64. Polytraumas. Combined traumas Flashcards
Polytraumas - definition
Injury to several (>1) physical regions or organ systems, where at least one injury or the combination of several injuries is life threatening with the severity of injury being >16 on the injury severity score
- With possibility of one or more causative agents i.e. mechanic and/or chemical and/or biological
Polytraumas - worst injury of 6 body system
- Head and neck
- Face
- Chest
- Abdomen
- Extremities (including pelvis)
- External
Polytraumas - worst injury of 6 body system - values
- Max = 75
- Minor = 1-8
- Moderate = 9-15
- Serious = 16-24
- Severe = 25-49
- Critical = 50-74
- Un-survivable = 75
Classification of Polytrauma:
- 2 major systems injury + 1 major limb injury
- 1 major system injury + 2 major limb injury
- 1 major system injury + 1 open grade III skeletal injury
- Unstable pelvis fracture with associated visceral injury
Polytrauma - most common injuries
Traumatic brain injury frequently occurs in Polytrauma.
- Others injuries inc. amputations, burns, spinal cord injury, post-traumatic stress disorder
- Most often associated with motor vehicles, blast injuries
Polytraumas - Trauma mortality periods
- Most deaths occur during 1st hour
- 1-4 hr (golden hour) common cause of death = hypovolemic shock
- Several wks later pt dies of late complications + organ failure
Polytraumas - Physiological response to Polytrauma
- Tissue damage
- Hypovolemia
- Changes in CVS
- Inflam reactions
o Systemic inflam response syn (SIRS)
o Acute respiratory distress synd (ARDS
Polytraumas - Treatment
- On admission = X-ray = cervical spine, chest, pelvis
- Primary evaluation o ABCD (disability – neurological status)
o Urinary/gastric catheters inserted
o ECG + O2 sat
o If severe blood loss = blood transfusion
o Full lab studies
- Secondary evaluation:
o Head-toe examination
o CT, extremity x-rays
o Endoscopy, US
Blast trauma definition
Is a Multi-dimensional injury – combines blast, penetrating, blunt and burn mechanisms
Primary blast injury - Clinical presentation
- Primary blast injury:eardrum perforation – usually heal spontaneously or result in hearing loss in 25%
a. Disrupts alveolar capillary intersurface = mild contusion with intralveolar hemorrhage to severe + rapidly evolving acute respiratory distress synd
i. Pneumothorax actively sort
ii. CF: hypoxia + bilateral diffuse infiltrates
iii. Tx: emergency endotracheal intubation + ventilatory support
Secondary blast injury:
Penetrating trauma from fragments of bomb.
Penetrating trauma = deep soft tissue wounds = profuse bleeding thus before taking pt to OR – pack wound with gauze before surgery
a. CF: profuse bleeding, superficial skin laceration to lethal visceral wounds
b. DX: X-ray, CT, physical examination to determine depth of penetration
c. TX: debridement of wound + removal of embedded foreign fragments
Tertiary blast injury:
Combined with other types of trauma caused by blast. Complicates clinical picture – dilemma in priority tx
Quaternary blast injury
Mostly burns + crush injuries sometimes in conjunction with inhalation injuries
Blast Trauma types
Primary blast injury : clinical presentation
Hypoxia + bilateral diffuse infiltrates
Primary blast injury treatment
Emergency endotracheal intubation + ventilatory support