6.1 Flashcards
What is development and how is it measured?
Development is ….?
An improvement in living standards brought about by better use of resources. Can be social, environmental or economic.
Sustainable development means ?
providing adequate living standards for current population without harming ability of future generations to access similar/better standards.
IMF - stands for? Does what?
International Monetary Fund. A global organization funded by ACs to help out LIDCs
AC stands for ?
Advanced country, used to be known as MEDCs
LIDC stands for ?
Low Income and Developing countries, used to be called LEDCs
EDC stands for ?
Emerging & Developing Countries - used to be called NICs. These are industrializing now.
BRICs are ?
Group of ‘up and coming’ countries Brazil, Russia, India and China
MINTs are ? (not chocolate versions!)
Group of countries that will become the next BRICS. Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria & Turkey
ACs are mainly located where in the World?
mainly in Europe, Nth America and Oceania
EDCs are mainly located where in the World?
mainly in Asia, Sth America; some in Africa
LIDCs are mainly located where in the World?
mainly in Africa (>50%) and Asia
HDI stands for …… and tells us …?
Human Development Index. Made up of 3 indicators. Scores between 0 and 1. The higher the score the more developed the country
Infant Mortality Rate is ?
Number of children who die before reaching 12 months of age. It is usually high in poorer countries.
Birth Rate
number of babies born in a country. High in poorer countries eg 30+ per ‘000 population
Death Rate is ?
number of people dying in a country. High in poorer countries eg 25+ per ‘000 population
People per Doctor is ?
how many patients on average a doctor has, the higher the number, usually the poorer the country.
GNI stands for?
Gross National Income. A value (US $) that gives us an idea how wealthy a country is.
A Development Indicator is?
A measure of how developed a country is like Life expectancy, GNI or food intake.
Development Indices are better because?
they are made up of >1 indicator so give a more accurate picture about the level of a country’s development
HDI is made up of which three indicators?
health, wealth and education
There are 4 types of employment - these are
primary, secondary, tertiary & quaternary
GDP is …?
the total value of goods and services produced in a country per person, per year
Literacy Rate is …. ?
the % of population aged 15 years or more who can read and write. This is higher in ACs and lower in LIDCs.
Life Expectancy
The average lifespan of of someone born in that country. Higher in ACs. Improving in EDCs.
Debt is when ….
a country owes money
A country that imports more than it exports has a ? balance of trade
A country that imports more than it exports has a negative balance of trade
Political unrest
when people are dissatisfied with the Government
‘PEATHH’ is a set of human factors affecting the development of a country ….
politics, education, aid, trade, health, history
This ‘CHRT’ is a set of physical factors affecting the development of a country ….
climate, hazards, resources, terrain
What ‘A’ is given to poorer countries to help them?