6.5 - Medical Imaging Flashcards
How were x-rays discovered?
- 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen
- he was working with fluorescent tubes which glow when a high voltage is put across them
- he was investigating what happens at low pressures
- he found that when the tube went dark, a screen about a metre away was fluorescing
- when the tube was shielded with plack paper, the screen was still fluorescing
- he had discovered an invisible ray capableof passing through the heavy paper - an x-ray
What are some further discoveries about x-rays?
- 1906 -charles barkkla established waves could be polarised
- 1912 - arnold sommerfeld estimated their wavelength. (10^-12 - 10^-9 m)
- Max von Laue proved that x-rays could be diffracted by crystals
How are X-Rays produced?
- an X-ray tube
- inside the machine there is a vaccuum which contains a cathode
- the cathode is heated which produces a beam of electrons (thermionic emission)
- using very high voltages (thousands/millions), electrons are accelerated to very high velocities
- accelerated electrons collide with a metal target (eg tungsten) called the anode
- electrons decelerate rapidl and convert some of their KE to X-Rays (Bremmsstrahlung- Braking radition). The rest heats the anode
- anode may rotate to spread the heat out
What is the energy of an X-ray photon?
E(max) = eV
• E = energy
• e = charge on electron
• V = potential difference
The energy of emittedphotons depends on he energy of invident electrons
This is a maximum value bcs some of the energy will be converted into heat
How can you caluclate wavelength of an X-ray?
E =hc/λ
λ = hc/eV
K line??
- Brehmssrahlung radiation: X-rays produced due to electrons slowing doen and losing energy
- K lines: X-rays produced due to electrons being excited and dexcited, resulting in energy being lost in the form of X-rays.
What are some problems encountered in X-ray production?
Only 1% of the electron enegry is used to produce X-rays - the rest heats up the anode
• the anode is cooled by oil flowing arund it
• it also has a high SHC
Operators need to be protected from the radiation
• x-ray tube is surrounding by lead shielding
• anode is shaped so that the x-rays are directed through a window
What is attenuation?
- X-rays are scattered and absorbed by matter
- X-rays interact with atoms in different ways:
- simple scattering
- photoelectric absorption
- compton scattering
- pair production
• attenuation is the effect of the intensity of X-ays being reduced as they pass through matter
What is simple scattering?
- occurs for x-ray energies 1-20keV
- x-ray interacts with an electron in the wtom but doesnt ionise the atom
- energy of scattered xray doesnt change
- hospital X-ray machines generate xrays >20kEV so this effect is insignificant in radiogaphy
What is photoelectric absorption?
- incident X-ray photon ejects an orbital electron from an atom in the absorbing material
- an electron from a higher sgell may drop down to fill this hole, giving out energy in the form of an X-ray photon
- significant for photon energies less than 100keV
What is compton scattering?
- significant for photon energies in the range 0.5 - 5.0MeV
- incident photon is scattered by an orbital electron in the absorbing material
- the electron takes some of the energy of the photon and moves off in a different direction
- compton discovred that some of the deflected photon had a longer wavelength than the initial wavelength bcs it has less energy
- the greater the angle of deflection, the greater the change in wavelength
What is pair production?
- at higher photon energies, the X-ray photons can cause pair production in the absorbing material
- an X-ray photon collides with a nucleus within the material, causing the production of an electron-positron pair
- the positron then annihilates with an electron and produces a pair of photons
Why are there always 2 photons produced in pair production?
To conserve momentum
What is the equation for attenuation?
I = I0 e^(-µx)
Where: •I = attenuated intensity • I0 = original intensity • µ = attenuation (or absorbtion) coefficient • x =thickness of medium
What are contrast media?
- soft tissues don’t show up well in x-rays bcs they have low absorption coefficients
- therefore a contrast medium (eg iodine, barium) is used
- these have large atomic numbers and absorb x-rays via photoelectric effect (for this to happen, µ must be proportional to atomic number cubed)
- iodine used as contrast medium for liquids eg blood
- barium is used for the digestive system
What is the inverse square law?
Intensity ∝ 1/r²
Why are x-rays collimated?
Sothat the intensity of x-rays is unchanged (if travelling through a vacuum)
What is the half-value thickness?
The distance in a medium over which x-ray attenuated to half its original value (I = I0 e^(-µx))
What are the problems with x-ray imaging?
- considerable exposure time required (dangerous due to ionising)
- difficult to imagingsoft tissue due to lack of contrast
- limited to still imaging
Why is gadolinium phosphate used to absorb x-rays?
- photographic film is a poor absorber of x-rays, but a good absorber o visible light
- gadolinium phophate absorbs x-rays and emits light, so the photographic film makes a clearer image
How are x-ray images intensified?
