6- Credit risk pricing Flashcards
What is the formula for probability of default before t (Q(t))?
Q(t) = 1 - S(t) = 1 - e⁻ˢᵗ
What is the variable S(t)?
The probability of the issuer surviving to period t
Briefly explain the Recovery rate (R)?
When an issuer defaults, investors can try to recover part of their money (either with reduced coupons, or lower final payment, or extended maturity)
Why do credit spreads tend to be slightly lower than hazard rates?
Because positive Recovery rates mean default payoff is also positive
What is the probability of default (Q(t)) with a positive recovery rate (R)?
Q(t) = (1 - e⁻ˢᵗ)/(1 - R)
What is the main drawback of using bond prices to estimate default probabilities?
Default rates estimated from bonds prices are higher than historical default rates
Why do default rates estimated from bond prices tend to be higher than historical default rates?
-Liquidity premium for corporate bonds causing a higher spread
-High correlation of defaults in times of market stress make a higher premium necessary
What is the distance to default?
Measures how many standard deviations the asset value can move before triggering a default
How do the Black-Scholes distributions change in Credit Risk pricing?
S₀ → V₀
K → D
How do you approximate Equity value (E₀) for a spread calculation when the company doesn’t have shares?
Use the Merton model equation