5.Reviews Flashcards
What are the four review types?
.Informal review
.Technical Review
Informal review main purpose/characteristics?
.Use of checklists is optional
.Very common agile development
.Results may be documented
.detecting potential defects
.generete new ideas or solutions,quickly solving minor problems
Walkthrough main purpose/characteristics?
▪ Individual preparation before the review meeting is optional
▪ Review meeting, typically led by the author of the work product
▪ Scribe is mandatory
▪ Use of checklists is optional
▪ May take the form of scenarios, dry runs, or simulations
▪ Potential defect logs and review reports are produced
▪ May vary in practice from quite informal to very formal
find defects
▪ improve the software product
▪ consider alternative implementations
▪ evaluate conformance to standards and specifications
Technical Review main purpose/characteristics?
▪Reviewers should be technical peers of the author, and technical experts
in the same or other disciplines
▪ Individual preparation before the review meeting is required
▪ Review meeting is optional, ideally led by a trained moderator (typically
not the author)
▪ Scribe is mandatory, ideally not the author
▪ Use of checklists is optional
▪ Potential defect logs and review reports are produced
gaining consensus
▪ detecting potential defects
evaluating quality and building confidence in the work product
▪ generating new ideas
▪ motivating and enabling authors to improve future work products
▪ considering alternative implementations
main purpose/characteristics?
Main characteristics
▪ Follows a defined process with formal documented outputs, based on
rules and checklists
▪ Uses clearly defined roles and may include a dedicated reader (who reads
the work product aloud often paraphrase, i.e. describes it in own words,
during the review meeting)
▪ Individual preparation before the review meeting is required
▪ Reviewers are either peers of the author or experts in other disciplines
that are relevant to the work product
▪ Specified entry and exit criteria are used
▪ Scribe is mandatory
▪ Review meeting is led by a trained facilitator (not the author)
▪ Author cannot act as the review leader, reader, or scribe
▪ Potential defect logs and review report are produced
▪ Metrics are collected and used to improve the entire software
development process, including the inspection process
detecting potential defects
▪ evaluating quality and building confidence in the work product
▪ preventing future similar defects through author learning and root cause
▪ motivating and enabling authors to improve future work products, and
the software development process, achieving consensus
Work Product Review Process main activities?
.Initiate Review
.Individual Review
.Issue communication and analysis
.Fixing and reporting
What are the roles in a formal review?
.review leader
TTA must be active in the technical review process? and why?
Yes,must be active participants,providing their unique views,bring an operational(behavioural) that may be missed by developers.
Defining,applying,and maintenance of review checklists and defect severity information
TTA have their time to prepare for the review? and why?
the Technical Test Analyst
must be allowed adequate time to prepare.
This includes time to review the work product, time to check cross-referenced
documentation to verify consistency, and time to determine what might be
missing from the work product
What type of questions TTA make in a review?(ex:integration testing)
▪ Are they ready for integration?
▪ Are there dependencies that must be documented?
▪ Is there data available to test the integration points?
Checklists are used in reviews? and what areas should concentrate ?
Checklists are used during reviews to remind the participants to verify specific
points during the review.
A targeted checklist might concentrate on security issues or performance
efficiency issues.
Checklists used for architecture reviews?
▪ Connection pooling - reducing the execution time overhead associated
with establishing database connections by establishing a shared pool of
▪ Load balancing – spreading the load evenly between a set of resources
▪ Distributed processing
▪ Caching – using a local copy of data to reduce access time
▪ Lazy instantiation
▪ Transaction concurrency
▪ Process isolation between Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) and
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
▪ Replication of data
What is connection pooling? and why is important?
“a cache of database connections maintained by the database”
Connection pools are used to allow users to execute commands on a database
Including connection pooling in reviews enables the Technical Test Analyst to
determine whether it is possible to reduce any execution time overhead when
creating connections to a database.
What is load balancing ? and why is important?
The aim of load balancing is to distribute incoming traffic across several servers
to prevent one server becoming the single point of failure. Also, by doing this it
will improve the availability of the system(s) on the servers as well as improving
the reliability and response times.
Including this in reviews would enable the Technical Test Analyst to determine
whether the load can be spread evenly across all necessary resource
What is distributed processing? and why is important?
Rather than place all systems on the one server, distributed processing creates
a network of computers that can either house each different system or perform
different specific tasks.
What is caching? and why is important?
Caching is a way of storing some frequently requested content locally rather
than always going to the servers to keep continually retrieving it.
Storing this content locally makes it much faster to access and retrieve which
would also improve the overall performance and efficiency of the system(s).
If this is considered during a review, the Technical Test Analyst can determine
whether there needs to be any local copies of any data which could reduce
access time.
What is lazy instantiation? and why is important?
The objective of lazy instantiation is to create an object as late as possible in the
code, so that it is only present in the code when it is actually used rather than
defined up front and set as null for the duration of the execution.
By adopting this approach, the code is only occupying the memory it needs to
use which can help with issues around efficiency, performance and resource
What is transaction concurrency? and why is important?
Transaction concurrency is when two transactions access the same database
row(s) overlapping at the same time.
The consideration is that, if the transaction is successful, it will need to complete
the transaction as desired.
If the transaction did not complete, then the system will need to roll back to the
last success point when a transaction was completed.
What is replication of data? and why is important?
Data replication is the frequent copying and synchronisation of two or more
data sources to enable the same information to be accessed across a
distributed system.