- a intensifying screen is placed wither side of the photographic film
- when x-ray photons hit crystals in this screen, the atoms become excited
- they then relax into their ground state an fluoresce (emit visible light photons)
- photographic film is much more efficient at absorbing visible light photons than x-ray photons. They develop the film, turning it black (fogging it)
- this gives more concise but not clearer image
- fewer x-rays are required so less exposure for patiet and the imae is formed faster
How can you increase the contrats of an x-ray?
- use a contrast medium
* use gadolinium phosphate
What is an angiogram?
An image of soft tissue (eg arteries) obtained using x-rays
How does an angiogram work?
- a digital x-ray image is taken
- a contrast medium is then injected into the bloodstream and a second image is taken
- the first image is taken from the second t remove all the detail not required
How can a changing image be viewed with an x-ray?
- rather than a photographic film, a phosphor screen backed by a photocathode is used
- whn visible light photons hit the photocathode, an electron is produced, creating an electrical signal that is sent to a computer
- this allows a changingimage to be viewed
What are CT/CAT scans?
- computerised axial tomography
- x-ray machines are used to take images from various viewpoints to build up a slice of the body
- early scanners took 10-15 mins per slice, but now they can collect dater in a few seconds/minutes
How are CT images produced?
- the collimator produces a fan-shaped beam of x-rays
- the fan is very thin (1-10mm) so that a small slice is imaged each time
- the x-ray bea passes through the patient at dfferent angles as the x-ray tube and deteccctors are rotated around the patient
- images of slices through the patient in one plane are produced using a computer
- the x-ray tube and detectors are then moved along the patient to produce the next sliced image
- the dark and light patches are due to the amoun of x-ray attenuation occuring
- the detectors in the CT scanners are much more sensitive to changes in the amount of attenuation than photographic film
How do CT scans produce 3D image?
- a computer is able to take all of the images of the slices for a scan and construct a 3D image and display them on a screen
- doctors ae able to rotate the images, view from different angles, change the contrast and add false colour
What are the advantages of CT scans?
- can produce 3D images, allowing accurate positioning, shape ansd size of disorders such as tumours to be determined
- gives better contrass between different tissues of similar attenuation coefficient
What are the disadvantages of CT scans?
- more expensive and slower than conventional x-rays
- ionising radiation dose can be equivalent to several years of background radiation
- patients have to stay very still for a long period of time (or else the image is blurred) - especially difficult for children
What are some good/bad qualities fo a medical tracer?
Good qualities:
• gamma emitter
• reasonable half life
• soluble
Bad qualities:
• alpha emitter
• beta emitter
• chemically poisonous
How do doctors use radiactive iodine?
1) patient injected w/ chemical containing small amount of radiactive iodine. Most of injection isn’t radioactive
2) doctors use radiation cameras to detect radoactive iodine getting into the kidneys. Cameras can measure amount of radioactive iodine present
What is technetium-99m?
- molybdenum-99 is a waste product form nuclear fission reactions
- Mo-99 will decay into Tc-99 via beta emission with half life of 67 hours
- Tc-99 is left in an excited state (metastable)
- it will later decay via gamma emission with a half life of 6 hours.
How is Tc-99 put into the body?
It’s combined with another chemical to form a radiopharmaceutical
- its combined with iodine to study the thyroid gland
- it can be combined with a phosphate compount to study the spread of bone cancer
How does a gamma camera work?
- gamma is emitted and travels to collimator. This consists of blocks of lead with tens of thousands of holes
- 2 parallel holes collimate the gamma photons (only allow those parallel to the holes through)
- all other gamma photons are absorbed by the lead, making it simple to work out where they came from
- photons then enter sodium iodide crystal which causes it to scintillate (emit visible light photons)
- light photons pass through a photocathode which produces electrons
- electrons are accelerated through a pd to an electrode in photomultiplier tubes which causes more electrons to be emitted
- this is done several times to amplify the strength of the electical signal
How does a photomultiplier work?
- turns a photon into a stromg electrical signal
- the photon hits a photocathode and a photoelectron is produced (photoelectric effect)
- a pd accelerates this electron towards another electrode (dynode). The extra energy means that this one electron can cause multiple electrns to be emitted from the dynode. These are then accelerated again to the next dynode
- the number of electrons grows exponentially and they progress through the multiplier
- the electrons then hit the anode that cause a pulse of pd that is the signal used by the computer to create an image
What does PET stand for?
• positron emission tomography
Ho does a PET scan work?
