6 Flashcards
– the maximum quantity of a product allowed into a country during a certain period of time
Visible/invisible import/export
physical goods/services
Utility deposit
a sum of money, which you pay when you start to rent premises
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Strategic / infant industry – strategic interests of the country/developing branch of industry
Bill of lading
the consignment note that shows the goods have been shipped. Clean - without damage or other problems, dirty – with some problems.
Advertising levy
advertising fee paid by the franshisee to cover marketing.
Cover letter
the CV - the letter to accompany the letter of application.
Trade deficit/ surplus
when export < import, when import<export
End-of-line equipment
goods whic should be loaded off before thenw models appearBill of lading – конусаймент (накладная) the list of goods which s have been shipped (clean – without damage or other problems)
The invoice
the document, provides the info about goods exchanged between the exporter and the importer/ it’s a proof of purchase, informing the buyer that the goods have been sent , invoice includes description of the goods, quantity supplied and their price Bill from the vendor or supplier
Joint venture -
a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together to carry out a large project (usually on of the companies is a foreign one)