6B: Nervous Coordination Flashcards
What are neurones?
Neurones are nerve cells which are specially adapted to carry nerve impulses (electrochemical changes) to one part of the body to another.
Function of sensory neurone?
transmit nerve impulses from a receptor to an intermediate or motor neurone. They have one
dendron that is often very long. It carries the impulse towards the cell body and one axon that carries it away from the cell body.
Function of the motor neurone?
transmit nerve impulses from an intermediate or relay neurone to an effector, such as a gland or
a muscle. Motor neurones have a long axon and many short dendrites.
Function of intermediate/relay neurone?
transmit impulses between neurones, for example, from sensory to motor neurones. They have numerous short processes
Structure of myelinated motor neurone?
● Cell body – which contains all the usual cell organelles, including a nucleus and large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
This is associated with the production of proteins and neurotransmitters
● Dendrons – extensions of the cell body which subdivide into smaller branched fibres, called dendrites, that carry nerve
impulses towards the cell body
● An axon – a single long fibre that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body
● Schwann cells – which surround the axon, protecting it and providing electrical insulation. They also carry out phagocytosis to
remove cell debris and play a part in nerve regeneration. Schwann cells wrap themselves around the axon many times, so that
layers of their membranes build up around it. This forms the myelin sheath.
● Myelin sheath – a covering to the axon and is made up of the membranes of the Schwann cells. These membranes are rich in
a lipid known as myelin. Neurones with a myelin sheath are called myelinated neurones. The myelin sheath is an insulator as
the lipid does not allow charged ions to pass through to the axon.
● Nodes of Ranvier – constrictions (gaps) between adjacent Schwann cells where there is no myelin sheath. The constrictions
are 2- 3 µm long and occur every 1- 3 mm in humans
How is the resting potential maintained?
- 3 Na+ binds to specific receptors on the intracellular side of the protein channel
- Na+ actively transported out of the axon
- 2 K+ bind to specific receptors on the protein channel
- K+ actively transported into the axon
- The outward active transport of Na+ ions is greater than the inward active transport of potassium ions meaning the inside is more negative than the outside (3 to 2)
- Also more Na+ in the tissue fluid than in the cytoplasm and more K+ in the cytoplasm than in the tissue fluid →creating an electrochemical gradient.
- The membrane is more permeable to K+ at rest so K+ ions begin to diffuse by facilitated diffusion down the concentration gradient back out of the axon in potassium ion channels
- There are more open potassium voltage gated channels than sodium voltage gated channels in the phospholipid bilayer
of the axon so only some Na+ diffuse back into the cell by facilitated diffusion - As even more positive charge is leaving the cell, the resting potential is maintained as more positive outside than
inside the cell
What happens in an action potential?
- When a stimulus (which is big enough) is detected by a receptor in the nervous system, sodium ion channels open and there is an influx of positive charge into the axon, increased permeability to Na+
- There is a temporary reversal of the charges either side of this part of the axon membrane, inside the membrane goes from -70 mV → +40 mV (axon membrane depolarised).
- This depolarisation occurs because the channels in the axon membrane change shape, and hence open or close depending on the voltage across the membrane.
The sequence of events in an action potential?
○ At resting potential some K+ voltage-gated channels are open (permanently) but the Na+ voltage-gated channels are closed. - STIMULUS
○ The energy of the stimulus causes some Na+ voltage-gated channels in the axon membrane to open and therefore membrane permeability to Na+ ions increases
○ Na+ diffuse into the axon through these channels along their electrochemical gradient.
○ Being positively charged, they trigger a reversal in the potential difference across the membrane. - DEPOLARISATION
○ As the Na+ ions diffuse into the axon, if the potential difference reaches the threshold (-55 mV), it causes more sodium ion channels
to open, causing an even greater influx of sodium ions by diffusion. - REPOLARISATION
○ Once the action potential of around +40 mv has been established:
i. ii. the voltage gates on the Na+ ion channels close, preventing further influx of Na+ ions.
