633 High rise firefighting Flashcards
How many controlled dividing breeching are allowed up to the bridgehead
Only one controlled dividing breeching should be used in a rising main. Where two separate
rising mains exist within the same building, the management and identification of branches
must be strictly controlled and communicated between sector commanders
Can the dividing breeching be plugged in on the fire floor
• The dividing breeching should not be plugged in on the fire floor.
• The controlled dividing breeching should be plugged into the outlet of the risingmain on the floor below the fire and the first firefighting jet taken from the breeching
• The second jet (to protect the egress of firefighting crews) should be taken from the riser
outlet on the fire floor, in line with existing high rise procedure.
• The remaining vacant outlet of the dividing breeching should be used to provide a third
firefighting jet, should this be required.
What is a high rise?
A high rise building, for the purposes of this procedure, may be defined as a building containing
floors at such a height or position that external fire fighting and rescue operations may not be
What are the Hazards of high rise firefighting ?
(a) Building height, layout and design.
(b) Fire behaviour and development.
(c) Firefighting and rescue operations.