60 minute yoga class Flashcards
To memorize poses and cues in order
- Welcome.
- Thank you for being my volunteer.
- Engage Ujayi breathing.
Warm Up Sequence: Lunge Stretch
Card 1: Child’s Pose & Intention Setting
- Come to child’s pose on your mat. Come to the hands and knees. Sit the hips back on the heels as you point the toes.
- Reach the hands forward. Rest the forehead on the floor. Separate the knees slightly so the torso can fall between the thighs. Breath softly and steadily here…
- Turn the hands so that the palms face the ceiling. Silently, here as you breathe, set an intention for your practice. An uplifted intention that will carry you through the rest of your asana.
Warm Up Sequence: Lunge Stretch
Card 2: Transition to Downward Facing Dog & DFD
- Turn the palms down, tuck the toes, and extend the legs into downward facing dog - Adho Mukha Shvanasana.
- The spine is long. Sits bones reach to the ceiling. The heels press into the floor. The back of the neck is soft and the chin is tucked slightly.
- Draw the front ribs into the body. Keep the breath steady.
Warm Up Sequence: Lunge Stretch
Card 3: Plank - Knees, Chest, Chin - Cobra - DFD
- Inhale. Move the shoulders over the wrists to plank pose.
- Exhale. Drop the knees, chest, and chin to the floor. Ashtanga Namaskarasana - Salutations to the 8 Limbs
- Inhale. Slide forward and up into cobra. Bhujangasana.
- Exhale. Bring the seat to the heels and then extend the legs for downward facing dog.
- Continue to breath.
- Strongly engage the thighs. Internally rotating the thighs so that the inseams of your legs move toward the back of the room…
Warm Up: Lunge Stretch
Card 4: - Right Side Lunge Stretch
- Step the right foot forward between the hands into a lunge position.
- Back leg remains straight.
- Straighten the right leg and draw the right hip back in space for a lunge stretch.
- Allow the nose to move toward the knees as you soften the neck and shoulders.
- Breath here…
- Inhale. Bend the right knee.
Warm Up: Lunge Stretch
Card 5: DFD - Plank - K, C, C - Cobra - DFD
- Exhale and step into downward facing dog. Adho Muka Svanasana.
- Inhale to plank pose. Shoulders over wrists.
- Exhale. Bring knees, chest, and chin to floor.
- Inhale. Forward and up to cobra pose - Bhujangasana
- Exhale into downward facing dog…
- Keep breathing…Feel as if the shoulder blades are wrapping around the outside of the body. Allowing the shoulders to move away from the ears. Keeping your neck soft.
Warm Up: Lunge Stretch
Card 6: - Left Side Lunge stretch
- Step the left foot forward into lunge.
- Straighten the left leg for a lunge stretch on this side.
- Draw the left hip back in space.
- Soften the neck and shoulders as you move the nose toward the knee.
- Hold here and breathe…
- Inhale. Bend the left knee.
Warm Up: Lunge Stretch
Card 7: DFD - Plank - KCC - Cobra - DFD
- Exhale. Step back for downward facing dog.
- Inhale to plank pose.
- Exhale. Bring knees, chest, and chin to floor.
- Inhale. Slide forward and up into cobra. Bhujangasana.
- Exhale. Bring seat to heels and then extend legs into downward facing dog pose…
- Find a steady breath.
Warm Up: Lunge Stretch
Card 8: Forward Fold (Uttanasana) to Mountain
Fwd Fold/Uttanasana:
- Begin to walk the feet forward into uttanasana - Standing forward fold.
- Grab opposite elbows here to let the upper spine relax and release…
- Release the arms. Soften the knees. Tuck the chin. And one vertebrae at a time, roll up to stand in Tadasana…
- Stand at the front of the mat with feet together. Engage the kneecaps, but keep the knees soft. Engage the thighs as the tailbone draws down toward the floor. Find that the weight is evenly distributed on all four corners of the feet…
- Lift the lower belly in and up. Lift the heart up. Allow the shoulders to broaden and relax down the back. Slide the jawbone slightly back. Bring the hands to prayer. Remind yourself of the uplifted intention for your practice.
