67 rules Flashcards
Types of humility
Outward humility = pretend humility.
Real humility = learn from everybody, who has gold in his brain. Read 1 book / day.
Příběh o dvou synech. Jeden řekl, že něco udělá a druhý to zamítnul. Who has done more?
Listen & implement. Like Michael Jordan. Listen to less experiences people, listen to more experienced people. Be humple.
Only one, who does, matter.
Jak vyřešit něco, když nerozumíš tématu?
Prepare flashcards for Yourself!
Proč Sama Waltona zavřeli?
Měřil šířku uliček v brazilských obchodech
Kdo odpověděl brazilských obchodníkům, jak se řídí obchody v USA?
Sam Walton. A nakonec měl o Brazílii více otázek než oni o USA.
Humbleness KPI?
- How many mentors do You have?
- Jak moc ses soustředil na knihu od 1-10 / What has Your effort level been? (1 hraješ přitom knihy, 10 neděláš něco jiného. O lidech, co dosáhli svých cílů)
- How much money do You spend on tracking & learning from people?
- How many books do You read / day?
- Na kolika seminářích jsi byl?
- How closely do You listen and implement?
- Kolik času jsi utratil zbytečným ležením?
Even if coaches are wrong, listen and try to learn something.
7 + 6 + 1 +2 / 4 + 1 = 4/10 humbleness. –> More seminars, more books, more mentors + my friends.
How do You note? Do You note correctly?
Write it down and load it in Evernote.
Do You read the notes?
How to stand on giant´s shoulders.
Build on top, what McDonald brothers has already did.
Mluvíš o 1 mil. USD?
Vydělal jsi 1 milion USD ve firmě?
Vydělal jsi 100.000 USD ve firmě?
Vydělal jsi 1.000 USD ve firmě?
How to get mentor?
Hey, I am doing this, but I don´t know, what I am doing. Could You please help me?
Plato –> Aristoteles –> Alexander, The Great
Next books
1) Microsoft SW development
Best strategy?
Customer first
- Jeff Bezos
- Sam Walton
Best strategy?
Customer first
- Jeff Bezos
- Sam Walton
- writing stuff down. (I am NOT infallible human. I need to write the step down.)
Why are You so cocky?
- You are over weight.
- Look at Your friends.
- Look at Your bank account
Why life is hard?
- Low level of humility Freud: Life as we find it is too hard for us. Impossible tasks. Powerful diversion of interests. Substituted gratification. Intoxicating substances, which makes us insensitive.
Why are You NOT humble?
- NOT focused as much as I could be on my work?
- Promising too much than what we are able to deliver.
- Because I think, I can NOT overcome Skoda Auto and big corporations. With new technology, it is possible.
- I don´t need programming skills.
- I can NOT combine companies into one coherent function of world autonomous driving.
Humble vocabulary
Hey, I don´t really know this. These guys are able to overcome their fears. How does it work? –> You will get all rewards from humility. You will change the world.
Jak jsi to udělal, Petře?
I have fear to show, I don´t know. I am NOT sure.
Understand deep seated insecurities over the humility.
Be vulnerable.
Co jsi udělal hloupě v Peikeru?
Nejezdil jsem osobně do Fried. Netlačil jsem dostatečně.
Když mi řekl, že není pro mě pozice nahoře, měl jsem se začít poohlížet jinde. Ale soustředil jsem se na Dashboarding. Teď bych se měl zaměřit na ToracTera.