6. Operations: Policies Flashcards
What is a privacy policy?
It governs the privacy goals and strategic direction of the organization’s privacy office
What does a privacy vision and mission statement accomplish?
It serves as the foundation for developing effective privacy policies.
What are the key elements of an effective policy?
- Clear and easy to understand
- Accessible to all employees
- Comprehensive and concise
- Action-oriented
- Measurable and testable
What are the components of a privacy policy?
- Purpose
- Scope
- Applicability
- Roles and responsibilities
- Compliance
- General organizational compliance
- Ability to apply penalties, sanctions, and disciplinary actions - Understanding of the penalties or sanctions for noncompliance
- Written and implied rules
What is the difference between a privacy notice and privacy policy?
Privacy policy is an internal document addressed at employees and data users
Privacy notice is an external communication to individuals, customers, or data subjects to create transparency on how the organization uses, shares, retains and discloses PI
What is the role of a privacy committee?
Making strategic decisions that may affect the the vision, change key concepts, or determine when alterations are needed and act as an additional resource to the privacy function.
*Organizations with a global footprint often create a governance structure composed of representatives from each business function and every geographic region in which the organization has a presence to ensure that privacy policies, processes and solutions align with local laws.
What is the role of a communications plan?
- Educate about privacy
- Provide awareness
- Provide updates and guidance
- Change or modify employee behaviour
What questions should be considered when developing a communications plan?
- What is the purpose of the communication?
- Should there be a recurring time slot assigned on the communications calendar dedicated to specific messaging?
- Is the communication necessary?
- How will the privacy team work with the communications team?
- Who is the audience?
- What communications methods can be employed?
- Which functional areas most align with the privacy program?
- What is the best way to motivate training and awareness?
- Has the privacy team conducted a privacy workshop or training for stakeholders to define the privacy for the organization , explain the market expectations, answer questions, and reduce confusion?
What is the privacy balance most organizations must achieve?
Balance between:
- Practical protections to comply with laws and regulations
- Privacy vision and mission
- Need to preform intended business transactions
What should employee policies include?
Onboarding and exit procedures that ensure full awareness of the organization’s privacy intent while protecting against misappropriation of knowledge and data upon termination of contract of employment.
What is an acceptable use policy (AUP)?
It stipulates rules and constraints for individuals within and outside the organization who access the organization’s mobile devices, computers, network, and internet connection.
In an AUP, through the notice of monitoring what does the user agree to?
The AUP terms that include a privacy notice that details monitoring and logging.
What business function plays a key role in developing an AUP?
The security function.
How often should AUPs be reviewed?
*They should be modified and updated as as privacy standards and regulations change, to keep pace with IT, social media and other challenges.
What do information security policies focus on?
Protecting the organization from internal and external threats through use of IT methods and practices:
- Protect against unauthorized access to data and information systems
- Provide information to stakeholders efficiently, while maintaining CIA
- Promote compliance with laws, regulations, standards, and other organizational policies
- Promote data quality and security locally
What is the focus of information security policies?
- Administrative responsibilities - user management, password changes, user provisioning, system changes
- Antivirus and malware policies - mandatory applications, configurations, and update schedules
- Email policies - email security, use of email systems
- Firewall rules and use - confidential settings, administrative controls, internet connections
- Internet policies - proper and restricted use
- Intrusion detection - configurations and reporting
- Loading of software - authorized and unauthorized
- Monitoring and logging of all technology use
- Wiping of audit logs
- Risk assessments
- User and password policies
- Use of security tools
- Wireless management
What are the appropriate privacy standards for vendors?
As the IT boundaries of the organization disappear in the use of external storage and the processing found in the cloud, there must be a strategy and vision for how the organization will remain in control of the data privacy as well as how the data will remain secure and protected.
What should an organization do when engaging with vendors?
- Identify vendors and their legal obligations
- Evaluate risk, policies, and server locations
- Develop a thorough contract
- Monitor vendors’ practices and performance
- Use a vendor policy
What concepts should be considered for vendor contracts?
- Standard contract language
- Data backup and disaster recovery plans
- Generation of reports and metrics
- List of authorized users with privileged access
- List of organization authorized users of the data or those who can make changes
- Requirement to inform the organization when any privacy/security policies change
- Right to audit
- Unauthorized changes to the data to include migration/deletion upon termination
- Vendor liability
- Vendor security incident response procedures
- Vendor risk management
What is employee data?
Any data the employee has created in the process of preforming normal business efforts for the organization, including emails, phone calls, voicemail, internet browsing, and use of systems.
What are HR privacy concerns that should be addressed through policy?
- Employee communications - browser histories, contact lists, phone recordings, and geolocations
- Employee hiring and review - performance evaluations, background checks, and handling of resumes
- Employee financial information - bank account information, benefits and salary
- Employee data collection exceptions and emergency situations
What defines HR policies?
- Internal need
- Industry
- Standards
- Regulations that impact the organization
What dictates the HR policies and protections needed?
Types of data collected, use, and storage.
What actions should be taken to develop a data retention policy?
- Determine what data is being retained and how and where it is stored
- Applicable legal retention requirements
- Consideration of scenarios that would require data retention
- Estimate business impacts of retaining versus destroying data.
- Consideration of both privacy and IT needs.