6.12.2019 Flashcards
Acute mesenteric arterial thrombosis tx:
IVF, Nasogastric decompression, heparin anticoag, broad spectrum abx therapy.
Difference between Mobitz type 1 and 2
Type 2: PR is constant and then a suddenly dropped QRS (can occur every 2, 3, or 4 beats)
Type 1 is Wenkebach is where PR progressively increases to where it drops a QRS
Histo findings for celiac dz:
intraepithelial lymphs & villous blunting in duodenum
Extraintestinal manifestations of celiacs:
depression, anemia, osteopenia, dermatitis herpetiformis, IgA nephropathy
Boerhaave’s tx
if contained can be treated medically!
What is the most likely nerve to be compressed in an intracranial mass?
CN VI as it has a long course. Manifested by weak abduction
SIBO or blind loop syndrome:
occurs when there is normal colon flora that makes it’s way to the small intestine. The way to test for this is with a breath carbohydrate test. In people with altered motility or something that puts that at risk for intestinal stasis will be at risk for SIBO.
Preseptal vs Orbital cellulitis
Preseptal (periorbital cellulitis) is everything anterior to orbital septum: unilateral eyelid swelling, redness, and pain. Dermis infection mostly!
Orbital is more the orbital fat that is infected and can track intracranially: proptosis, diplopia, and painful extraocular movements
Relative risk:
(exposed with dz/total exposed)/(unexposed with dz/total not exposed)
Constitutional growth delay:
where the child is born at normal size then drops low at age 3ish, then has delayed pubertal growth spurt- will reach normal adult stature. Rule out hypopituitarism via looking at no other pituitary hormone problems.
Seborrheic dermatitis
is anywhere sebaceous glands are present. On the head it is known to cause cradle cap in babies and dandruff in adults. Non-pruritic, red patches, causes white flakes, no blood.
Sheehans syndrome… lab levels?
is where all of the pituitary hormones will be at low levels!
Auspitz sign.
Psoriasis has white silvery scaley rash. Will have pinpoint bleeding if the lesion is peeled
Dumping syndrome is
related to a number of different surgeries (all related to GI and usually stomach). It is where usually a high carb load eaten will make you have symptoms (weakness, diaphoresis, palpitations) and then explosive diarrhea.
Dx Dumping syndrome
Diagnosed by a glucose challenge test.
Central herniations:
downward. Tear of basilar A (Duret hemorrhage). Hyperventilation & Cheyn-Stokes breathing.
what is a tonsillar herniation
downward of cerebellum through foramen magnum causing compression of medulla causing cardiac dysfunction.
Lichen Planus: 5P’s
Pruritic Purple Polygonal Papules Plaques
Pheo rules of 10
recurrence post surgery, familial, bilateral, extra-adrenal, malignant, in kids
acute decompensated HF tx
WET&COOL- diuretics/inotropes…
WET&WARM- diuretics/vasodilators…
DRY&COOL- IVF/Inotropes…
DRY&WARM- stable CHF so bb’s and Acei’s
PCOS: need 2/3 of what sx’s to dx?
acne, hirsutism, hyperandrogenism
Tx for PCOS hyperandrogenism?
Meckels diverticulum…
rules of 2:
rules of 2: (for meckels)
2% of population, presents before 2YO, 2:1 male, 2 ft of IC valve, 2 inches in length, 2 types of mucosal tissue (gastric or pancreatic)
Histo of thalassemias
Target cells
Histo of primary myelofibrosis
mnemonic for causes of delirium
MI WATCH DEATH: Metabolic derangements, infections, withdrawal, abuse of substance, trauma, CNS path, Hypoxia, deficiencies, endocrine, acute MI, heavy metals
most common causes of small bowel obstructions?
Adults: Adhesions
Kids: Hernias
Erthematous patchy raised scaly lesions over back. Bx reveals T-cell infiltrates.
Mycosis fungoides #1 common cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a non-hodgkin lymphoma.
Where does Calcitonin come from?!?!?
The medullar C-cells of the thyroid
What job to look for silicosis?
rock quarry, sand blasting
What job to look for asbestosis?
shipyard, construction
What job to look for beryllliosis?
electrical manufacturing, and aeronautics
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease
pft’s in DPLD?
FEV1 down, FVC down, however the FEV1/FVC ratio will be normal or up!`
Measles, mumps, RSV, parainfluenza
Measles AKA?
Mumps complication?
SSPE (subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis)
Parainfluenza virus AKA?
Croup, laryngotracheobronchitis