6. Statement of Changes in Equity Flashcards
True or False:
Statement of Changes in Equity contains the following:
(1) Net income or loss for the period
(2) Each item of income and expense for the period that is recognized directly in equity and the total of these items as required by the PAS.
(3) Total income and expenses for the period showing separately the total amounts attributable to equity holders of the parent and to majority
(4) For each component of equity, the effect of changes in accounting policies and corrections of errors
(1) True
(2) True
(3) False ; minority
(4) True
The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities
The equity in the shareholders in the statement of financial position may be sub-classified as:
(a) Share capital
(b) Retained Earnings
(c) Reserves
Funds contributed by the shareholders. (ordinary share capital and preference share capital)
Share Capital
True or False:
Preference shareholders do not have preference over ordinary shareholders on the dividends and net asset of an entity in the event of liquidation.
False ; have preference over ordinary shareholders
True or False:
The line items share capital includes subscriptions made by shareholders net of subscription receivables.
Line item in the equity representing accumulated net income (loss), errors of prior periods, dividends distribution, changes in accounting policy and equity adjustments other than those arising from contributions from shareholders.
Retained Earnings
For Reserves, line items in the equity section includes:
(1) Appropriation reserve
(2) Share premium
(3) Revaluation adjustment
(4) Foreign currency translation reserve
Transfer of an amount from the retained earnings.
May be required by law in order to give the entity and its creditors and added measure of protection from the effects of losses, voluntary action of the management, or because of contractual obligations.
Appropriation Reserve
Represent the excess amount contributed by the shareholders over the par value.
Share Premium
is the minimum issue price of the shares
Par value
Represents the excess of the depreciated replacement cost or sound value of the
revalued property, plant, and equipment over the book value (revaluation model).
Revaluation Adjustment
Rises from the translation of financial elements or transaction in foreign currency into the functional currency of an entity (translation gain or loss)
Foreign Currency Translation Reserve
True or False:
PAS 1 requires all items of income and expense recognized in a period to be included in income or loss unless another standard or an interpretation requires otherwise.
PAS 1 requires the presentation of a statement of changes in equity that highlights an entity’s total income and expenses.
An entity shall also present, either on the face of the statement of changes in equity or in the notes the following:
(1) Amount of transactions with equity holders
(2) Balance of retained earnings at the beginning of the period and at the balance sheet date, and the changes during the period
(3) Reconciliation between the carrying amount of each class or contributed equity and each reserve at the beginning and at the end of the period separately disclosing each change.