6/2/17 Flashcards
The object of discipline is
Self government
Obedience is the same as
Self control
Obedience is just and reasonable
Disobedience leads to…
Disaster and ruin
Too much management is..
Bad! Outward compliance but inward rebellion
What is my will, what is my power of decision?
The wheel is the governing power in the nature of man
It’s my power to govern as I choose
How can I link myself with divine agencies?
By placing my will on the side of God and choosing to obey those linking myself with the armies of heaven where no one can force me to do evil
How was every step enabled
Every step forward is enabled by the step just take it if we set ourselves an ongoing series of challenging but ultimately achievable goals we maximize our motivation and make the achievement meaningful reflecting our capabilities
Is there hope to develop the character of integrity?
In every child what is the power by the help of God to form a character integrity and to live a life of usefulness
Many little children have a high sense of honor all desire to be treated with confidence and respect this is the rate. And the child shall lead them
Is it better to request or to demand?
It is better to request and give the opportunity to improve oneself
And strengthen oneself because the obedience will be a result of choice rather than force
Whatever it is that is found impossible to change…
The Mind will change to adapt self to it but the possibility of indulgence induces desire hope and uncertainty this produces restlessness irritability and insubordination
The government of God…
Knows no compromise with evil
Compromise will not be tolerated in order to escape obedience
This is not love this is but sentimentalism
We create our own presents with our decisions problems 522
His own iniquities she’ll take the wicked himself and he should be hauled in with the courts of the sins
This lot is the preservative true freedom and liberty it points out and perhaps it’s those things that degree and enslave us to the obedience it affords protection from the power of evil
How was the character of Solomon well God was with him?
Well Solomon exult of the laws of heaven God was with him in Winston was given him to rule over Israel with fairness and mercy
He remained humble when we’re only on a cane to him at first
What is pride
When a man lifts up his heart above his brothers. To think yourself better and entitled
We are not entitled we are not inherently all good or all evil
Instead our decisions are either wise and lead to good results or foolish and lead to an undesirable Result
But when we see that we are no longer in control of our decisions we must do something reasonably radical to regain the power we have lost