6 The Virtues Flashcards
Nadena/Nayawa: Mena nowa yeso haga he niso nodena hiwa.
Dignity/Watchfulness: I never want to violate the rights of others.
Namiya/Nayawa: Mena nowa yeso haga gaxu haga wedo hiwa.
Humility/Watchfulness: I never want to be unwilling to serve others.
Nacama/Nasima: Mena nowa yeso haga he daco nonuya hiwa.
Forgiveness/Empathy: I never want to look out for the mistakes of others.
Nahiha/Nasima: Mena nowa yeso haga he caco mona gabana.
Gentleness/Empathy: I never want to harm any living thing.
Nanuha/Naanna: Mena goba yeso haga he yabo hiwa nowowa.
Caring/Love: I always want to acknowledge the needs of others.
Nadona/Naanna: Mena goba yeso haga siyi wuco mega hiwa.
Generosity/Love: I always want to willingly share with others.
Nasuma/Nayoha: Mena goba yeso haga he wodu anwa nohaha.
Impartiality/Joy: I always want to be indifferent to superficial appearances.
Nanaya/Nayoha: Mena goba yeso haga hunu nonawa nowida.
Nobility/Joy: I always want to be graceful in my words and actions.