6. Mucocutaneous Disorders COPY Flashcards
- X-linked Recessive (Males)
Defect of skin and oral adnexal structures
- No sweat
- Dry skin
- Sparse blond hair
- Few teeth (peg shaped)
- Hypoplastic Salviary Glands
- Xerostomia
- URI infections
- Depressed midface, frontal bossing, protuberabt lips
Ectodermal Dysplasia
- Autosomal Dominant
- Mutation in keratin genes
- Thick keratin under nails
- Palmar and Plantar Hyperkeratosis
- Diffuse white oral lesions primarily on dorsal and lateral tongue and buccla mucosa
- Histo - Hyperparakeratosis and acanthosis with clear perinuclear spaces
- No malignant potential
Pachyonychia Congenita
- Autosomal Dominant
- Mutation in Keratin Genes
- Thick white plaques throughout oral mucosa (buccal)
- Histo - Hyperparakeratosis with acanthosis with “fried egg cells” (clear keratinocytes with pink condensed cytoplasm around nucleus)
White Sponge Nevus
- X-linked Recessive (Males)
- Impaired telmoerase
- Skin pigmentation and nail changes
- Pancytopenia (marrow failure) shortens lifespan to about age 30
- Widespread red and white oral lesions that transform into SCCA at early age
- Tx - Bone marrow transplant
Dyskeratosis Congenita
- Autosomal Recessive
- Disorder of chromosomal repair whereby epithelium cannot repair UV damage
- Widespread skin atrophy and blotchy pigment/depigmentation
- Lip and tip of tongue cancer
- Multipl sun induced cancers by age 20; most die by age 30
- Tx - Pt must live in darkness
Xeroderma Pigmentosum
- Autosomal Dominant
- Disorder of chromosomal repair - cells can’t repair damaged DNA
- Disease of RBC
- Develop Aplastic anemia and Leukemia
- Widespread oral lesions that become SCCA at early age
- Microstomia
- Disorders of thumb and radius
Fanconi Anemia
- Autosomal Dominant
- Defective cohesion of keratinized cells
- Multiple itchy, foul-smelling red papules all over trunk; worse in summer
- 50% with intra-oral lesions on palate, resembling Papillary Hyperplasia
- Tx - Vitamin A analogues
Darier Disease (Keratosis Follicularis)
Group of 21 genetic disorders characterized by epithelial attachemnt disorders of keratin, desmosomes or collagen causing skin and mucosal bullae
Epidermolysis Bullosa
- Causes formation of bullae at points of mild trauma
- They get infected and heal with scars resulting in loss of extermities
- Mouth and esophagus scars and is susceptible to SCCA
Recessive Dystrophic Type
- Affects 2% of Females > 40 years old
- Type IV cytotoxic rxn where T8+ lymphocytes attack basal cells
- Pruritic, scaly pink, violaceous or pigmented rhomboid plaques on flexor surfaces of wrists and ankles
- Criss-crossed by White Wickham Striae
- Frequently infected by Candida
Lichen Planus
Classic Wickman striae across buccal mucosa bilaterally - asymptomatic
Reticular LP
- White striae on a background of red, peeling atrophic mucosa
- Typical on gingiva as a desquamative gingivitis
Atrophic LP
Peeling, well demarcated serpiginous (scaring) lesions
Erosive LP
- Flat, white patches with fissures
- Mostly seen on dorsal tongue
Plaquelike LP
Differential Diagnosis of Oral Lichen Planus (6)
- Dysplasia and SCC
- Benign Mucous Membrain Pemphigoid
- Lupus Erythematosus
- Graft vs. Host Ds
- Candidiasis
- Systemic and Local Hypersensitivity Rxns
- Men
- Acute Type IV cyctotoxic hypersensitivity wherby T8+ lymphocytes attack epithelium
- Etiology - Triggered by:
- Herpes outbreak
- Mycoplasma (URI)
- Medications (antibiotics)
- Causes a variety of skin lesions
- Target lesions, Palmar and plantar lesions, Rash
Stevens-Johnson Sx
- oral, eye, genital
Lyell’s Syndrome (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis)
- Most serious form
- Causes entire skin to slough
- Drug rxn
- frequently fatal
Erythema Multiforme
- Delicate blisters that quickley rupture
- Histo
- SUPRAbasilar clefting of epithelium
- Loss of keratinocytes causing acantholysis
- Type II Rxn IgG or IgM forms against intercellular cement and deposits around desmosomes causing cellbridges to fall apart
- Biopsy is Diagnostic
- Immunofluorescence - IgG forming a net surrounding each cell
Pemphigus Vulgaris
- Autoimmune ds of all mucosa
- Immunoglobulins made against BM
- Causes SUBbasilar separation resulting in tense bulla and sloughing erosions
- Immunofluoresence - Linear band of IgG and C3 along BM zone
Benign Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid (BMMP)
- Autoimmune Ds of Type III Hypersensitivity
- Women mostly
- Most typical skin lesion is the butterfly rash induced by sun exposre
- Oral Manifestations are Lichenoid, affects palate, vermillion, buccal mucosa
- Immunofluoresence - granular bands of immunoglobulins or C3 at bm (lupus band test)
Lupus Erythematosus
- Autoimmune Ds in which there is a deposition of collagen throughout the body
- Adult women
- Clinical
- Mask like face
- Sclerodactyly
- Raynaud Phenomenon
- Oral
- Microstomia
- Gingival recssion
- Widening of PDL around all teeth
- Resoprtion of posterior ramus, coronoid, and condyle
In Graft vs Host Ds, the graft T cells react against …
host HLA antigens