6e Les verbes importants - Faire, Venir Flashcards
I make
je fais
You make
tu fais
He Makes
il fait
She Makes
elle fait
We make (informal)
on fait
We make (formal)
nous faisons
You make
vous faites
They make
ils font
They make (all subjects female)
elles font
I did or I made
j’ai fait
you did or you made
tu as fait
she did or she made
elle a fait
he did or she did
il a fait
we have done or we have made
nous avons fait
you made or you did
vous avez fait
they did or they made
ils ont fait
I’ll do or I’ll make
je ferai
you will do or you will make
tu feras
he will do or he will make
il fera
she will do or she will make
elle fera
we will do or we will make
on fera
we’ll do or we will make
nous ferons
you will do or you will make
vous ferez
They will do or they will make
ils feront
They (all female) will do or they will make
elles feront
do or make
let’s do, let’s make
done or made
doing or making
To do/Make (Infinitive)
I come
je viens
you come
tu viens
he comes
il vient
she comes
elle vient
we come
on vient
we come
nous venons
you come
vous venez
they are coming
ils viennent
I came
je suis venu
You came
tu es venu
he or it came
il est venu
she or it came
elle est venue
we came
nous sommes venus
you came
vous êtes venus
they came
ils sont venus
they (all female) came
elles sont venues
come (to one person, informal)
come (to a group including yourself)
come (to a group not including yourself)
to come