6 Bioenerg Flashcards
What is bioenergetics?
Study of cellular energy changes that accompany biochemical reactions in living cells
Two types of biochemical reactions
- Exergonic
- Endergonic
A. Spontaneity of reaction
B. Reacting system proceeds from high to low OR low to high energy level
C. Resulting to loss/gain of energy
D. Uphill/Downhill reaction
A. Spontaneous
B. From high to low
C. loss of energy
D. Downhill
Endergonic A. Non-spontaneous B. Low to high C. Gain of energy D. Uphill reaction
Where does an endergonic reaction obtain its energy?
By coupling/linking with an exergonic reaction
What happens to energy released after an exergonic reaction?
Becomes chemical energy (driving many cellular reactions) or heat (thermogenesis to maintain normal body temperature)
When it is cold, what does your body do?
(1) Shivering thermogenesis, body responds to cold by asynchronous muscle contraction = increase ATP utilization = energy released as heat
(2) Nonshivering thermogenesis = less fuel oxidation to maintain constant ATP levels = more heat generated
Two mechanisms in coupling reactions?
- Formation of a common obligatory intermediate for both reactions (*linking the exergonic with the endergonic reactions)
- Formation of high-energy intermediate compound from the energy released in the exergonic reaction. (*ATP; used to push through with endergonic reaction)
Laws of Thermodynamics
- First Law (Law of Conservation of Energy)
- Second Law of Thermodynamics
>In all natural processes, the universe tends towards disorder. Hence, the total entropy of a system must increase if a reaction is to occur spontaneously.
Measure of the degree/disorder/randomness of a system
ATP Structure?
Which part stores energy?
ATP Structure
(1) adenine nitrogenous base
(2) ribose sugar
(3) Triphosphate group
1 & 2 linked at N9 and OH of C1 ribose by N-glycosidic bonds
Phosphate groups in 3 linked by phosphoanhydrous bonds
> Beta and gamma bonds store energy/high energy
Why is ATP the common currency of the cell?
Besides placing, the phosphoanhydrous bonds are unstable because of the negativity of the Phosphate bonds causing them to repel each other. Thus, need high energy for PO4 to stay together.
ATP Hydrolysis in beta phosphate bond leads to?in gamma phosphate bond?
ATP Hydrolysis
Gamma phosphate bond:
ATP -> ADP + Pi Delta G0 = -7.3 kcal/mol
Beta phosphate bond
ATP -> AMP + PPi
DeltaG0 = -7.3 kcal/mol
AMP hydrolysis
AMP -> Adenosine + Pi
Energy released = -3.4 kcal/mol
Nucleoside triphosphates and diphosphates in aqueous solution and at active sites of enzymes are usually present as complexes with what ion? Nomenclature/Classification?
Either alpha, beta complex of MgATP
Or beta, gamma complex of MgATP
Josiah Gibb’s Equation
AG = change in free energy os the system
AH = change in enthalpy
T = absolute temperature
AS = change in entropy of the system
If AG (change in free energy) is:
(1) AG > 0
(2) AG < 0
(3) AG = O
AG > 0 = (+) = Non-spontaneous/endergonic = Products formed will have more energy than reactants
AG < = = (-) = Spontaneous/exergonic = Products have less chemical energy than reactants
AG = 0 = system in equilib bc reacting system has exhausted its capacity to do work
What represents maximum amount of energy capable of doing work that can be obtained from a reaction?
AG = difference in Gibb’s free energy
Formula for standard free energy change (AG0) of a chemical reaction
Results interpretation
AG0 = -2.303 RT log Keq
*R = 1.987 cal/mol/deg T = abs temp
AG0 = Algebraic sum of the standard changes in free energy of a consecutive series of reactions
If Keq = 1, AG0 = 0 -> No free energy
If Keq > 1, AG0 = (-) -> Exergonic rxn
If Keq < 1, AG0 = (+) -> Endergonic rxn
Can AG0 predict whether a reaction can occur?
No because standard conditions do not always prevail in body cells
Compute AG from AG0
AG = AG0 + RT ln (([C][D])/([A][B]))
If you increase the substrate concentration and decrease the product of an exergonic rxn, what will happen?
Same. Will still move forward.
Why is ATP the common currency of the cell?
E.g. of osmotic work by ATP?
Chemical work of ATP: Heme synthesis
E.g. Proprionyl CoA -> D-methyl malonyl CoA
De novo synthesis of fatty acids
Acetyl CoA -> Malonyl CoA
TAG synthesis
Glycerol -> G3P
Metabolic roles of ATP
- Phosphoryl-group transfer (Glutamate (+NH3) -> Glutamine)
- Production of ATP by Phosphoryl-group transfer (PEP -> Pyruvate)
- Nucleotidyl Group Transfer (Acetate -> Acetyl CoA)
Why is ATP an ideal carrier of molecules?
Major sources of P in energy conservation
- Oxidative Phosphorylation (Most Abundant)
- Glycolysis
A. Phosphoglycerate kinase
B. Pyruvate kinase - Kreb’s
Succinate thiokinase
Creatine kinase importance
Production of ATP from phosphocreatine