6.1.3 Manipulating Genomes Flashcards
what is PCR
polymerase chain reaction
what is the use of PCR
- selecting a fragment of DNA with gene or bit of DNA you are interested in
- and amplifying it into millions of copies
what is the reaction mixture used in PCR made of
- DNA sample
- free nucleotides
- primers
- DNA polymerase
what are primers
short pieces of DNA that are complementary to the bases at the start of the fragment you want
what is DNA polymerase
an enzyme that creates new DNA strands
what is the first step of PCR with temperature included
- DNA mixture is heated to 95°C
- breaking the hydrogen bonds between 2 strands of DNA
- (DNA polymerase still doesn’t denature here, which is important, as it means many cycles of PCR can be carried out, and you don’t need to use a new temperature each time)
what is the second step of PCR with temperature
- mixture is cooled to 50-60°C
- means that primers can bind (anneal) to the strands
- needed for replication to occur
what is the third step of PCR with temperature
- the reaction mixture is raised to 72°C
- optimum temperature for DNA polymerase to work
- the DNA polymerase lines up free DNA nucleotides alongside each template strands
- complementary base pairing means that new complementary strands form
- enzyme used is Taq polymerase (used in hot springs, so can deal with high temperature)
- 2 new copies of the fragment of DNA are formed
describe the mathematical replication during PCR
- after one cycle, 2 new copies are made
- the cycle starts again, and all 4 strands (2 new and 2 old) are used as templates
- each PCR doubles the amount of DNA
( from 2 original to 4,8,16)
what is electrophoresis
procedure that uses electrical current to separate out DNA fragments, RNA fragments or proteins depending on their SIZE
what is the first step of gel electrophoresis, where the gel tray is added to the gel tank/box
- often performed using agarose gel that has been poured into a gel tray and left to solidify
- you need to put the gel tray into the gel box, making sure that the end of the gel tray with the wells is closest to the negative electrode on the gel box
- add buffer solution to the reservoirs at the sides of the gel box so that the surface of the gel becomes covered in it
in the second step of electrophoresis, how are the samples loaded into the wells
- using a micropipette, add the same volume of loading dye into each fragmented DNA sample (loading dye helps the samples to sink to the bottom of the wells and makes them easier to see)
- add a set volume of a DNA sample into the first well (be REALLY careful when adding the samples, making sure the tip of the micropipette is in the buffer solution and just above the opening of the well - not TOO far down as it will pierce the bottom)
- repeat the process and add the same volume of other DNA samples into the other wells (clean micropipette each time)
- keep note of which sample is in each well
how is the third step of electrophoresis, where it actually occurs, carried out
1) lid is placed on the gel box and leads are connected from the box to power supply
2) power supply is turned on and set to particular voltage, causing an electrical current to pass through the gel
3) DNA fragments are negatively charged, so they’ll move through the gel towards the positive electrode (anode) at the far end
4) small DNA fragments move faster and further, causing them to all separate via size
5) let the gel run for 30 minutes, or until gel is about 2cm from the end, and turn off power
6) remove gel tray from the tank and tip off any excess buffer solution
7) wear gloves and stain the DNA fragments by covering the surface of the gel with staining solution and then rinse with water
8) will now be able to see visible bands of DNA fragments
9) the size of the DNA fragments are measured in bases (1000 = 1 kb kilobase)
what is an alternative method to dyeing the gel in electrophoresis
- southern blotting:
- where the DNA fragments are separated from the gel onto a nylon membrane
- radioactive/fluorescent DNA probes (have complimentary short DNA/RNA sequence) are attached to label each specific fragment, called hybridisation
- excess probes washed off
- placed onto X-ray film/ under UV light
- dark bands revealed where fragments are
why is electrophoresis possible in DNA
- DNA fragments are negatively charged
- DNA fragments are of different sizes
what can you or can’t you undertake electrophoresis on
- RNA and DNA as negatively charged
- not proteins, as can be positively or negatively charged
- so before undergoing electrophoresis, they need to be mixed with chemical that denatures positive charge (so all equal charge)
- many uses of this, e.g. in diagnosing diseases with urine and blood samples
how can you cut out DNA fragments
using restriction enzymes
what is a palindromic sequence
- a sequence of nucleotides that consist of antiparallel base pairs (read the same in the opposite direction)
what are restriction enzymes
enzymes that recognise specific palindromic DNA base sequences (recognition sequences) and cut (digest) the DNA at these places
explain how each restriction enzyme differs
- different restriction enzymes cut at different specific recognition sequences
- as the shape of the sequence is complementary to the enzymes active site
how do restriction enzymes work
- if recognition sequences are present at either side of the DNA fragment
- the enzyme will separate it from the rest
- needs to be incubated
- and will cut the DNA fragment out via a hydrolysis reaction
what are sticky ends and how do they apply to restriction enzymes
- small tails of unpaired bases at each end of the fragment
- are useful as can be used to bind (anneal) the DNA fragment to another piece with the complementary sticky ends
- as opposed to blunt ends
what is an organism’s genome
all of the genetic material that an organism contains
- for us, all DNA in nucleus and mitochondria
what are non-coding base sequences called
- removed from mRNA before it can be translated