6) Inner products, Orthogonality, and Isometries Flashcards
What is the Inner Product of two vectors written as a transpose
What is the inner product of complex vectors (Hermitian inner product)
What is the conjugate transpose
A^∗ of A is the n × m matrix obtained by both transposing A and taking the complex conjugate of each of its entries.
What are the properties of the conjugate transpose
What are the propeties of the inner product
What is the proof of the properties of the inner product
What is ⟨Au, v⟩ equal to
Describe the proof that
When are two vectors orthogonal
⟨u, v⟩ = 0
What is the norm of a vector
When is a set orthogonal
A set S ⊆ V is orthogonal if, for all u, v ∈ S
u ≠ v ⇒ ⟨u, v⟩ = 0
Give examples of some orthogonal sets
When is a set orthonormal
If it is orthogonal and consists only of unit vectors
What is an orthonormal basis
A basis of V which is an orthonormal set
If V is an inner product space and B = {u1, u2, . . . , un} is an
orthonormal basis for V , what can we say about every v ∈ V ,
What can we say about any orthogonal set of non-zero vectors
It is linearly independent
If V is a finite-dimensional inner product space and |S| = dim V what can we say about S
S is a basis of V
What is the equation for the Gram-Schmidt process
When is a linear transformation an isometry
What is a matrix unitary
A matrix is said to be unitary if the columns of it form an orthonormal basis of F^n (When F = R we say that U is orthogonal).
What is the equivalent to a matrix being unitary