6/15/2019 Flashcards
Error Correction - US GAAP
Prior period adj.: 1. correction of mistake 2. change from non GAAP to GAAP If 1) Comparative F/S presented, and the year w/ errors presented — correct error in those PY F/S 2) Comparative F/S presented, but the year w/ errors does NOT present (because it’s too far back) — adjust the earliest year’s opening R/E (net of tax) 3) Comparative F/S does NOT present, error adjustment to opening R/E
Error Correction - IFRS
When impartial to know period-specific effect or accumulative effect — restate info prospectively from the earliest period that’s practical; US GAAP does NOT have impractical assumption of error correction
JE for collection of previously write off A/R
Write off recovery: AR: XXX Allowance: xxx Cash: xxx AR: XXX —> Cash: xxx Allowance: xxx
Under allowance methods, what’s JE when accounts previously wrote off is subsequently collected?
J/E #1: Restore write-off A/R: XXX Allowance: xxx J/E #2: when cash is collected: Cash: xxx A/R: XXX —> therefore allowance increases, but A/R no effect when accounts previously wrote off is subsequently collected
How to calculate the LIFO layer added in the current year dollar value LIFO?
step 1: price index = ending inventory at current year cost/ ending inventory at base year cost
step 2: LIFO layer added in current year at dollar-value LIFO = price index * the LIFO layer at base year cost
step 3: ending inventory = beginning inventory + LIFO layer added in current year at dollar-value LIFO

Moving-average method - perpectual

What’s the different between using “Lower of Cost and NRV” and using “lower of Cost or Market”?
Lower of Cost and NRV:
- Uner U.S. GAAP, it’s used for all inventory that’s NOT costed using LIFO or the retail inventory method
- It’s required to value ALL inventory under IFRS -
Lower of Cost or Market:
- under U.S. GAAP, it’s used when inventory is costed using LIFO or the retail inventory method
- Market value: middle value of an inventory item’s 1) replacement cost, 2) market ceiling, and 3) market floor
1) Replatement Cost: cost to purchase inventory as of the valuation date
2) Market ceiling: NRV = net selling price - costs to complete&dispose
3) Market Floor: NRV - Profit
Note: if given multiple inventory cost and NRV, ask for total of inventory, compare total cost with total NRV
Can U.S GAAP or IFRS reverse inventory write down?
US GAAP prohibits reversal of inventory write down.
IFRS allows it, but the reversal could not exceed original write down..
working capital turnover
working captal turnover = sales/ average working capital
Working capital = current asset - current liabilities
under US GAAP, a gain that is both unusual and infrequent should be reported as?
under US GAAP, a gain that is both unusual and infrequent should be reported as income from continuing operation (pretax).
How should interest be reported before, during and after construction period?
1) Before and after construction period (as well interest incurred during intentional construction delay) - interest should be expensed (GL: interest should be expensed as incurred except below)
2) During construction period - interest should be capitalized based on weighted average amount of accumulated depreciation
2 rules concerning captitalizing interest cost
- Only capticalize on money actually SPENT but NOT what is borrowed
- interest should be capitalized as the lower of below:
- actual interest incurred
- computed capitalzied interect (avoidable interest)
What are valuation of fixed assets under IFRS?
1) Cost - same as U.S.
2) Revaluation
- Cost - same as U.S.
Cost Model Carrying Value (NBV) = historical cost - accumulated depreciation - impairment
- Revaluation Modle
Revaluation Carrying Value = FAIR VALUE at revaluation date - SUBSEQUENT Accumulated depreciation - SUBSEQUENT Impairment
1) Revaluation Loss - IS; unlesss revaluation loss reverse previously recognized gain, then need to recognized in OCI and reduce revaluation surplus in AOCI
2) Revaluation Gain - OCI; unless revaluation gain reverse previously recognized loss, then need to recong’ in IS
3) Impairement - first reduce revaluation surplus to zero, and then recognize any further impairment in IS
Interest rate to calculate capitalized interest on the construction

Sum of the year digits
step one: calculated base for depreciation
base = purchase price - salvage value
step two: claculate depreciation expense:
depreciation expense = base * (remaining assest life/sum of digit)
sum of digit = (n*(1+n)/2)
carrying value = purchase price - accumulative depreciation expense
double declining balance depreciation
** the ONLY method that IGNORE salvage value**
depreciation expense = 2*(1/N) * book value
book value = cost - accumulated depreciation expense
calculation of depletion
total depletion = unit depletion rate * # of units destracted
unit depletion rate = depletion base/ estimated recoverable amount
Depletion base = cost to purchase property + development cost to prepare the land for extraction + any estimated restoration costs - residule value of the land after the resource are extracted