hand in the heavenly realms
Phs 2:9 the name that is above every name
C 3:2 things
Phs 2:3 value others above yourselves
Phs 2:9 Christ
6 verses
Christ called the head
E 1:22, 4:15, 5:23
C 1:18, 2:10, 2:19
6-part answer
who and what was crucified
G 2:20 Paul
G 3:1 Christ
G 5:24 the flesh / its passions / desires
G 6:14 the world
6-part answer
references Peter named
G 1:18, 2:7, 8, 9, 11, 14
7-part answer
references Paul said he was “in chains”
E 6:20
Phs 1:7, 13, 17
C 4:3
Phn 10, 13
7-part answer
word “good” describes what
G 5:7 race G 6:6 things
E 1:8 pleasure E 2:10 works
Phs 1:6 work Phs 2:13 purpose
Phn 6 thing
30pt Essence question. 6-part answer.
Give, in essence, the six verses in which boasting is mentioned.
G 6:13 Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh.
G 6:14 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has bee
E 2:9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
Phs 1:26 so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me.
Phs 2:16 as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.
Phs 3:3 For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh-
8-part answer
Paul named in which chapters
G 1, 5, E 1, 3, Phs 1, C 1, 4, Phn
9-part answer
word “human” describes what
G 1:10 beings G 1:11 origin
G 1:16 being G 3:15 convenant
E 2:11, C 2:11 hands Phs 2:7 likeness
C 2:8 tradition C 2:22 commands and teachings
C 3:23 masters
9-part answer
references Abraham named
G 3:6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 18, 29,
11-part answer
the word “whole” describes what
G 4:1 estate G 5:3 law
G 5:9 batch of dough G 5:12 way
E 2:21 building E 4:10 universe
E 4:13 measure E 4:16, C 2:19 body
Phs 1:13 palace guard C 1:6 world
C 2:11 self
11-part answer
references Paul named
G 1:1, 5:2 E 1:1, 3:1 Phs 1:1 C 1:1, 1:23, 4:18 Phn 1, 9, 19
12-part answer
the gospel is mentioned in which chapters
G 1, 2, 3, 4 E 1, 3, 6 Phs 1, 2, 4 C 1 Phn
13-part answer
the word “God’s” describes what
G 1:8,9 curse G 4:7 child
E 1:1, 5:3 Phs 1:1, C 1:6 holy people
E 1:7, 3:2,7, Phs 1:7 grace E1:14 possession
E 1:15, 2:19 Phs 6:21,22,C 1:4 people E 2:18 handiwork
E 3:5 holy apostles E 3:5 prophets
E 5:1 example E 5:6 wrath
Phs 1:19 provision C 3:12 chosen people
24-part answer
phrase “…of Christ”
G 1:6 grace G1:7, Phs 1:27, 2:16 gospel
G 1:18 servant G 6:2 law
G 6:12, Phs 3:18 cross E 1:1, C 1:1 apostle
E 2:13 blood E 3:1 Phn 1, 9 prisoner
E 3:4 C 4:3 mystery E 3:8 riches
E 3:18 love E 4:12 body
E 4:13 fullness E 5:5 kingdom
E 6:6 slaves Phs 1:1 C 4:12 servants
Phs 1:6, 10 day Phs 1:8 affection
Phs 1:29 behalf Phs 2:30 work
Phs 3:7 Phn 6 sake C 1:7 minister
C 3:15 peace C 3:16 message
2-part reference question
25-part answer
list the acts of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit
sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
word “dear” describes what and whom?
G 4:19 children E 6:21 brother Phs 2:12 friends C 1:7 fellow servant C 4:14 friend Phn 1:16 brother [Onesimus]
word “fellow” describes what?
E 2:19 citizens Phs 2:25 worker, soldier Phs 4:3 workers C 1:7 servant C 4:10 prisoner
word “full” describes what?
G 4:5 rights of sons E 6:11 armor of God Phs 4:18 payment C 2:2 riches of complete understanding C 4:6 your conversation may be full of grace Phn 1:6 understanding
word “glorious” describes what and whom?
