65-25 Crimes vs Person Flashcards
Threat to commit a crime
275 s 2
Communicated intent to injure; Injury would be crime; V in fear that S had intention/ability to carry out threat
Right of arrest: Complaint only
Assault occurs in two ways
Attempted battery (throwing a punch and missing)
Threatened battery
A verbal threat to do harm=assault when accompanied by outward gesture
Right of arrest for assault
(M) Breach of peace, in presence
Assault by Dangerous Weapon
The suspect committed an assault by using a dangerous weapon.
Attempting battery or threatening battery w/intent to cause fear
ROA: Felony
Does an assault by dangerous weapon have to involve a per se dangerous weapon?
No, it includes per se dangerous weapons, as well as dangerous use weapons.
What is a “dangerous use” weapon?
A normal item which becomes a weapon when used in a dangerous fashion.
If a suspect possesses a fake gun and commits a crime covered in MGL 265, does this count as being armed?
Yes, this qualifies as being armed for any crime against a person in Chapter 265.
True or false?
If the suspect claims to have a weapon, the law states he may be taken at his word.
Can any part of the human body be considered a dangerous weapon?
Did you know?
What is the origin of the word “assault”?
It has French origins and means “leap toward.”
Deceptive weapon device
any device that is intended to convey the presence of a rifle, shotgun, or firearm that is used in the commission of a violent crime
Types of assault and batteries
What are the three types of assault and battery?
Reckless conduct
What is the right of arrest for assault and battery?
(M) Breach of peace, in presence
Origin of the word “battery”
From the French meaning “to strike”
Elements of assault and battery (offensive)
The suspect intentionally touched another person, however slight;
Without having any right or excuse to do so; and
Either caused physical harm OR the person touched did not consent.
Elements of assault and battery (harmful)
The suspect:
intentionally touched another person;
In a manner likely to cause bodily harm;
Without having any right or excuse to do so.
Elements of assault and battery (reckless conduct)
a suspect realizes the serious danger associated with his conduct and decides to run the risk anyway. This reckless conduct must result in physical injury (more than trivial injury).
What is meant by the term “transferred intent”?
Applies to all assaults. A S is guilty of A&B if, while intending to hit a particular person, the S accidentally punches a bystander.
For the crime of A&B serious injury, what is meant by “serious injury”? What is the ROA for this crime?
Bodily injury which results in a permanent disfigurement, protracted loss or or impairment of a bodily function, limb, or organ or substantial risk of death. The ROA is FELONY
Do all A&B’s include assault as a lesser-included offense?
Complete the following:
Every battery includes an assault, BUT……
not every assault includes a battery.
Assault and battery by means dangerous weapon
265 s 15A
** Commits an assault and battery
** By intentionally and unjustifiably touching another person; OR
** Intentionally commits a wanton and reckless act that causes physical injury; or
**an intentional, harmful touching.
**Through the instrumentality of a dangerous weapon (“by means of a Dangerous weapon”).
What are the four ways that ABDW becomes “aggravated”?
S is 18 or older and V is under 14; OR
Causes serious bodily injury; OR
S knows or should have known the V is pregnant; OR V has an active RO in effect against the V
What is a shod foot?
A shod foot is a foot wearing a shoe; it is capable of being a DW if capable of causing greater harm than an unshod foot.
Name three of the lesser-included offenses for the crime of ABDW.
Assault; assault dangerous weapon; and assault and battery
Attempted A&B by Discharging any Firearm, Rifle, Shotgun, or Machine Gun
This covers incidents where the S shoots at a V and misses (Felony)
A&B by Discharging any Firearm, Rifle, Shotgun, or Machine Gun
This covers incidents where the S shoots at a V and hits him (Felony)
Armed assault with intent to rob or murder
The S assaults the V with a DW while having the specific intent to rob or murder him (Felony)
Assault with intent to murder or maim
The S must assault the V with the specific intent to commit murder or maim. (Felony)
Related to the crime of mayhem
Attempted murder
Penalizes anyone who attempts to commit murder “by poisoning, drowning, or strangling another person (Felony)
A&B for purpose of gang solicitation
It is a felony and the V must be under 18
Assault with intent to Commit a Felony
An assault with intent to commit any felony. (Felony)
Armed Assault in a Dwelling
Entry. The suspect entered a dwelling;
Armed. While armed; and
Assault. Committed an assault on someone in the dwelling; and
Intend felony. Had the specific intent, accompanying the assault, to commit a separate felony.
Assault and A/B by means of hypodermic syringe or needle
commits an assault or A&B
by using a hypodermic syringe, hypodermic needle, or any instrument adapted for the administration of controlled or other substances by injection
Aggravated assault and battery
Assault and battery is “aggravated” in three situations:
if it results in serious bodily injury; or is committed upon a person the suspect knows or has reason to know is pregnant; or is upon someone the suspect knows has an active restraining order against the suspect.
Assault and Battery Upon Public Employee
- Assault and Battery
- On any public employee
- Person must be engaged in the performance of duty at the time of the assault
ROA Misdemeanor in presence, breach of peace
A felony if the A&B includes an attempt to disarm a police officer in performance of his/her duty
**Name the crime:
A suspect spits on a police officer while he is working.
