6. OPTICS Flashcards
The amount of light entering into eye can be controlled and regulated by-
________ is the front part of the eye. It allows light to enter the eye.
________ is like a screen of the eye. It forms an image of the object.
Which instrument is used to measure the intensity of light produced by an unknown source in terms of a standard source?
Rajat has hypermetropia. What type of lens will the ophthalmologist recommend to correct his vision?
Hypermetropia is also known as?
The lens-type commonly used for correcting presbyopia is ______.
bifocal lens
The Tyndall Effect is due to:
Scattering of Light
The sky appears blue due to:
Scattering of light
Fulminology is the study of:
What will be the size of the image formed by a concave mirror when an object placed between Pole and Focus?
Twinkling of stars is mainly due to which phenomenon?
Which of the following is the instrument used in submarines to view objects above sea level ?
Mirror used by dentists to see large images of teeth of patients is ______.
Concave Mirror
Image formed by a Plane Mirror is always ______.
Virtual and Erect
What is the name of the phenomena (derived by scattering of the light) in which mountain tops acquire a rosy or orange hue around sunrise and sunset?
What is the colour of the light emitted by the Sun?
The total number of images
formed by two mirrors inclined at
120° to each other is ______
using n =(360/theta)-1
Which among the following has
its refractive index closest to that of
crown glass?
Canada balsam
The phenomenon of deviation of light rays from their original path, when they pass from one medium to another, is called ____