E 1:6 grace E 1:17 Father E 1:18 inheritance E 3:16 riches Phs 3:21 body C 1:11 might NOTE: Some writers may have "riches of this mystery" C 1:27) as another answer.
word “glorious” describes what?
E 1:6 grace E 1:17 Father E 1:18 inheritance E 3:16 riches Phs 3:21 body C 1:11 might
word “human” describes what?
G 3:3 effort G 3:15 covenant Phs 2:7 likeness C 2:8 tradition C 2:22 commandsteachings
word “human” describes what?
G 3:3 effort G 3:15 covenant Phs 2:7 likeness C 2:8 tradition C 2:22 commands and teachings
word “human” describes what?
G 3:3 effort G 3:15 covenant Phs 2:7 likeness C 2:8 tradition C 2:22 commands and teachings
word “great” describes what?
E 1:19 power E 2:4 love Phs 2:29 joy C 1:11 endurance, patience C 2:18 detail Phn 1:7 encouragement
word “very” describes what?
G 2:10 thing G 3:1 eyes E 4:10 one E 5:15 careful E 6:22 purpose Phn 1:12 heart Phn 1:16 dear Phn 1:19 self
word “evil” describes what and whom?
G 1:4 age E 5:16 the days E 6:12 spiritual forces E 6:13 day of (evil) E 6:16 one Phs 3:2 men (who do evil) C 1:21 behavior C 3:5 desires
9-part Ephesians
word “God’s” describes what?
E 1:7 grace E 1:14 possession E 2:10 workmanship E 2:19 people, household E 3:5 holy apostles, prophets E 5:3 holy people E 5:6 wrath
word “holy” describes whom and what?
E 1:4 us E 1:13 Spirit E 2:21 temple E 3:5 apostles, prophets E 5:3 people E 5:26 the church C 1:2 brothers C 1:22 you (Colossians)
word “God’s” describes what and whom?
E 1:7 grace E 1:14 possession E 2:10 workmanship E 2:19 people, household E 3:5 holy apostles, prophets E 5:3 holy people E 5:6 wrath C 3:12 chosen people
word “holy” describes what?
E 1:4 us [believers/Christians] E 1:14 Spirit E 2:21 temple E 3:5 apostles, prophets E 5:3 people E 5:26 the church C 1:2 brothers in Christ at Colosse C 1:22 you [the Colossians] C 3:12 God's chosen people
2-part question 10-part answer
word “holy” describes whom and what?
E 1:4 us [believers/Christians] E 1:13 Spirit E 2:21 temple E 3:5 apostles, prophets E 5:3 people E 2:26 the church C 1:2 holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse C 1:22 you [the Colossians] C 3:12 God's chosen people
word “whole” describes what?
G 3:22 world G 4:1 estate G 5:3 law G 5:9 batch of dough G 5:12 way E 2:21 building E 3:15 family E 4:10 universe E 4:13 measure (of the fullness of Christ) E 4:16 body Phs 1:13 palace guard
possessive word “God’s” describes what and whom?
G 1:8 curse G 4:7 child E 1:1 holy people E 1:7 grace E 1:14 possession E 1:15 people E 2:10 handiwork E 3:5 holy apostles E 5:1 example E 5:6 wrath Phs 1:19 provision C 3:12 chosen people
word “faith” is in which chapters?
G 1, 2, 3, 5, E 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Phs 1, 2, 3, C 1, 2, Phn 1
word “one” describes what and whom?
G 3:2 thing G 3:16 person G 3:20 party G 3:28 you are all one G 4:22 son (by the slave woman) G 4:24 covenant E 1:10 head E 2:14 he made the two groups one E 2:16 body E 2:18 Spirit E 4:4 hope E 4:5 Lord, faith, baptism E 4:6 God and Father E 5:31 flesh Phs 2:2 mind Phs 4:15 church
word “every” describes what?
G 5:3 man E 1:3 spiritual blessing in Christ E 1:21 title E 1:23 way E 4:3 effort E 4:14 wind of teaching E 4:16 supporting ligament E 4:19 kind of impurity E 4:31 form of malice E 5:16 opportunity Phs 1:3 time Phs 2:9 nam