61-End Flashcards
A fictional voice created by an author to tell a story (fiction) or for a specific effect
Giving human characteristics to inanimate objects
Point of View
The perspective from which a story is told
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
A logical fallacy which implies that because one thing follows another, the first thing causes the second
Red Herring
When a writer raises an irrelevant issues to draw attention away from the real issue
When a writer demonstrates the falsehood of opposing arguments using valid backing
A word of phrase used two or more times in close proximity
The art of effective communication
A work that reveals a critical attitude toward some element of human nature or behavior by portraying it in an extreme way
A type of verbal irony which usually expresses the opposite of a word dictionary definition. Sarcasm is intentionally harsh, critical sneering or cutting
Comparing two unlike things using like or as
The choices in diction, appeals, figurative language, tone and syntax that a writer makes. Style tends to be unique to specific writers.
A concrete object, event, or person that represents a usually larger abstract idea
The central idea in a work of fiction or non fiction
The writers attitude about a topic revealed in his or her text revealed through diction figurative language and organization
An effect achieved by having all parts of a work relate to one central idea or organizing principal
Verbal Irony
Language where the expressed idea is opposite of the dictionary meaning. (Sarcasm)