5th : Government Section Flashcards
In the 1940’s, how long was the governor’s term in Tennessee?
2 years
Who was FDR?
President Franklin Roosevelt
According to the Tennessee Constitution, what is the most Supreme Court Judges any Grand Division of the state may have?
How long did the 1870 Tennessee Constitution last before being modified?
83 years (According to the Blue Book this is some sort of a world record)
How old do you have to be in order to run for governor of the State of Tennessee?
What is the term of office for Tennessee’s governor?
Four years
What two groups of people were of concern when it came to voting rights at the 1870 Tennessee Constitution Convention?
Former Confederates and former slaves
What was the basic reason behind the Anti-Trust Laws in America around the turn of the 20th Century?
To promote fair competition especially for consumers
Who is the chief law enforcement officer and lawyer for the state of Tennessee?
The State Attorney General
What Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteed that all male citizens over 21 had the right to vote?
The 14 Amendment
What Federal Law made The University of Tennessee a land grant university?
The Morrill Act of 1862
What is the largest metropolitan government in Tennessee?
The Metropolitan Government of Davidson County (Nashville)
What Amendment to the US Constitution prohibiting states from passing unfair laws?
The 14 Amendment
Having to take a test in order to become a registered voter was an example of what type of law?
Jim Crow Laws
Which Tennessee State Agency is the oldest?
The Tennessee Department of Agriculture which was formed in 1854
What does the term enfranchise mean?
Give The right to vote
What does the acronym F D I C stand for?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
What is the only type of legal case that the Tennessee Supreme Court must hear?
Death penalty cases
What Amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to vote?
the 19th Amendment
What department of Tennessee’s state government runs the state parks?
The Department of Environment and Conservation
What Tennessee statewide election takes place in 4 year intervals two years after the US presidential elections?
The Tennessee Governor’s race
What Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteed full citizenship to anybody born on American soil?
The 14 Amendment
What is the term of office for a Tennessee State Representative?
Two years
What Tennessee woman opposed the state’s ratification of the 19th Amendment?
Josephine Pearson
In Tennessee, if the governor dies in office, who becomes governor?
The Lieutenant Governor
How is the Tennessee Secretary of State selected?
Elected by members of the Tenn. General Assembly
What Amendment to the US Constitution repealed the 18th Amendment?
The 21 Amendment
Who appoints the Tennessee Attorney General?
The Tennessee Supreme Court
Who was the Tennessee Governor during the Ratification process of the 19th Amendment?
A H Roberts
Name the Tennessee Woman who was influential in getting Tennessee to ratify the 19th Amendment.
Anne Dallas Dudley
What New Deal legislation established a permanent system of universal retirement pensions?
The Social Security Act
Who became the first woman to serve as Chief Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court?
Janice Holder
What is the highest court in Tennessee?
The Tennessee Supreme Court
What department of state government employs state troopers?
The Department of Safety
What is the official website of the state of Tennessee?
What does the term suffrage mean?
The right to vote
How many votes do you need to pass a bill on the floor of the Tennessee State Senate?
What is another name for the Speaker of the Tennessee State Senate?
Lieutenant Governor
How many justices serve on the Tennessee State Supreme Court?
What Amendment to the US Constitution mandated that US Senators would be elected by popular vote?
The 17 Amendment
What Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race or color?
The 15 Amendment
What governing body in Tennessee regulates privately owned utilities?
The Tennessee Regulatory Authority
What Federal Law made Tennessee State University a land grant university?
The Morrill Act of 1890
What did Tennessee governors begin doing for the first time in 1954?
Serving 4 year terms
Having separate water fountains for black and white citizens was an example of what type law?
Jim Crow Laws
Name the two Tennesseans who have become Vice-President of the United States?
Andrew Johnson (under Lincoln) Albert Gore, Jr. (under Clinton)
How many state representatives serve in the Tennessee General Assembly?
In Tennessee, who has the duty in each county of determining the value of land for tax purposes?
Assessor (or Assessor of Property) Pronounced UH SESS OR
How many times has the Lieutenant Governor actually succeeded to the post of Governor of Tennessee?
What are the three branches of Tennessee state government?
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
What was the purpose of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution?
to Abolish Slavery in America
What President created the Tennessee Valley Authority?
President Franklin Roosevelt
Which Tennessee governor established the Tennessee Department of Transportation?
Austin Peay
What was the first Amendment to be ratified in the 20th Century?
The 16 Amendment
Black market booze and the rise of organized crime was a negative byproduct of what Amendment to the US Constitution?
The 18 Amendment
Why was Tennessee referred to as “The Perfect 36?”
Tenn. was the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment (Making it Federal Law)
Which part of the Tennessee Generally Assembly contains the most legislators?
The House of Representatives (99 to 33)
What state was admitted to the union during the Compromise of 1850?
How long did the 18th Amendment last before being repealed?
15 years
According to the Tennessee Constitution, what body must convene in all three grand divisions of the state?
The Tennessee Supreme Court
What Amendment to the US Constitution prevented any state from prohibiting any of its residents the full privileged of American citizenship?
