the act of deliberately misrepresenting, altering, or perverting the truth, or willfully deceiving a regulatory agency or agent in order to realize financial gain.
Interstate commerce: commerce in D.C., any state, or any territory of the U.S., if:
● It crosses state lines, even if its end point is in the same state as its starting
● It is any sort of commerce under U.S. jurisdiction
Business of insurance: anything having to do with:
● Writing insurance policies
● Reinsurance
This includes the actions of anyone involved in or representing someone in the insurance industry (from CEO’s down to employees).
Anyone involved in insurance business who is convicted of:
● Making false statements on financial reports
● Over-valuing land, property, etc. to deceive examiner
Will pay the larger of:
● Up to $50,000 per violation, or
● The amount that person made or paid while engaging in fraud
If fraudulent insurance company goes out of business:
● Funds collected from penalty are distributed among:
○ policyholders
○ claimants
○ creditors
Guilty person:
● Could be further penalized according to other laws and statutes, if they apply
● May face up to 10 years in prison, or 15 years in prison if crime threatened
financial stability/safety of an insurer
Penalties for embezzlement or misappropriation of funds:
● Fine greater of:
○ $50,000 per violation
○ amount the offender gained or paid in the process of committing the crime
● Up to 10 years in prison, or 15 years if crime threatened insurer’s financial wellbeing
● Court may impose a fine, imprisonment, or both
If amount embezzled is $5,000 or less:
● Same fine
● Up to 1 year in prison
● Court may impose a fine, imprisonment, or both
Penalties for false entry in a book, report, or statement regarding an insurer’s financial situation:
● Fine greater of:
○ $50,000 per violation
○ amount the offender gained or paid in the process of committing the crime
● Up to 10 years in prison, or 15 years if crime threatened insurer’s financial wellbeing
● Court may impose a fine, imprisonment, or both
Individual who interferes with police investigation of insurance company faces:
● Fine greater of: ○ $50,000 per violation ○ amount the offender gained or paid in the process of committing the crime ● Up to 10 years in prison
Convicted felons may not go back into insurance business without express _______.
If felony involved lack of honesty or untrustworthy behavior, or any aforementioned crime, and felon continues to work in insurance industry without permission, penalties may include:
● Fine of $50,000 or more
● 5 years imprisonment, or
● Both
1033 Waiver:
● Allows felon to return to work in insurance industry
● Only available if:
○ felon has been offered work in insurance, or
○ felon is applying for a position that needs a license from Dept. of
1033 Form
Section 1: Applicant Information
● Name ● Address ● Place of birth ● Citizenship status ● Any other names, including maiden name ● Spouse’s information ● Bankruptcy history
1033 Form
Section 2: Education
● Detailed account of level of education obtained, and where
1033 Form
Section 3: Employment History
● List complete job history
● List any and all licenses, insurance-related or otherwise
● Details of any licenses that were suspended or revoked
● List any actions filed
1033 Form
Section 4: Criminal History
● Narrative history of infraction that led to needing this application
● List of any other criminal activities, with narratives for each
● Details regarding fines, restrictions, rehab, etc.
1033 Form
Section 5: Present/proposed Insurance Employment
● Detailed description of job
● Reasons why criminal history will not affect work
1033 Form
Section 6: Financial Information
● Financial statements and net worth ● All income for the last 5 years ● Any fidelity bonds obtained or denied ● Any employer that went bankrupt ● Any insurance businesses that any family member works for
1033 Form
Section 7: Grounds Relied Upon For Application For Written Consent
● Statement giving reasons why working offered job will not pose a risk to insurance agency or customers
● 3 letters of recommendation
1033 Form
Section 8: Attachments
● 2 photographs
● Copies of:
○ requests for criminal record check and credit report
○ proposed agreement between applicant and insurance entity
○ any pardon
○ indictment, criminal complaint, etc.
○ judgment and sentence of the court
● A sworn affidavit from insurance employer
● Evidence of rehabilitation (letters of recommendation, post-conviction
community service or charity work, etc)
1033 Form
Section 9:
Sworn statement verifying truth of information in application and authorization for release of information