- Breathe here…
Sun Salutation A
Only Card: Transition from tadasana to arms overhead - forward fold - Flat Back - Chaturanga - Up Dog - DFD - Flat Back - Fwd fold - arms overhead - tadasana - repeat
- Remember ujayi breathing.
- Inhale the arms overhead, press palms, gaze up
- Exhale, forward fold - uttanasana
- Inhale, flat back; lengthen the spine, look forward
- Exhale, hands down, jump back - chaturanga dandasana
- Inhale, upward facing dog
- Exhale, downward facing dog - hold here
- 5 breaths … exhale, bend the knees look forward
- Inhale, set or jump up to a flat back
- exhale, fold forward - uttanasana
- Inhale, reach the arms up, press palms, gaze up
- Exhale, stand in tadasana
- Repeat if you need the time
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 1: Tadasana
- Arms overhead
- Forward fold
- Flat back
- Chaturanga
- Upward facing dog
- Downward facing dog
- Inhale, arms overhead or chair pose
- Hold here…in, ex, 1-5…(squeeze the knees together, press more weight into the heels, shoulder blades down the back)
- Exhale, forward fold - uttanasana
- Inhale, flat back, look forward
- Exhale, jump or step - chaturanga
- Inhale, upward facing dog
- Exhale, downward facing dog
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 2: Right foot Warrior 1 & 2 & R Triangle Pose
- Inhale, step the right foot forward for warrior 1
- Exhale, open the arms and hips for warrior 2
- Inhale, straighten right leg for triangle pose
- Exhale, reach the right arm forward and then down to the shin
- Inhale, reach the left arm up, gaze to the left hand.
- Hold here… ex 1-5 (strong steady legs)
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 3: Warrior 2 Hold
- Inhale, lift up to stand.
- Exhale, bend the right knee - warrior 2 - hold
- Inhale, reach through the finger tips, Exhale, 1
- Inhale, gaze over the right hand, exhale, 2.
- Inhale, right knee is over the ankle, exhale 3.
- Inhale, exhale, 4.
- Inhale, exhale, 5.
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 4: Extended Side Angle
Extended Side Angle
1. Inhale, straighten the right leg.
2. Exhale, rebend the right knee.
3. Place the right hand on the floor.
4. Inhale, extend the left arm over the left ear for side angle pose.
5. Exhale, hold here… 1
6. Inhale, you can place the right hand on a block, exhale, 2.
7. Inhale, exhale 3.
8. Inhale, imagine a straight line from left wrist to left ankle, exhale 4.
9. Inhale, exhale, 5.
Card 5: Transition to Pyramid (Parsvatonasana)
1. Inhale, both hands down framing both sides of the right foot.
2. Exhale, straighten right leg.
3. Inhale, step the left foot in for Parsvattonasana.
4. Exhale, nose to knee.
5. Hold here. 1.
6. Inhale, exhale, 2.
7. Inhale, draw the right hip back, exhale, 3.
8. Inhale, press underneath the right big toe, exhale, 4.
9. Inhale, exhale, 5.
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 6:
upward facing dog
downward facing dog
- Inhale, step the feet back to plank pose
- Exhale, lower - chaturanga dandasana
- Inhale, upward facing dog, squeeze shoulder blades
- Exhale, downward facing dog - adho mukha svanasana
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 7:- Left Foot Warrior 1 & 2 (quick)
- Inhale, left foot forward for warrior 1. Arms up.
- Exhale, open arms and hips for warrior 2.
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 8:- Left Side Triangle
- Inhale, straighten left leg for triangle pose.
- Exhale, reach the left arm forward and down to the left shin.
- Inhale, reach right arm up, gaze to right hand.
- Exhale, hold here, 1.
- Inhale, exhale, 2-3.
- Inhale, microbend the left knee, exhale, 4.
- Inhale, draw the lower belly toward the spine, 5.
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 9:- Left Side Warrior 2 (hold)
- Inhale, lift up.
- Exhale, bend the left knee for warrior 2. Hold.
- Inhale, exhale, gaze is over the left hand.
- Inhale, left knee is over the ankle, exhale, 3.
- Inhale, exhale, 4.
- Inhale, exhale, 5.
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 10:- Extended Side Angle
- Inhale, straighten the left leg for a moment.
