619 Exam 2 Flashcards
Central nervous system (CNS) is made up of
Brain (Nuclei)
Spinal Cord (Tract)
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) is made up of
Cranial nn (Ganglia)
Spinal nn (nerve)
Cranial nn provide these Functions (fxn)
Spinal nn provide these functions (fxn)
Cranial nn
-Special Sense
Spinal nn
Controls voluntary actions/movements and carries sensory information to the CNS
Somatic nervous system
Regulates unconscious involuntary movement
Autonomic Nervous system
These characteristics make up the ___________ of the autonomic nervous system
-Thoracolumbar S.C.
-Energy Consuming
These characteristics make up the ___________ of the autonomic nervous system
-Craniosacral S.C.
-Energy conserving
ANS Reflex ARC
1. R
2. A
3. I
4. P
5. P
6. T
1 Receptor
2 Afferent (Sensory)
3 Interneuron
4 Preganglionic Neuron
5 Postganglionic Neuron
6 Target orga
Sympathetic CNS:
- _______ horn (T1-L2)
-______ preganglionic Sympathetic neuron
Sympathetic PNS:
-__/____vertebral or preaortic
- ____ postganglionic sympathetic
Parasympathetic CNS
-Brainstem or _______ horn (S2-S4)
-____ Preganglionic parasympathetic neuron
Parasympathetic PNS
- __________ ganglia or named C.N. ganglia (in head)
_ _______ postganglionic parasympathetic neuron
- Short
Preaortic Ganglia carries cell bodies of _____________ sympathetic neurons
Sympathetic NS Head/neck pathway from lateral horn (T1-L2):
- ____vertebral ganglia
-_________ Ganglia (Superior, Middle, Inferior)
Sympathetic NS GI pathway from lateral Horn:
1.______/_________ __________
-Greater Splanchnic
-Lesser Splanchnic
-Least Splanchnic
- ____________ _____________
- Lumbar Splanchnic
- Celiac/Superior Mesenteric
- Inferior Mesenteric
Autonomics three target tissues
Smooth Muscle
Cardiac Muscle