- a radioisotope that undergoes beta plus (positron) decay is combined with glucose and injected into the bloodstream
- the most common radiopharmaceutical is fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) containing radioactive Fluorine-18
- the glucose compound is absorbed into body tissues and used as normal glucose in reparation
- F-18 is made on site in a particle accelerator (it has a short half life): proton + O-18 -> F-18+ neutron
- F-18 undergoes positron emission with half life approx 110 minutes: F-18 -> O-18 + positron + gamma + electron neutrino
- alternatively, a positron emitting isotope of carbon (C-11) can be used in carbon monoxide
- this clings to teh haemoglobin molecules in red blood cells
How are photons detected in a PET scan?
- after a decay, the positron is emitted and will typically travel less than 1mm before annihilating with an electron
- this produces 2 gamma photon with energy of 0.5MeV, travelling in opposite directions
- the patient s surrounded by a ring of gamma cameras
- a computer analyses the time difference (delay time) in the detection of the two gamma photons and therefore the origin
- processing thr detector signals data allows a 3D image if the organ to be produced
- colour is used to signify the amount of radiation being detected from a certain point
Why can PET scans detect cancerous tissue?
- cancerous tissue has a geeater cell division and growth rate requiring more energy
- clusters of cancer cells will take in more of the radiolabelled glucose
- more gamma photons will be detected from regions of cancerous tissue
How can PET scans be used to study the brain?
- active parts of the brain will require more energy and hence will have a higher respiration rate
- allows the study of brain trauma, epilepsy, Alzheimers
What are the advantages of PET scans?
- the patient is not subjected to the risks of surgery
- PET scanscan be used to diagnose different types of cancer ad help plan complex heart surgery and to observe the function of the brain
- it can help detect brain disorders (eg Alzheimers)
- it can be used to assess the effectivenss of new medicines
What are the disadvantages of PET scans
- specialised facilities required to create the tracers and so only available in certain places in the country/at larger hospitals
- very expensive so doctors must make difficult decisions as to who is offered a PET scan
- ionising radiation produced in the process
How can PET and CT scans be used in conjunction?
- CT scan identifies bones and organs
* superimposing the PET scan over this allows easier location of tumour sites
What is the range of human hearing?
20Hz - 20kHz
What are the properties of ultrasound?
- longitudinal wave - oscillations particles are parallel to the direction of energy transfer
- frequency is above threshold frequency for human hearing (20kHz)
- in medical applications 1-15MHz are used
- non-invasive and non-ionising
- experiences both reflection (echos) and rarefraction when incident at a boundary between media (amount of wach depends upon media type)
- can also be diffracted and doppler shifted
What is the Piezoelectric effect?
- certain crystals change shape when a potential difference is applied across them
- applying alternationg pd to a piezoelectric crystal will cause it to oscillate at the frequency of he potential difference
- if the applied pd is at the natural frequency the crystal will resonate, creating a maximum amplitude ultrasound
- vice versa is true, making the crystal produce a pd
How can piezoelectric crystals be used in ultrasound?
- as a transducer
- the piezoelectric effect makes the crystals resonate, producing an ultrasound
- when a crystal is oscillated by an incoming ultrasound, it produces a pd
- this means it can be used to both transmit and receive ultrasound waves
- it is important that the crystal stops as soon as the alternating pd stops so that its ready to receive the reflected pulse
What is the structure of an ultrasound transducer?
- The curved faceplate shapes the ultrasound waves into a narrow beam
- The tuning device controls the ultrasound frequency
- The backing block (epoxy resin)damps teh crystal so it ceases oscillating as soon was the alternating pd is stopped
- During a scan, a gel is used to couple the transducer to the skin
What is an ultrasound transducer?
A device that emits and receives ultrasound
What are the different time periods/dfrequencies involved in ultrasound?
- frequency of ultrasound waves: MHz
- pulse repition frequency - 1kHz
- duration (time period) of pulses - 1 microsecond
How is an image build after the reflected waves are received?
A computer uses the times between transmitting and receiving pulses to determine how far away the refection occured and to therefore build up an image
It uses the equation s=d/t
What are the advantages of ultrasound?
- non ionising, non invasive - no known risks
* cheap and quick with an instant image
What are the uses of ultrasound?
- imaging babies
* kidney stones - cause them to resonate and break up, making them easier to pass
What is the Doppler effect?
When there is relative motion between the source of waves and the observer, there will be a change in the frequency observed
What principle allows us to measure the velocity of blood?
When sound waves are reflected by a moving object, Their frequency changes by Δf/f = 2vcosx / c
v = velocity of blood
c = speed of sound
Provided v«c
How can we measure blood velocity?
A continuous ultrasound wave at several MHz emitted at a transducer AT AN ANGLE TO THE ARM
A computer analyses the difference in frequencies between the transmitted and reflected waves (‘reflected from blood cells) to determine v
If blood is flowing away from the transducer there will be a change towards lower frequencies - the greater the frequency change the greater the velocity