- Exhale, bend the left knee for parsvakonasana.
- Inhale, reach the right arm out and over the right ear.
- Exhale, the left hand is firmly on the floor. Hold.
- Inhale, gaze is to the right hand, exhale, 1.
- Inhale, left hand can be on a block to modify, exhale, 2.
- Inhale, exhale, 3.
- Inhale, exhale, 4.
- Inhale, exhale, 5.
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 11: - Left Foot Pyramid
- Inhale, place both hands down framing the left foot
- Exhale, straighten the left leg
- Inhale, step the right foot in a bit for parsvatonasana
- Exhale, nose to knee. Hold here. 1.
- Inhale, exhale, 2.
- Inhale, draw left hip back, exhale, 3.
- Inhale, press down underneath the big toe, exhale, 4.
- Inhale, exhale, 5.
Standing Sequence: Triangle Series
Card 12: End of Triangle Series
- Plank
- Chaturanga
- Upward Facing Dog
- Downward Facing Dog
- Flat back
- Forward Fold
- Chair
- Tadasana
- Inhale, step the left foot back to plank pose.
- Exhale, lower down - chaturanga
- Inhale for upward facing dog
- Exhale, downward facing dog, hold here.
- Inhale, exhale, 1-5. (Continue to breathe, draw the lower ribs in, tuck the chin just a little bit, reach the heels to the floor)
- Exhale, bend the knees as you look forward
- Inhale, step or jump up to a flat back
- Exhale, fold forward - uttanasana
- Inhale, chair pose, bend knees - utkatasana
- Exhale, stand - tadasana
Standing Balance Sequence: Tree & Warrior
Card 1: Transition from DFD to Tadasana to Tree
- Move the weight into the left food.
- Hug the right knee into the chest.
Standing Balance Sequence: Tree & Warrior
Card 2: Right Side Tree Pose
- Place right foot on inside of left leg with the right toes pointing direcly down the left leg.
- Move right knee toward right side without shifting the hips.
- Keep tailbone drawing down as lower belly draws in and up.
- Bring hands to prayer for tree pose - Vrkshasana.
- Optionally, you may extend the arms up and overhead or even separate the hands.
- Inhale, exhale, 1-5.
Standing Balance Sequence: Tree & Warrior
Card 3: Right Side Warrior 3 & Transition to Mountain
- Inhale, bring hands to prayer.
- Exhale, bring right knee forward.
- Inhale, hug right knee into chest.
- As you exhale, begin to bend both knees and tip the torso forward.
- Inhale, extend the legs and reach the hands back for warrior 3 variation.
- Exhale, hold here, 1.
- Inhale, exhale, 2.
- Inhale, draw the shoulder blades together on the back, exhale, 3.
- Inhale, drop the right hip just a bit. Exhale, 4.
- Inhale, gaze is forward, exhale, 5.
- Inhale, pivot to stand.
Standing Balance Sequence: Tree & Warrior
Card 4: Mountain to Left Side Tree Pose & Transition
- Exhale, come to tadasana. Breathe…
- Shift the weight to the right foot.
- Hug the left knee to the chest.
- Place left foot on the inside of the right leg so toes point directly down.
- Allow the left knee to open without the hips shifting.
- Draw the tailbone down and the lower belly in and up.
- Bring hands to prayer or extend arms up and overhead, or you can separate the hands.
- Inhale here. Exhale, 1-5.
Transition to warrior 3:
1. Inhale, bring hands to prayer.
2. Exhale, left knee forward.
3. Inhale, hug left knee to chest.
4. Exhale, bend both knees as you tip the torso forward.
Standing Balance Sequence: Tree & Warrior
Card 5: Left Side Warrior 3 & Transition to Mountain
- Inhale, extend the legs and reach hands back for warrior 3 variation.
- Exhale, hold here, 1.
- Inhale, try flexing the left foot, exhale, 2.
- Inhale, squeeze shoulder blades together, be proud, exhale, 3.
- Inhale, drop the left hip slightly, exhale, 4.
- Inhale, exhale 5.
- Inhale, pivot to stand.
