5c Flashcards
Haber process
Nitrogen and hydrogen gas are used to make ammonia in the Haber process. The word and symbol equations for this reaction are shown below.
factors to consider when designing an industrial process such as the Haber process
- cost of extracting and refining the raw materials
- cost and availability of reactants
- Energy costs (costs associated with reaching and maintaining the conditions required for the reaction, such as temperature and pressure) also affect how profitable a reaction is.
conditions used for the Haber process:
Temperature: 450 °C
Pressure: 200 atmospheres
Catalyst: Iron
Haber process - temperature
The forward reaction is exothermic, which means that increasing the temperature will actually move the equilibrium the wrong way - away from ammonia and towards N₂ and H₂. So the yield of ammonia would be greater at lower temperatures.
The trouble is, lower temperatures mean a lower rate of reaction. So in industry, the temperature is increased anyway, to get a reasonable rate of reaction.
The 450 °C is a compromise between maximum yield and speed of reaction. It’s better to wait just 20 seconds for a 10% yield than to have to wait 60 seconds for a 20% yield.
Haber process - pressure
Higher pressures favour the forward reaction, since there are four molecules of gas on the left-hand side for every two molecules on the right-see the equation on the previous page. This moves the equilibrium towards ammonia and away from nitrogen and hydrogen. So higher pressures increase the yield of ammonia. High pressures also increase the rate of reaction.
The pressure is set as high as possible to give the best yield, without making the plant too expensive to build (it’d be too expensive to build a plant that would stand pressures of over 1000 atmospheres, for example). Hence the 200 atmospheres operating pressure.
Reaction vessel for haber process
Haber process - catalyst
Catalysts are useful too. For example, in the Haber process, the iron catalyst makes the reaction go faster, which means that it reaches equilibrium faster. It doesn’t change the position of equilibrium though.
Without the catalyst, the temperature would have to be raised even further to get a quick enough reaction this would reduce the yield even further and lead to higher energy costs. So the catalyst is very important.
Elements needed for plant growth and fertilizers
The three main essential elements needed by plants are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Plants absorb these nutrients from the soil. If plants don’t get enough of these elements, their growth and life processes are affected. These elements may be missing from the soil if they’ve been used up by a previous crop.
Fertilisers replace these elements if they’re missing from the soil, or provide more of them. This helps to increase the crop yield, as the crops can grow faster and bigger.
Ammonia-based fertilisers
Fertilisers often contain compounds that are derived from the ammonia produced in the Haber process. Ammonia-based fertilisers have some important advantages compared to traditional fertilisers, like manure. Ammonia-based fertilisers are also soluble, so all the chemicals can dissolve down into the soil to reach the plants.
Nitrogen compounds in fertilisers
Reacting ammonia with oxygen and then water produces nitric acid.
Nitric acid can itself be reacted with ammonia to form an ammonium salt (a common compound found in fertilisers).
The salt ammonium nitrate is an especially good component of fertiliser as it has a high proportion of nitrogen per unit mass.
Preparing ammonium sulfate
Ammonium sulfate is an important component of fertiliser that can be made in the lab on a small scale, or in industry on a much larger scale.
Preparing ammonium sulfate - In laboratory
Ammonium sulfate can be made in the lab by reacting ammonia solution with dilute sulfuric acid in a titration. You can make most fertilisers using this titration method just choose the right acid (nitric, sulfuric or phosphoric) and alkali (ammonia or potassium hydroxide) to get the salt you want.
Preparing ammonium sulfate - In laboratory - method
Here’s how you can make ammonium sulfate in the lab:
- Set up your apparatus as shown. Add a few drops of methyl orange indicator to the ammonia solution it should turn yellow.
- Slowly add the dilute sulfuric acid from the burette into the ammonia solution, until the yellow colour just changes to red. Gently swirl the flask as you add the acid. Go especially slowly when you get close to the end point. Methyl orange is yellow in alkalis, but red in acids, so this colour change means that all the ammonia has been neutralised and you’ve got ammonium sulfate solution.
- The ammonium sulfate solution isn’t pure it’s still got methyl orange in it. To get pure ammonium sulfate crystals, you need to note exactly how much sulfuric acid it took to neutralise the ammonia, then repeat the titration using that volume of acid, but no indicator.
- To get solid ammonium sulfate crystals, gently evaporate the solution (using a steam bath) until only a little bit is left. Leave it to crystallise then filter out the crystals and leave them to dry.
Preparing ammonium sulfate - In industry
The method above isn’t used to make ammonium sulfate in industry. It’s impractical to use burettes and steam baths for large quantities of reactants, and using crystallisation to produce solid ammonium sulfate is too slow.
The industrial production of ammonium sulfate usually has several stages, as the ammonia and sulfuric acid have to be made from their raw materials first. Ammonia is made using the Haber process and sulfuric acid is produced using a process called the Contact process. One industrial method to produce ammonium sulfate uses a large reaction chamber filled with ammonia gas. Sulfuric acid is sprayed into the chamber where it reacts with the ammonia to produce ammonium sulfate powder.
Chemical cells
Chemical cells are electrochemical cells that produce a voltage across the cell until one of the reactants has been used up. A fuel cell is a chemical cell that’s supplied with a fuel and oxygen (or air) and uses the reaction between them to efficiently release energy