6- Magnetism and electromagnetism a) units b) magnetism Flashcards
6.1 use the following units: ampere (A), volt (V), watt (W).
Unit of current: ampere (A)
Unit of potential difference: volt (V)
Unit of power: watt (W)
6.2 understand the term ‘magnetic field line’
Magnetic field line is imaginary line which represents where the magnetism is acting. Magnetic field line starts from north pole to south pole.
6.3 describe experiments to investigate the magnetic field pattern for a permanent bar magnet and that between two bar magnets
Using a compass moving around the magnet you can detect the magnetic field pattern. As you move so the needle will move. The compass can show direction of magnetic field, which from North to South.
6.4 describe how to use two permanent magnets to produce a uniform magnetic field pattern
If you put two bar magnets together with their north and south touching, then they will form the same magnetic field as if there were one bar magnet.