Standing Balance Sequence: Tree & Warrior
Card 6: End Sequence: Mountain, Forward Fold, Flat Back, Chaturanga, Updog, Downdog
- Exhale, tadasana.
- Inhale, reach the arms up, press palms, gaze up.
- Exhale, fold forward, uttanasana.
- Inhale, flat back, lengthen spine.
- Exhale, step or jump, chaturanga dandasana.
- Inhale, upward facing down, squeeze shoulder blades
- Exhale, downward facing dog.
- Hold here, breathe…
Backbends Sequence: Backbends (cobra/locust/bow)
Card 1: Transition from DFD to Plank & Transition into Cobra
- Bring the shoulders over wrists into plank
- And then slowly lower all the way down onto your abdomen on the floor.
- Keep the hands underneath the shoulders
- Point the toes.
- Press the tops of the feet into the Earth as the lower belly lifts in and up into
Backbends Sequence: Backbends (cobra/locust/bow)
Card 2: Cobra Hold with alignment
- Inhale. Lift using only the muscles of the back into Cobra.
- Exhale. Continue to breathe and hold here…
- Refrain from pressing the hands into the Earth.
- Use the opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the back.
- Draw shoulder blades down and together.
- Keep the heart open and moving forward…
- Allow the back of neck to be long.
- Inhale. Lift a little higher.
- Exhale. Release down onto the floor.
Backbends Sequence: Backbends (cobra/locust/bow)
Card 3: Locust with alignment
- Interlace the fingers behind the back for Shalabhasana - Locust Variation.
- Press the palms toward each other.
- Squeeze the legs together.
- Inhale, lift everything up.
- Stretch the shoulders by lifting the hands.
- Lift the chest.
- Lift the legs, the knees, and the thighs.
- Keep the back of the neck long.
- Breath.
- Inhale, lift up. Exhale.
- Release down and release the hands
Backbends Sequence: Backbends (cobra/locust/bow)
Card 4: Bow with alignment x 2 (if time)
- Bend both knees.
- Reach back and grab both ankles.
- For Dhanurasana - bow pose, allow both arms to be straight, keeping a tight grip on the ankles.
- Look forward proudly, keeping neck long.
- Inhale. Lift up by kicking the feet into the hands.
- Breathe here.
- This back bend is caused by the straightening the legs into the gripping hands, pulling the body into a bow, just like an archer.
- Breath remains steady.
- Feel as if the tailbone is moving toward the floor so that the lower belly continues to move into the body protecting the lower back.
- Inhale. Take this opportunity to lift a little higher.
Backbends Sequence: Cobra, Locust, Bow
Card 5: Rest & Bow reprise & transition to Child’s Pose
- Exhale. Release down.
- Release the ankles.
- Turn one cheek to the floor for a moment.
- Breath…
Bow Reprise:
1. Bring the head to the center.
2. Bend both knees.
3. Reach back and once again, grab both ankles for a reprise of Dhanurasana, bow pose.
4. Hang on tightly.
5. Keep neck long.
6. Inhale. Life up, feeling the quadraceps engage to press the ankles into the hands, pulling into bow posture.
7. Allow the heart to be open and proud.
8. Breath remains steady.
9. Deep breath in. Exhale. Release the pose.
10. Come down. Release the ankles.
11. Turn the other cheek to the floor.
12. Breathe here for a moment.
13. Bring head back to center.
14. Place hands underneath the shoulders.
15. Separate the knees a bit and press back into:
Backbends: Cobra, Locust, Bow
Card 6: Child’s Pose to DFD
- …into…Child’s Pose - Balasana.
- Toes together.
- Knees slightly apart so that the torso can drape between the thighs.
- Rest forehead on the floor.
- Breathe space into the lower back.
- Move into Downward Facing Dog Pose.
- Press hands down. Tuck toes. Extend legs. Adho Muka Svanasana.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 1: Right Side Pigeon
- Breathe as you bring the right knee forward between the hands for pigeon pose.
- Point the left toes directly behind you and square the hips to the front of the mat.
- For less of a stretch here, bring the right foot more underneath the right hip.
- For more of a stretch, bring the right foot closer toward the front of the mat with the shin parallel to the front edge of the mat.
- Place the hands on both sides of the front leg.
