6 - Foreign Operations Flashcards
Transactional/Funtional/Reporting Currency
- Transactional - local, books and records
- (remeasurement - IS)
- Functional - greatest impact
- (Translation - BS comp. income)
- Reporting - $US, preparing financial statemtents
Forward Exchange Contract (JEs)
DEF: forms of derivatives and all derivatives that are not hedges are required to be reported at fair values with gains or loses reported in profit or loss (IS)
when asset has not been sold yet but euro has gone up 2 cents:
buying party:
forward exchange contract (BS) 2000
gain on forward exchange contract (IS) 2000
selling party:
Loss on forward exchange contract (IS) 2000
Forward exchange contract (BS) 2000
when contract is settled and now the euro is worth 1.29, before it was worth 1.39 and before that 1.37
buying party:
Loss on forward exchange contract 10000
forward exchange contract 2000
cash 8000
sellers entry:
cash 8000
forward exchange contract 2000
gain on forward exchange contract 10000
Fair Value Hedges (JEs)
DEF: protects a company against risks associated with changes in fair value of a reported asset or liability (hedging against a recognized asset or liability on the balance sheet or a firm purchase commitment). gain or loss on IS.
when euro goes from 1.30 t0 1.25
investing comp:
foward exchange contract (BS) 100000
Gain on forward exchange contract (IS) 100000
Loss due to decline in value (IS) 100000
investment in AFS securities (BS) 100000
Cash Flow Hedge (JEs)
DEF: change in value reported in OCI BS
at end of period reporting and equipment has not been purchased yet. forward rate went from 1.30 to 1.35 at balance sheet date:
forward exchange contract 10000
unrealized gain due to increase in value (OCI BS) 10000
when company purchases equipment and rate stays at 1.35:
Equipment 260000
Unrealized gain due to increase
in value 10000
cash (received from counter party 10000
Forward exchange contract 10000
cash (paid to equipment vendor) 270000
Measuring Translations and Remeasurements
- Translation:
- assets + liab. - current rate
- contributed capital - historical
- Income statement items - weighted avg.
- remeasurement:
- monetary assets/liab. - current rate
- non monetary a/l - historical
- income statement items - weighted avg.