6- Shapes of molecules and intermolecular forces. Flashcards
Explain the molecular geometry of CH4.
- Four bonded pairs of electrons surrounding central C atom.
- Tetrehedral shape, bond angle 109.5 degrees.
What is the relative repulsion between loan pairs of electrons and bonded pairs?
- Loan pairs of electrons are slightly closer to the central atom and occupy more space than bonded pairs.
- So lone pairs have a greater repulsion.
What effect does the difference in repulsion between loan pairs and bonded pairs of electrons have on the bond angle.
- Lone pairs repel more than bonded pairs, so they push bonded pairs of electrons slightly closer together.
- The bond angle is reduced by about 2.5 degrees with every lone pair.
Explain the molecular geometry of NH3
- Three bonded pairs, 1 lone pair.
- Trigonal Pyramidal shape, bond angle 107 degrees.
Explain the molecular geometry of H2O
- Two bonded pairs, two lone pairs.
- Non linear shape, bond angle 104.5 degrees.
Explain molecular geometry of CO2
- Each multiple bond is treated as a single bonded region.
- Two bonding regions, no lone pairs on central atom. Bond angle 180 degrees. Linear.
Explain molecular geometry of BF3
- Three bonding pairs, no lone pairs.
- Trigonal Planar shape. Bond agnle 120 degrees.
Explain molecular geometry of SF6
- Eight bonding pairs, no lone pairs.
- Octahedral shape, bond angle 90 degrees.
How would you predict the molecular shape of an ion?
- Find the number of regions of electron desnisty around the central atom.
- Work out which regions are bonded and which are lone pairs of electrons.
Definition of electronegativity.
The ability of an atom to attract electron density towards itself in a covelant bond.
What effects an atoms electronegativity?
-Nuclear charge.
-Atomic radius.
-Shell sheilding.
Shell sheilding and atomic radius change the effective nuclear charge.
Where are the more electronegative elements on the periodic table?
The electronegative atoms are on the top right corner of the periodic table, fluorine has the highest electronegativity of 4.0 on paulings electronegativity scale. Nobel gases are not included as they tend to not form compounds.
Explain why the difference in electronegativity between two atoms must be greater than 1.8 to be ionic.
A large electronegativty means one of the atoms will have a much greater attraction to the bonding electrons. This atom gains control of the electron and so the compound is ionic.
What is a non polar bond?
In a non polar bond the bonding electron is shared equally between both atoms as the difference in electronegativity is very low. eg CH
What is a pure covelant bond?
The difference in electronegativity is 0 so the two bonding elements are the same. The bonding electron is shared equally.