- Inhale, lift the heart up
- Exhale, fold forward into pigeon pose.
- Hold.
- Inhale. Exhale. 1.
- Inhale, relax. Exhale, 2.
- Inhale, soften the shoulders, exhale 3.
- Inhale, exhale. 4.
- Inhale, exhale, 5.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 2: Transition to Janusirasana (Head to Knee Pose)
- Inhale, lift the torso up.
- Exhale, roll onto the right sits bone
- Turn the torso around and lift the left toes up for Janusirasana, head to knee pose.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 3: Janusirasana (Head to Knee Pose)
- Rearrange the body as necessary, turning the torso over the left leg.
- Inhale, lift up the heart.
- Exhale, fold forward over the left leg - Janusirsana.
- Hold. Breathe.
- Inhale. Exhale. 1.
- Inhale. Move the heart toward the toes. Exhale, 2.
- Inhale, root the right sit bone to the earth. Exhale. 3.
- Inhale. Exhale. 4.
- Inhale, exhale, 5.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 4: Parighasana (Left Side Gate)
- Inhale, lift the torso up.
- Exhale, widen the distance between the knees.
- Inhale, make sure the torso is sideways now for Parighasana - Gate Pose.
- Exhale, slide the left arm along the inside of the left leg, toward the bent knee.
- Inhale, reach the right arm up and over toward toward the left foot.
- Exhale, hold here for one.
- Inhale, exhale 2-5.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 5: Transition to Downward Facing Dog & DFD
- Inhale, lift the torso up.
- Exhale, bring the hands to the floor back to the front of the mat.
- Turn the toes.
- Inhale, prepare to press back to downward dog
- Exhale, lift the hips and step the feet back to downward facing dog.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 6: Left Side Pigeon
- Inhale, bring the left knee between the hands for pigeon pose.
- Exhale, point the right toes.
- Inhale, adjust the left shin as necessary.
- Inhale, fold forward over the left leg.
- Inhale, hold here and rest, exhale, 1.
- Inhale, make sure the hips are square to the front. Exhale, 2.
- Inhale, exhale, 3.
- Inhale, exhale, 4.
- Inhale, exhale, 5.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 7: Transition from Left Pigeon to Right Side Janusirasana (Head to Knee)
- Inhale, lift the torso up.
- Exhale, roll onto your left sits bone, turning the torso around and lifting the right toes up.
- Inhale, lift the heart.
- Exhale, fold forward for Janusirsana over the right leg.
- Inhale, hold here, exhale, 1.
- Inhale, root the left sits bone to the floor, exhale 2.
- Inhale, reach the heart toward the foot, exhale, 3.
- Inhale, exhale, 4-5.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 8: Transition to Right Side Gate & RSG
- Inhale, lift the torso up.
- Exhale, widen the angle of the knee for gate pose.
- Inhale, raise the torso turning it sideways.
- Exhale, slide the right arm along the inside of the right leg.
- Inhale, reach the left arm up and over toward the right foot.
- Exhale, hold here, breath.
- Inhale, exhale, 1-2-3-4-5.
Forward Bend Sequence: Birds at the Gate
Card 9: Transition to DFD & DFD
- Inhale, lift the torso.
- Exhale, bring the hands back to the front of the mat, rolling over the right foot.
- Inhale, prepare to step back
4, Exhale, step both feet back to DFD. - Hold here. Breathe.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 1: Transition from Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) - Right Leg Up
- Inhale, raise the right leg high into the sky behind you.
- Exhale, bend the right knee.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 2: Right Side Pigeon
- Bring it between the hands for pigeon pose. Continue to breathe.
- Point the left toes directly behind you, lift the torse.
- Adjust the right shin as necessary.
- Place a little bit of attention on the pinky toe, pulling it toward the knee.
- Raise the heart first and then settle into the stretch, bringing the elbows to the floor, or resting the torse all the way down, draping it over the right leg.
- Soften the neck.
- Engage the lower abdomen just slightly.
- Allow the breath to be steady.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 3: Transition to DFD & DFD Left Leg Up
- Bring the torso up, tuck the back toes, step back to downward facing dog.