Assault and battery on a public employee
Assault or A&B on a health care provider
A person may not:
a. commit an assault or A&B;
b. against any EMT, ambulance operator, ambulance attendant, or “health care provider”;
c. who was treating or transporting a person in the line of duty.
ROA Arrest for breach of peace in presence. If not, complaint.
“Health care provider” is defined as any medical doctor, registered nurse, social worker, psychologist, or agent or employee of a licensed public or private hospital, clinic, or nursing home.
Assault and battery to collect a loan
Prohibits committing an assault and battery to collect a loan
ROA Felony
Whoever with malicious intent to maim or disfigure;
Cuts, tears, slits or mutilates the tongue, or an eye, ear, nose, lip or limb or member of another;
Or whoever is privy to such intent;
Or is present and aids in the commission of such crime;
Or whoever assaults another person with a dangerous weapon, substance or chemical and by such assault disfigures, cripples or inflicts serious or permanent physical injury upon such person;
Or whoever is privy to such intent or is present and aids in the commission of such crime
!!Specific intent crime!!
Assault and battery involving strangulation or suffocation
The S blocked the nose or mouth of another;
That the S interfered with the normal breathing or circulation of blood of the V without having any right or excuse for doing so; and
They did so intentionally.
ROA Felony
Definitions: “Strangulation’’ = the intentional interference of the normal breathing or circulation of blood by applying substantial pressure on the throat or neck of another.
'’Suffocation’’ = the intentional interference of the normal breathing or circulation of blood by blocking the nose or mouth of another.
Unarmed Robbery
Force or fear. The suspect by force or fear;
Theft from person. Took money or property from victim or the victim’s immediate control.
Right of arrest
**S must take control or possession of victim’s property or money.
Purse snatching
**Value of property is irrelevant
Armed robbery
Weapon. The suspect was armed with a dangerous weapon when he;
**Force or fear. **By force or fear;
Theft from person. Took money or property from the victim or the victim’s immediate control.
Right of arrest: Felony
**Value of property is irrelevant
**if the S has an opportunity to dispose of the gun before he is apprehended, the S claim to have a gun during the robbery is enough to convict him of armed robbery.
**if the S has an opportunity to dispose of the gun before he is apprehended, the S claim to have a gun during the robbery is enough to convict him of armed robbery.
Unarmed assault with intent to rob or steal
Not being armed with a dangerous weapon;
Assaults another with force and violence;
With intent to rob or steal.
ROA Felony
This charge is used for the S who assaults a V with intent to rob or steal, but does not complete the crime.
Example: S grabbed at money in hands of supermarket cashier, who tugged back on the money, was an assault with sufficient force and violence to satisfy the elements of this offense.
Armed Assault with Intent to Rob or Murder
Armed. Suspect armed with a dangerous weapon; and
Assaults. Assaults another;
Intent. With the intent to rob or murder.
ROA Felony
Stealing by confining or putting in fear
with intent to commit larceny or any felony;
Confines, maims, injures, or wounds or attempts or threatens to kill, confine, maim, injure, or wound; or
puts any person in fear;
for the purpose of stealing from a building, bank, safe, vault, or other depository of money; SHALL
whether he succeeds or fails in the perpetration of such larceny or felony;
be punished.
ROA Felony
The defendant has the intent to steal a motor vehicle and does one of the following:
assaults, confines,
maims or,
puts any person in fear
For the purpose of stealing a motor vehicle.
ROA Felony
**There is no requirement that the suspect takes possession of the car.
**No weapon necessary
**This crime is technically entitled ““Assault, Confinement, etc of person for purpose of stealing motor vehicle”
Criminal Harassment
The suspect willfully and maliciously engaged;
In a pattern of conduct or series of acts (at least 3 incidents);
Which were directed at a specific person; and
Constituted harassment (because a reasonable person would suffer substantial emotional distress).
Right of arrest
Warrantless arrest on probable cause is the “preferred response”
The suspect willfully and maliciously engaged;
In a pattern of conduct or series of acts (at least 3 incidents);
Which were directed at a specific person; and
Constituted harassment (because a reasonable person would suffer substantial emotional distress); and
Involved a threat with intent to cause imminent fear of death or serious bodily injury
Right of arrest Felony
How are stalking and criminal harassment different?
Stalking requires a threat*. Identical charges, except stalking involves a threat.
Only one threat required.
Threat may be to a third party if suspect intended it to be conveyed to the victim.
Suspect’s intent must be to cause imminent fear.
How are stalking and criminal harassment similar?
**Target may be anyone. No need to show a special relationship.
**At least 3 incidents. Acts must be distinct and separated by some interval. Exposure to incidents may occur at one time.
**Substantial emotional distress.
**Substantial emotional distress is something markedly greater than the level of uneasiness, nervousness, unhappiness or the like which is commonly experienced in day-to-day living.
**Harassment victims and stalking victims are eligible for Harassment Protection Order under MGL 258E.