6 - The Preliminary Reference Procedure: General Aspects and Interpretation Flashcards
What will be explored in this lecture? (6)
1/ the 3 former PR procedures
2/ interpretation questions
3/ ‘referring courts’
4/ ‘supreme courts’
5/ test cases (contrived/hypothetical) in EU law
6/ legal effects of PR
What were the 3 PR procedures before Lisbon?
1/ Art. 234 EC/177 EEC: interpretation of primary and secondary Community law + validity of secondary Community law
2/ Art. 68 EC: interpretation of primary and secondary Title IV law + validity secondary Title IV law (immigration + private IL)
3/ Art. 35(1)(4) EU: interpretation of only secondary Title VI law + validity secondary Title VI law (PJCC)
Considerations on previous Title IV EC/ex Art 68 EC? (2)
1/ subordinate courts may not ask for a PR
2/ if did nonetheless refer, ECJ would rule it clearly has no jurisdiction to answer (e.g. Warbecq)
Considerations on previous third pillar/ex Art. 35 EU? (4)
1/ no compulsory jurisdiction of ECJ
2/ if jurisdiction ECJ was accepted, scope of jurisdiction was limited (Art. 35(1) EU)
3/ national supreme courts did not have to refer
4/ however, MS could declare their supreme courts had to refer
What did Lisbon introduce? (2)
1/ Art. 267 => 1 PR procedure
2/ therefore, abolished complicated system
Jurisdiction of CJEU under Art. 267 TFEU? (3)
1/ interpretation of Treaties
2/ validity and interpretation of acts of the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union
3/ Art. 267(4): person in custody
What does the term ‘Treaties’ in Art. 267 encompass? (6)
1/ TEU (except most of CFSP - Art. 24(1) TEU, Art. 275 TFEU - Rosneft)
2/ entire TFEU (incl. Part V on AFSJ)
3/ CFR
4/ Euratom
5/ gnl pcples
6/ agreements EU-3rd countries
What falls outside jurisdiction of CJEU in Art. 267 procedure? (2)
1/ national law
2/ see however Leur-Bloem, Ullens de Schooten (exceptional cases of jurisdiction in purely internal situations)
What does the term ‘acts of the institutions…’ under Art. 267 encompass? (3)
1/ binding acts
2/ non-binding acts
3/ in practice, usually questions on Regulations and Directives
What is main purpose of Art. 267 procedure? (2)
1/ ensure EU law is interpreted and applied in uniform manner in all MS
2/ one central judge has final say
Considerations on Art. 267 TFEU? (4)
1/ rather successful
2/ more or less followed by Council of Europe since 2018 (Protocol 16, Art. 1)
3/ no hierarchy but form of cooperation btwn ECJ and national judges
4/ unique procedure, not to be found in other IOs
What must EU PR procedure not be confused with? (2)
1/ ECHR individual complaint procedure
2/ Arts. 34, 35 ECHR (ind. applications & admissibility criteria)
Considerations on jurisdiction ECJ on interpretation questions? (3)
1/ some 80-90% of all PQs
2/ purpose of interpretation Qs is usually to assess whether national law is in conformity with EU law
3/ other route to ECJ here is Arts. 258/259 infringement action (see VGL, 1963)
Considerations on jurisdiction ECJ on validity questions? (2)
1/ main purpose of validity question is to assess whether secondary Union law is in conformity with primary Union law
2/ other route to ECJ here: Art. 263 annulment action
What is the legal weight of PR ruling? (2)
1/ in all cases (interpretation + validity), ECJ gives a binding judgment
2/ see Puligienica (para 38)