- Inhale, Lift the left leg high into the sky behind you.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 4: Left Side Pigeon
- Exhale, bring the left knee between the hands for pigeon on the other side.
- Continue to breathe.
- Point the right toes behind you, square the hips to the front of the mat.
- Adjust the left shin as necessary.
- Place a little tension on the left pinky toe to protect the knee joint.
- Slowly move forward either bringing elbows to floor for support or draping your entire body over the front of the left leg, reaching the hands fully forward.
- Breathe…
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 5: Transition to DFD
Lift the torso up, tuck the back toes, press back into downward facing dog.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 6: Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)
- Bring the knees to the floor.
- Cross the legs at the ankles.
- Roll back to sit
- And hug the knees to the chest.
- Prepare for Baddha Konasana, bound angle pose.
- Let the knees fall open, bottoms of the feet together.
- Reach down with the hands to grab the feet and open them like a book.
- With an inhale, lift the heart up so that the spine is long.
- Exhale, fold forward over the legs for Baddha Konasana, aiming the belly button toward the feet.
- Keep the chest open, shoulders back and down.
- Breathe…
- If the thighs are far away from the floor, it may be helpful to place a blanket or two underneath each thigh for support.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 7: Transition from Bound Angle to PREPARATION for Left Supine Twist
- Inhale, lift the torso up and use the hands to lift the knees.
- Continue to breathe.
- Hug the knees into the chest.
- Roll down onto the back, preparing for a supine twist.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 8: Left Side Supine Twist & Transition to Right Supine Twist
- Hang on to the right knee.
- Extend the left leg out onto the ground.
- Draw the right knee over to the left side of the body.
- Reach the right arm out behind you, gazing out past the right arm.
- Breathe…
- Inhale, lift the right knee up.
- Exhale, hug both knees into the chest.
Cool Down Release the Hips
Card 9: Right Side Supine Twist & Transition to Shavasana
- Continue to breathe.
- Hang on to the left knee.
- Extend the right leg out onto the floor.
- Bring the left knee down to the right side.
- Reach the left arm out behind you.
- Gaze out over the left arm.
- Breathe.
- Inhale. Bring the knee up.
- Exhale, hug the knees into the chest.
- Do a few circles with the knees one way. A few circles with the knees the other way.
- Extend the legs out onto the ground. Prepare for Savasana, corpse pose, final relaxation.
Shavasana: Letting Go
Prepare for Shavasana
- Shavasana: Corpse Pose: Prepare for this pose making yourself completely comfortable. It’s nice to roll up a blanket or place a bolster underneath the knees for support. A pillow can be placed underneath the head. A blanket can be brought over the top of the body to keep you warm.
- Laying on the back, allow the feet the to be separated at least the mat distance apart. Let the feet fall open naturally so that the hips are soft and relaxed.
- Bring the hands, palms up, by the sides. Allowing the shoulder blades to tuck underneath you to open the chest.
- Close the eyes. Soften the breathing. Let there be no control over the breath.
- Let go of doing. Let go of trying. Let go of any tension that might be lingering in the body.
Shavasana: Letting Go
Card 2: Body Scan
- Use your awareness to scan the body from the toes to the feet.
- The ankles, the calves, the knees, the thighs. Releasing any tension as you go.
- Scan the hips, the seat, the lower back, the lower belly. The middle back. The upper belly. Releasing any tension as you go.
- Scan the upper back and shoulder blades. The shoulders and the chest. The arms and the hands. Releasing any tension as you go.
- Release tension in the neck, the jaw, the cheeks, the forehead, and scalp.
- Allow the entire body to soften and feel heavy upon the floor.
- Bring the awareness to the heart. Soften any tension that may be lingering around the heart and the chest.
- Let the mind be still… Let go… Let go and realize that you are completely supported… You are completely loved…
Shavasana: Letting Go
Card 3: Finishing Shavasana
- Begin now to deepen your breathing…
- Draw the breath into the fingers and into the toes.
- Reach the arms up overhead making yourself as long as possible.
- Hug the knees into the chest…
- Roll to the right side. Pause here.
- Gently press up to a comfortable seated position with the eyes closed…
- Bring the mind back to the intention that was set for this practice.
- When you’re ready, open the eyes…
- Namaste