[6.2-3] gas exchange in unicellular organisms, insects and fish Flashcards
describe the unicellular organism gas exchange system
- have a very high SA:V ratio so don’t need a specialised gas exchange surface
- cell membrane is their gas exchange surface which is enough to bring in oxygen / get rid of carbon dioxide by simple diffusion
eg. amoeba, euglena, paramecium
what features would you expect to see in the insect gas exchange system?
- large cumulative SA
- steep concentration gradient
- short diffusion pathway / thin exchange surface
what structural adaptation means there is a large cumulative SA in insects?
- large network of tracheae and tracheoles distribute air directly to tissues, supplying oxygen for respiration
- air sacs for storage of air internally
what structural adaptation means there is a steep concentration gradient in insects?
- multiple spiracles (air holes) + pumping mechanism of abdomen muscles
- this enables fresh air to be forced into the insect, thus maintaining a steep concentration gradient which allows oxygen to enter muscle tissues
what structural adaptation means there are short diffusion pathways and thin exchange surfaces in insects?
- multiple spiracles and dense tracheole network means air is widely distributed internally
- point of exchange between tracheoles and muscles is only a single layer of cells thick
why are the ends of tracheoles (in insects) filled with water? [4]
- end of tracheoles next to muscle tissue are fluid filled
- any lactic acid produced in the muscle via anaerobic respiration will make muscle’s water potential more negative
- therefore, fluid in tracheoles will move into muscle tissue by osmosis
- therefore, air behind fluid in tracheole will also be forced into the muscle tissue down the resulting pressure gradient
describe the structure of the gills (5)
- located within the body of the fish, behind the head
- made up of gill filaments
- perpendicular to the filaments are gill lamellae, which increase the SA of the gills
- water is taken in through the mouth and forced over the gills and out through an opening on each side of the body
- flow of water over gill lamellae and flow of blood within them are in opposite directions
what structural adaptation means there is a steep concentration gradient in fish?
- dense network of blood vessels in the gill arches
- blood capillaries in gill lamellae
what structural adaptation means there is a large cumulative SA in fish?
- each gill filament is elongated and thin in shape
- each gill filament contain many gill lamellae (actual gas exchange surface)
- two sets of gills overall, each made of multiple gill arches, each made of multiple gill filaments, each covered in multiple gill lamellae
what structural adaptation means there is a short diffusion pathway / thin exchange surface in fish?
- gill lamellae contain blood capillaries
- lamellae are very thin in surface
- this means blood and water are very close
what is a countercurrent flow?
it describe how the flow of water over the gill lamellae and the flow of blood within them are in opposite directions (in a fish)
why does the countercurrent exchange system work?
- the concentration of oxygen is always higher in water than in blood
- therefore, oxygen always diffuses from blood to water
- this is the case along the whole lamellae, maximising useful SA for diffusion
> draw graphs to show oxygen concentration along the lamellae with and without the countercurrent exchange system