The 14 Amendment
Prior to the 17 Amendment how did most US Senators gain their office?
Selected by state legislature
What is the term of office for a Tennessee State Senator?
Four (4) years
Who was the first governor to serve a four year term in Tennessee?
Frank Clement when elected in 1954
What is the judicial term for abstaining from participating in a legal proceeding because of a conflict of interest in the case?
Recuse (REE-CEWS)
How long did the Tennessee Constitution Convention of 1870 last?
39 Days
How many state senators does Tennessee have?
What department of state government builds highways?
The Department of Transportation
Who was the first woman on the Tennessee Supreme Court?
Martha Craig Daughtrey
Who was the first African American to serve as Chief Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court?
Aldolpho Birch (pronounced AL DOLL FO)
To enfranchise all the people in Tennessee and reorganize the judiciary were the two great issues of what?
The Tennessee Constitution Convention of 1870
What is the name of the official manual of Tennessee State Government?
Tennessee Blue Book
What was FDR’s New Deal policies a direct response to?
The Great Depression
What Amendment to the US Constitution banned paying slave-owners for the loss of their slaves?
The 14 Amendment
What Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteed equal protection under the law?
The 14 Amendment
Having separate schools for black and white children was an example of what type law?
Jim Crow Laws
What was the “Three-Fifths” Compromise in the US Constitution?
Counted slaves at a 3/5 proportion in the population
In Tennessee’s counties, what official has the duty of collecting taxes?
Laws designed to separate and limit full rights to black citizens are referred to as what?
Jim Crow Laws
What department of state government collects taxes?
The Department of Revenue
What Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits states from discriminating against particular groups of citizens?
The 14 Amendment
In what West Tennessee city does the Tennessee Supreme Court have regularly scheduled sessions?
Who was the only Tennessee governor who took the oath of office before the scheduled inauguration?
Lamar Alexander (due to Ray Blanton’s investigation by the Justice Department)
What vote does it take to override a governors veto in Tennessee?
A simple majority vote of the legislature
What particular group of people did the 14th Amendment seek to protect?
Recently Freed Slaves
What Amendment to the US Constitution banned the payment of any debt owed by the Confederate government?
The 14 Amendment
Who was President when the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified?
Andrew Johnson
What Tennessean has served as the Governor of Tennessee, US Senator, President of the University of Tennessee, and as U.S. Secretary of Education?
Lamar Alexander
How many US Congressional districts does Tennessee have?
Who is the Only Tennessee Supreme court justice to be removed as a result of a “YES-NO” vote?
Penny White
What New Deal creation was responsible for much of the construction associated with Tennessee State Parks?
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CORE) or the CCC
The Temperance movement in America around the turn of the 20th century was seeking what?
Prohibition (PRO-UH-BISH-UN)
The Governor of Tennessee is part of what branch of government?
The Executive Branch
How many judges are on Tennessee’s Court of Criminal Appeals?
Who was the first Governor to be elected to two consecutive 4 year terms?
Lamar Alexander
What city serves as Tennessee’s state capitol?
In Tennessee, the capitol city in each county is called what?
The County Seat
What does TEMA stand for?
Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
What Amendment to the US Constitution limited the ability of former Confederate leaders to hold federal office?
The 14 Amendment
What was the first Anti-Trust Law which was passed in 1890?
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
How many judicial districts does Tennessee have?
During what war was the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution passed?
The Civil War
What Amendment repealed the “Three-Fifths” clause in the US Constitution?
The 14 Amendment
What Amendment to the US Constitution prohibited the production and sale of alcohol?
The 18 Amendment
Who was the first woman to become Tennessee Speaker of the House?
Beth Harwell
How many votes do you need to pass a bill on the floor of the Tennessee State House?
What Amendment to the US Constitution shut down the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee?
The 18 Amendment
What Presidential election was the first one which allowed voting by women?
Presidential Election of 1920
What Tennessee government official is charged with auditing State and local governments concerning spending and budgets?
State Comptroller
What act in 1914 established a Commission to enforce Anti-Trust Laws?
The Federal Trade Commission Act
What is the title of someone who is in charge of one of the departments of Tennessee State government?
According to Harry Burn whose advice did he follow in voting for the 19th Amendment?
His Mother
Who was the member of the Tennessee Legislature who cast the decisive vote which allowed Tennessee to ratify the 19th Amendment?
Harry Burn
What Amendment to the US Constitution implemented the modern income tax system?
The 16 Amendment
The 18 Amendment is often referred to by what name?
Prohibition (PRO-UH-BISH-UN)
What New Deal legislation established the FDIC?
The 1933 Banking Act
What department of Tennessee’s state government runs the prison system?
The Department of Corrections
In Tennessee what do the letters TDOT stand for?
Tennessee Department of Transportation
What is the highest ranking elected official in Tennessee?
The Governor
How often do members of the Tennessee Supreme Court face a yes-no vote?
Every 8 years
Who was the youngest governor to serve in Tennessee?
Frank Clement (33 years old when inaugurated)