The voltage gates on the K+ ion channels begin to open, membrane is more permeable to K+
○ K+ diffuse out of the axon through these channels along their electrochemical gradient.
○ The electrical gradient that was preventing further outward movement of potassium ions is now reversed, causing more potassium
ion channels to open. This means that yet more potassium ions diffuse out, starting repolarisation of the axon. - HYPERPOLARISATION
○ The potassium ion channels are slow to close and as there is the outward diffusion of these K+ ions it causes a temporary overshoot of the electrical gradient.
○ The inside of the axon is more negative (relative to the outside) than at the resting potential of -70 mV - RESTING POTENTIAL
○ The voltage-gated ion channels on the K+ ion channels now close and the activities of the Na+-K+ pumps cause sodium ions to be pumped out and potassium ions in to re-establish and maintain the resting potential (-70 mV) until next stimulation.
The all or nothing principle for impulses
If the depolarisation as a result of the stimulus reaches the threshold level an action potential is triggered.
Depolarisation below the threshold value (-55mV) - NOTHING
● No action potential →no impulse generated.
● So any stimulus, of whatever strength, that is below the threshold value will fail to generate an action potential.
Depolarisation above the threshold level (-55mV) - ALL
● Action potential generated →nerve impulse will travel.
● All action potentials are more or less the same size so always peak at the same maximum voltage.
How can an organism perceive the size of a stimulus if all action potentials are the same size?
- By the number of impulses passing in a given time (frequency). The larger the stimulus, the more impulses that are generated in a given time
- By having different neurons with different threshold values. The brain interprets the number and type of neurons that pass impulses as a result of a given stimulus and thereby determines its size.
Why is the all or nothing principle important?
● It makes sure that animals only respond to large enough stimuli
● Rather than responding to every slight change in the environment which would overwhelm them
Passage of an action potential- Myelinated axon
- In myelinated axons, the fatty sheath of myelin around the axon acts as an electrical insulator, preventing action
potentials from forming. - At intervals of 1- 3 mm there are breaks in this myelin insulation, called nodes of Ranvier.
- Action potentials can occur at these points as depolarisation can happen here.
- The localised circuits therefore arise between adjacent nodes of Ranvier and the action potentials jump from node to
node in a process known as saltatory conduction. - As a result, an action potential passes along a myelinated neurones faster than along the axon of an unmyelinated
one of the same diameter. - This is because in an unmyelinated neuron, the events of depolarisation have to take place all the way along an axon and thus takes more time
Nature of the refractory period
Once an action potential has been created in any region of an axon, there is a period afterwards when inward movement
of sodium ions is prevented because the sodium voltage-gated channels are closed (repolarisation)
● During this time it is impossible for a further action potential to be generated as Na+ channels inactivated
● During the refractory period ion channels are recovering and cannot be opened.
● This means there is a time delay between one action potential and the next.
Importance of the refractory period
● No overlap of action potentials - discrete impulses
○ A new action potential cannot be formed immediately behind the first one
● There is a limit to the frequency at which the nerve impulses can be generated
○ As action potentials are separated from one another, it limits the number of them that can pass along an axon
in a given time
○ This limits the strength of the stimulus that can be detected.
● Action potentials are unidirectional (only in one direction)
○ Can only pass from an active region to a resting region
○ This is because action potentials cannot be created in a region in refractory
How does myelination affect the speed of conductance?
● Myelin sheath is an electrical insulator preventing an action potential forming in the part of the axon covered in myelin.
● Sodium ion channels are concentrated at the Ranvier nodes between Schwann cells.
● In myelinated neuron, depolarisation only happens at nodes of Ranvier (where sodium ions can get through through the membrane).
● Neurons cytoplasm conducts enough electrical charge to depolarise the next node
● Action potentials impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to another - saltatory conduction.
● This speeds up conductance.
● In non-myelinated neuron, impulse travels as a wave along the whale length of the axon so depolarisation happens along the whole length
of the membrane - slower than statutory conduction.