5.3 - Grammaire Les verbes pronominaux au présent Flashcards
Pronominal verbs are used when the subject
does the action and also receives the action.
The subject of the verb is both
the subject and object. The subject does the action to him/her/itself.
Pronominal verbs are always used with…
A reflexive pronoun
Se laver (to wash yourself)
Je me lave
Tu te laves
Il/Elle/On se lave
Nous nous lavons
Vous vous lavez
Ils/elles se lavent
Some pronominal verbs have a reciprocal meaning
the subject does the action to himself/herself.
to stop
se coiffer
to do your hair
se coucher
to go to bed
se détendre
to relax
to get dressed.
se laver
to wash
se lever
to get up
se peigner
to comb your hair
se préparer
to get ready.
se raser
to shave
se reposer
to rest
se réveiller
to wake up
Tous les matins, je me réveille à 7 heures, je me lève, je me lave et je m’habille.
Every morning I wake up at 7, I get up, I wash and I get dressed.
Mon ami se lève à midi et se prépare rapidement.
My friend gets up at noon and gets ready quickly.
Some pronominal verbs have a reciprocal
the subject and the object do the action to each other.
to love each other
se connaître
to know each other
to kiss each other
se rencontrer
to meet
se disputer
to quarrel
se quitter
to leave each other
Finally, some verbs are pronominal for no apparent reason.
to have fun
to be named
se débrouiller
to manage
se dépêcher (de)
to hurry
s’entendre (avec)
to get along (with)
s’intéresser (à)
to be interested in.
se marier (avec)
to get married (to)
s’occuper (de)
to take care of
se passer
to happen
se souvenir (de)
to remember
se sentir bien
to feel good
se sentir mal
to feel bad
n the negative, the NE is placed
before the reflexive pronoun and the PAS is placed after the verb.
Nous ne nous couchons pas tôt le samedi.
We don’t go to bed early on Saturday.
Elle est malade, elle ne se sent pas bien.
She is sick, she does not feel good.
When making an inversion question,
the pronoun will stay at the start of the sentence while the subject will be
placed after the verb.
Te réveilles-tu tôt le matin ?
Do you wake up early in the morning?
Do you know each other?
The infinitive of a pronominal verb is always given with the
neutral pronoun SE
But when the infinitive is used in a sentence, the pronoun must
match the subject of the conjugated verb.
se lever
Je dois me lever tôt demain.
I have to get up early tomorrow
se rencontrer
Nous allons nous rencontrer au café sur Broadway.
We are going to meet at the cafe on Broadway.
se disputer
Vous ne devez pas vous disputer.
You must not argue.
When a pronominal verb is used with a body part, you must
use a definite article in front of the noun and not a
possessive adjective.
Je me lave souvent les mains
I wash my hands often.
Les enfants se brossent les dents avant de dormir
The children brush their teeth before sleeping.
Tu dois te brosser les cheveux.
You must brush your hair.